222003 2 2z- ^ vd 3
'Council File No. 222003—By Frank L.
k Loss—
� Resolved, That upon the petition of
�Arlington Realty Company, that public
alleys hereinafter described be and the i
�same hereby are vacated and discon-�
k tinued as public alleys,viz.:
I "Z'he alley in Block 20, Gurney High-r
land Park from the Water Depart-
� ment rlght-of-way to Nebraska Ave-
nue; the alley in Block 19, Gurney
Iiighland Pazk, from Nebraska Ave-
� nue to a line drawn parallel to and
I 20 feet south of the extended north-
erly lines of Lots 7 and 18, in said
k ,Block 19, and the portion of East
� Nebraska Avenue lying between the
extended east and west lines of the
;.,,•alleys in Blocks 19 and 20, Gurney
p',FIighland Pazk, which are reserved
°for alley purposes under Councll Flle
No.217428,approved Aprll 7,1984;"
subfect'expressly to the Pollowing con-
ditions and reservations: .
1.that the vacation be subject to all �
the terms and condiUons of Section
228 of the Leglslative Code regulat- •
1 ing the procedure and prescribing
I conditions for the vacation of public
grounds, streets, alleys and high-
ways in the City of Saint Paul;
i 2.that the portions`of alleys to be
vacated be described as follows: the
e alley in Biock 20, Gurney I3lghland �
i Park, from the Water Department
! right-of-way to Nebraska Avenue;
the alley in Block 19, Gurney Iiigh-
� land Park,from Nebraska Avenue to
a line drawn pazallel to and 20 feet
� south of the extended hortherly lines
of Lots 7 and 18, in said Block 19,
i and the portion oP East Nebraska
' 'Avenue lying between the extended
� east and west lines of the alley� in
{ BIocks 19 and 20, Gurney Highland
; Pazk, which are reserved for alley
I purposes under. Council File No.
217428, approved April�7, 1984:
� 3.that the petitio�ers dedicate for al-
ley purposes tHe west 14 feet of the
north 20 feet of Lot 7 and the east
14 feet of the north 20 feet of Lot
18, in Block 19, Gurney Highland
4.that an easement for slopes,cuts and
fills be reserved in the portion of the
alley vacated to cover the possibility
that the remaining alley may be im-
5.that the petitioners pay to the City
the sum of $200.00 as compensation,
for the vacation and provide the
City with a bond in the amour�t of
Adopted by the Council February 19,
1965. �
Approved February 19, 1985.
(February 27, 1985)