222573 r • Counoil File No......���� . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT . f and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,via.: ��OPen, widen and extend the alley in Block 2, Morton's Second Addition to the .....__-------------------•---•-•------.....-------------•---........--•--•------------•---..................---...-------------......----------.................... __.�i ty_._of_.Stz..Paul=_.Ramsey_..Co.__Mi nnesota,.by__taki_ng._and..condemni_n�__for turn-around ----------•••- �purposes___the north 16 ft, of the west 16 ft. of Lot 8�_B1 ock _2 i n sai d addi ti on. ---------- ••-- -•-• ----• ----- •--• --•-• ----- ..... .�.. ..--- ---------••--•--.._..-•--------------------•--• ---•---•.......................�.._....---._.....-•-------..........._.._..-•-•---------------------.._.�....._......_._............__................-----............---........____......_._ Dated thie------19th.........day of..---•---=----•---•-•--•-•--••--•-March....-•............... .......... 19 ..65 � � --------� �-- - - --- --•------------ - - ---- - --- � �Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' � . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _„Open,�__wi den_and__extend the..al_1 ey_ i n_B1 ock 2� Morton's Second Addi ti on to the ...... . ...-• --------•--------------------•--•-•----------------._._.. ` -----�:i��C..4f_..5�....P.au1.s...Rdm�ey....�o.�...M:l.t?0�$Q��...�x..tak7.P.�_.�nd._condemni ng..for.--turn.-around-----, _...p�_��o�.��...�ha..x�Qr.�.h.__l.�_..f.t�..Q.f._.th�..xc���...l�..f.��---Qf.__.LQt--$x.._�l_4�k_.�.:i n_.�ai d.addi ti on.---- .......................•----........_._.........................-•-•----------------•------------------.......------------•--------•-•---•--•-------•---•-------..............---•-----......_._.. having been presented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..................._. !✓::.-::�.=::__.'.� '�' - ---•-----•---------•--•-------•-----�- - r-" therefore, be it _ _� .._ �� � _- _. - —�' - -" `_ � • �'- ' � ,.� __� _,_,,,_.-.. RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direated: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. �. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. , , � 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiseioner of Finance. � � � MAR 19 ���� Adopted by the Council......................................••-•-----••--•------•--•-•--..._...... . . - , _�,- - Y�es �, � -� - ' M� 18 1� � Councilmanr D'alglish � � Holland Approveci.----•--------------- ----------------------•------•--•-....._..........._ - � Loss . � : Meredith : . s Peterson � , � .�.8.,e.n._ .� . ._.----•-- ---•---._ . ....................•-•-----_...._...........r.y..__....___. _ � M$. Panstn�rrry Vavoulis � Ma or. • 3000 T-b4 � . , z PUBLISHED M�R 2 71� x = ' � �