222576 - � �� ��7� �ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �/,!. . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "`'w � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 ' ►RESENTED 6Y l COMMISSIONE �� DATE P1larch 19� 196rJ / RF�OLVEDr That, the Council herebq concura in the awards of the Purchasing Committee therePor and hereby awards contracts for furnishing the Department of Pub�ic Works with the followi.ng approximate quantities of Aggregates during period from April 1� 1965 through I�arch 31� 1966: BRYAN DRESSER TRAp R(?,CK, INC. - 10,200� tons Rock for Asphaltic Concrete S'learing Course and 3000 tons Stone Chips - for the contract price of approximately . ,� � � „ f x � $45�796.00 . CIII'ISI'ONE PRODUG'rS CO1I�ANY - 18,200 tons Gravel,. 5�00 tons Sand and 5000 tons Stabilized Gravel Base - for the contract� price of approximately . . .s � � s � . +� • � a s $�a875s� ; IDWARD HIt�fEN�R & SONS, INC. - 1F67 tons Class B L3meatone Aggregate - -f ; for the contract price of approximately , , �, � � . s . � „ s � � , .� « , „ ,, * $4200�,90 T. A,�SCHIFSKY & SONS� INC. - 21,000 ton�lass_5 Stabilized Granel Base - for the Cantx'aCt priCe of Approximately * � • e• � � � � • �a �► � ,r a a e-r�._�e $27�4`.,Oe00 J. L. SHIELY COMPANY - 300 tons Mineral Filler, 833 tons Limestone Aggregate� 43,�100 tons Sand - f�r the con�tact price of approximately + , „ � g „ � � � * ��830„95 all in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal B3d #1156 of said bidders� theq being the lowest reasonable and reliable biddersr and �he Corporation Counsel be and hereby is author32ed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the V proper City officials hereby are authorized to executQ said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint paul�, . __ _ _ _ � • Formal Bici �fi1156m � �AR 19 �6� COiJNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ' �pR �.� �� Holland Approve� 19— Loss � Favor Meredith Peterson /� - MSyOr �QSC4� � Against Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED �R 2 0 I�� ion� e-es � pUrLIGTt TO MIINT[R �i• )���� ClTY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ` ���� . OFF{CE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RF�SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM�MISSI NE� DA� Ywl'C� Z�! Z�ES _ R�ffiOLV�� 'T7i.Q'E th� Cp11�a,011 h�.T�b�► COaCIU'� i#! t]l� aw�td/ q� t.Hs �tC�auil�; COrittN thir��Or and h�qr�b� a�asMa c�tracta tor ietrni.ibim� Y.he Dop�rta��at �! Publid Norlc� with th� �ollauia� ��proxfrt,� qu�nti.�ies �t A�ra�at.ss dciri� �ied trv� �rii 1� 1D85 throu� l�tarch 91i 19�s A�YAN �t�8�t �At� ROC�� IN�C.. - 10�,�00 �oa� Rock for A�pheltio Coacr�t� 1Nrari.� Coa,rss e�d � to�s Sto� Chip� - !or th� aoutraot �Sic� oi approa�i�tml� s � . • • � • . #45a796�00 C�i� PAODUCTB �01�AtiT' - ],��20p toas tira►eli SlQ00 to� 8�nd aad 6000 toa� Slaibili.��l G!rltwl 8e1s• - to�' �hs �at.X'�ti'E priG oi' it�eproxi�t�ly • � • �_ � �r s • � ♦ w s � ;�s�75�00 �MARD t�AS�R i► ��,, I1�C. - �.867 tc� �lasa B Liwstoae l�rKats - f'or th� ctOlr►t�aCt �t'10� O! �ppl'OZidat�l� s � • • � • * � • • • s • � • s • • • s �'��00�40 T. A. $RiIF�f�Y i� 8q3�� I!!C„ - 27.�,000 to�s @lara 8 �tsbilir�d (�ra��l Hase - for th� C 04t1'aCt �rios oi a�Ot4oC31�11ti1� s • � • �. s • . • . �► • e► �. � � � + �� _�7��lf0�00 J• L• �II�I.? C�O�@.AI�tY - 30� xo�s ld3n�ra1 !'iller� 889 tc�s �i.�ssto� �ss�►t�� 4��10U '��ss ��md - �or th� c��aat pria� ot +apprdxilrt�l� • • � w „ * e �� • � �45s880,95 all ia accord�� 1iri.tlo C�,ty �p�oiticatiotas th�r�ior ��to att�oh�d amd �h� 1�'or�l Bid A�115Ei o! saiid bid�r�, tb�y bai.a� th� lo�wt r�soaabl� asd r�].iabl� bidd�r end th� Corpormtioa Ccatm�el ba and h�eb� is a�ther�ed to drs� �p the pro�r i�sw ot coatr�ct tl�r�ic�rs e�nd tlss pro�r �ity olilcisls ]�seby ar� etttheri$�d to �z�cttt• Miel oostraota on b�hsli' ot th� Cit� o! 8�iat papl. . . l�ar�1 Bid #�1168, . ' MA� 19 � - COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays naiglisb �AR 19 ���� Holland Approved 19— � Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pecersoa Q �yor ��`� A 881n3t Mr. President, Vavoulis ios[ �-a