222596 .. . ` T � . . Grade Gnd7S�9rface ������ Council File No........�............._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and s � � PRELIMINARY ORDER. ; Theundersignedhereby proposeathemakingofthefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,via.: Grade and_,surface..v�i.th_bitumi_nous__materi_al___the__alley__in__Block 2�__Morton's 2nd. Add. from Wheelock ........... ---------•---••------------------------------ Parkwax.,to,.�0_5._feet westerly_._.Al.so._constructing__a__sewer for,.storm___.water...purposes .f�om the alley ----- -------- •---•---•-••-•---•--..... ------------- • -----. ..._ to E. �i4Y.�.._Qvg._,i_n._�n__ea�ement._to be_.obtaingd_,on,,_ under and across the westerly._4_.feet_of Lot 7, --.....-- ---•----•------•---••------------------•-------------.....------•- -• -- •--•- Block 2, Morton�s 2nd., Addition. ..............................................•--------•--.....------•-----•--...--------------..._....--•-------..............._..._---•------........--------..�.-----.....--•-•------•--•--- Dated thie----••23rd...._..day of.March-----•--•--------------•-•---.........-•--••--•-------...... ..., 19 b5 , � ----- -- �.__ �. ............... - C cilman. , PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malflng of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and_surface with bituminous material the alley i_n B1ock 2, Morton's 2nd. Add. from Wheelock ----•-- ------ --- -- -------••------•---•-----....__---•--•----- . . ._ :..._._......._._..._.. ParkwaX._to._20� feet westerly.._..Also__constructi.ng..a__sewer..for__storm_water_.purposes_.from_,the alley -- ---- ----------•-•-----.._... _ to E. boy.t...AY��.--•i.n._.ar�..��.s�n�.nt---�o._��..Qh.�ai.n�d-•�na--und�r....and..�cr.o�s---�.h�.:�ce�t�r.1-X--!�--f_�..�:�...Qf._Lot 7, B1ock �s_.Morto[l!�--�!1�__:_.A�C1.��t!_oRr-------------------------------------------------------•-------------------------------•----•-------...-•------------------......----- - - - ... - _— _ . -- "- _ --� — ' - - , _ _ �._. .._ hav ng been presented to the Council of�the City of Saint�Paul..............._.._....._..______............_.....__.._....___......_._...._...___ therefore, be it � . RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public �Vorka be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveatigate the neceseity for, or desirability of, the mal�ng of said improvement. � 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. � 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Co,�q�esioner of flnance. MAR 2� ��� " Adopted by the Council--------------•-----...-•---------------.........--•--•-----•--....._...... Y�''a 19� ��� Councilman Dalglish , , Holland •Approved--------------------- --------------------------__.._...----••---......._ �. Loss • Meredith � Peterson /� �� � � � ��."_"" ..........................•-• ----. A�l!`=�-`-�'`�_....:._..---._....� Ma. PaESin�rrr Vavoulis , � � Mayor. a000 �-ss . sHE� . MAR 2 7 �965 EUBIJ