222003 2 2z- ^ vd 3 'Council File No. 222003—By Frank L. k Loss— � Resolved, That upon the petition of �Arlington Realty Company, that public alleys hereinafter described be and the i �same hereby are vacated and discon-� k tinued as public alleys,viz.: I "Z'he alley in Block 20, Gurney High-r land Park from the Water Depart- � ment rlght-of-way to Nebraska Ave- nue; the alley in Block 19, Gurney Iiighland Pazk, from Nebraska Ave- � nue to a line drawn parallel to and I 20 feet south of the extended north- erly lines of Lots 7 and 18, in said k ,Block 19, and the portion of East � Nebraska Avenue lying between the extended east and west lines of the ;.,,•alleys in Blocks 19 and 20, Gurney p',FIighland Pazk, which are reserved °for alley purposes under Councll Flle No.217428,approved Aprll 7,1984;" subfect'expressly to the Pollowing con- ditions and reservations: . 1.that the vacation be subject to all � the terms and condiUons of Section 228 of the Leglslative Code regulat- • 1 ing the procedure and prescribing I conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and high- ways in the City of Saint Paul; i 2.that the portions`of alleys to be vacated be described as follows: the e alley in Biock 20, Gurney I3lghland � i Park, from the Water Department ! right-of-way to Nebraska Avenue; the alley in Block 19, Gurney Iiigh- � land Park,from Nebraska Avenue to a line drawn pazallel to and 20 feet � south of the extended hortherly lines of Lots 7 and 18, in said Block 19, i and the portion oP East Nebraska ' 'Avenue lying between the extended � east and west lines of the alley� in { BIocks 19 and 20, Gurney Highland ; Pazk, which are reserved for alley I purposes under. Council File No. 217428, approved April�7, 1984: � 3.that the petitio�ers dedicate for al- ley purposes tHe west 14 feet of the north 20 feet of Lot 7 and the east 14 feet of the north 20 feet of Lot 18, in Block 19, Gurney Highland Park; 4.that an easement for slopes,cuts and fills be reserved in the portion of the alley vacated to cover the possibility that the remaining alley may be im- proved; 5.that the petitioners pay to the City the sum of $200.00 as compensation, for the vacation and provide the City with a bond in the amour�t of §1,000.00. Adopted by the Council February 19, 1965. � Approved February 19, 1985. (February 27, 1985)