222557 ';' 22�5�'� ORI(i1NAL TO CITY GLEWK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED BY ��,�e�- ff�� ' — COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, Residents and property owners on Fernwood Avenue between Larpenteur Avenue and 300 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue have petitioned for needed sanitary sewer service, and WHEREAS, Because of the area topography, the City of Saint Paul cannot provide sanitary sewer service to the residents of St. Paul along said portion � of Fernwood Avenue without the construction of a sanitary lift station, and WHEREAS, .The Village of Roseville has a public sanitary sewer manhole , and gravity sewer that is located at the intersection of Larpenteur Avenue and Fernwood Avenue, and WHEREAS, Said Village sanitary sewer system is tributary to an existing sanitary sewage pump station located at Fernwood Avenue and approximately 200 feet north of Larpenteur Avenue, and WHEREAS, Said Village gravity sewer and pump statfon have been determined by the Village Engineer to have sufficient excess capacity to accept the proposed Saint Paul sanitary sewer in Fernwood Avenue and therefore could be used as an outlet for the additional sanitary sewage from said Saint Paul sewer, and � - ' - '' - -__- - - -- - - • -- - � - 1,�HEREAS, The Roseville Village Officials have expressed some concern that the granting of permission by said Village to connect through their system could complicate and jeopardize current negotiations for change in the basis �or sewer charges, therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul hereby grants full and unqualified assurance to the Village of Roseville that the Village approval of the Saint Paul Fernwood sewer hook-up to the Village sanitary sewer system shall in no 'way jeopardize or adversely affect rate negotiations now in progress. ,/� � MAR 181965_ COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �HAR 18 1965 Dalglish � Holland A proved 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith . ` . Peterson U Mayor A gainst �esen. Mr. President, Vavoulis � ,o� a„a, PUBLISHED MAR 2 0 ��� � ������ DUrLl�T6 TO rRIHT[R , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /RESENTED �Y �I�,.� �Q�� COMMISSIONE� DA� — • '�1��� �S�tida�xs and pr�rty owASr#� o� Fsr�awood Nvsqw b�twraa f.arp�tsuw Avinr� a�d 300 fs�t sout� of lar�ents�� Mr�►� bav� petiEio�ad for rr�dsd �ah i tary s�r :srv ic�, a�d �Il�. Mcai��c• of the �r�a topnqr�lpqy, �h� C��y ofi ��ic�t �aui �aar�ot pi�ovid� sa�ltary saw�sr ssryiu to ths re�idspts of 3E. �aul �ionq �aid portioc� ot° F�rnwood /4vet�ur wrtbout �h� co{ast�atto� of � sawltarry 1'ift sta�ion, a�d f�El1�, Ti�s Y i 11 aga af i�los�iv�1 i� �as a pub 1 i c saia 1 tary ss�r �uala4l� �Ad �ravit�► s�wr that is locat�d �t �b� intsrssctiori of I.�rpa�t�ur Av�� ip� �iii'F1►Ad� A1IN1�.1d� iPid 1�d��AB, �a�d VJIIagN ;anitary tsw�r systM Is trlbutarr to an �xlstiny sar�itarY sew�rgs pua�p station tocet�d at 'Fsrwwood Av�us �F►d appro�ciisatsly 200 faet riorth of �,arp�ntsur Avswu�� +�d �I�A�, �eid Yilia�gs gpawity sswrr and pu�p statfoa hav� i�o deterstr�sd by tf�s �i11a�s EAyin�r to bav� ��fficts�t sxc�s� c�pacit�r to .accspt th� proposed $a��ti Rau1 s�nitary sswrr ,i� �►�r��wod Av�ur and th�r�fo�� co�ld i�s used a� �� out1�E fow tlae addit,io�ai s�itary *�w�g� fro� �ald �aint ��ai ssw�sr, and , i�t,�S, Th+ �,osmvi i 1� !tf 1 lag� B�Ff iciais b�vs sxp��s���i sarr concere� th�t �h� qraa�iny of pvt�aissi� by said �il�ag� �o co�nec� t�arou�b �thalr sys�� could cc�pi icmt� and jaopardizs curtsc�t nsqo�ia��CloAS fa,r r,1�s�gs in the bas�a +�or s�wer c�iarg�s, thsrefor� b� i t, flE�l.VEB�; Th�� �ha G�ty CouACil 'of �i�t �aai �reby 9r�nts full and unqwl i�t�d ass�rar►c� to tbe �i i 1a9s of �,as�vi i 1• tbiat tl�e 'Vi i l.a�s apP�o�ra1 of tbs �ain� :�aul �s�awvod ss�wr iaootc-mp to ths Vi11aq� sspitary s�+we� sy�t� sl�all ir� no wsy ,jeop�rdiz� or aifve�s��ly aft�ct rat• wsgo�iattoas �aw �q proqress. � MAR 181965 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council . 19— Yeas Nays • Dalglish ��R � � ��� Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor . Meredith Peterson � MAyOr A gainat ,�� Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-�