05-970Council File #
Green Sheet #
Presented By:
Referred To: � Committee:Date:
1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached
2 agreement with the United States Department af Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, to
3 participate in an Organized Drug Enforcement Task Foree.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Aate: a�(ye; i�,�p0�'
Fo i► � ved by City glttorney:
Adoption CertiT by Council Secretary:
BY� � a��i� /l��i��� _
Approved b�1�I yor: Date: ` � `�c�
�/ l �����'/�'/.L'i�"
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
OS- 97a
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiatetl:
PD — Po>>ce�amm�c 29 Green Sheet NO: 3028230
Contact Perso 8,,Phone• DeoartrneM SeM To Person InitiailDate
Todd AMeil ���� M����'►�c 0 li D nt Po'ce en
Z6rs9Z� A55ign 1 olice De a ent De a ent Direct r
Must Be on Councii f�enda by (Date): Number Z � � me __ �
ROUting 3 or's Office M or/As i nt
Ofdef 4 o al C un il
5 Clerk Ci Clerk
6 o'ce D a nt li e De a en
Total # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Signatures required on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paui, Police Deparanent, to enter into the attached
agreement with the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Persona� Service Contrects Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firzn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
, current ciry employee?
Yes No
� Explain all yes answers oo separate sheet and attach to green sheef
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Wbat, When, Where, Why): , �
The Saint Paul Police Department wiIl be reimbursed for sal'ary and overpme hours for officers assigned to the DEA-Task Force.
Adventages If Approved:
Opportunity to work with outside agency to combat trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs.
DisativantaGeslfApproved: oC� � � 20Q�
�' e 6 �����ffi���
DisativanWges If Not Approved:
I,oss opportunity to work with outside agency to combat nazcotics and dangerous drugs ffafficking.
Total Amount of � _ „A . � ^ � e -- , �
Trensaction: �,(1( �'�Q)�U.i'(J�.rA°S1Revenue Budgeted:
Fundinq Source: U�ItBd St2tes ActiviriNumber: 001-04000
Fina�c�a� mformation: Department of Justice ��"�� �����r�� �an
(Explainj ���� �
9CT 12 20�
05`- 4'7a
This agreement is made this 30th day of Segzember, 2005, between the United States
Deparcxr.ent of Jus�ce, Drug Enforcament Administration {'nereafter "DEA"}, and the St. Paa2 Police
Department (hereafter "DepartmenY�.
W�IEREAS there is evidenca that traffickirg in narcatics and dangerous drugs exists in
the Minneapolis-St. Paul DEA District Office's area of respansibility which includes the State af
Minnesota and Western Wisconsin and that such illegat activity has a substantial and detrimentat
effect on the heatth and general v�reIfaze of the people of Minnasota and Wisconsin, the parties
hereto agrae to ihe following:
i. The DEA Task Force wilI perform the activiiiss and duries desczibed belo�.v:
a. ciisrupt the illicit drug traffic in Minnesota and Westerci Wisconsin
by immobilizing targeted violatoxs and trafficking organizations;
b. gather an�3 report intelligence data reflattng to the traffacking in.
nazcotics and dangarous drugs; and,
c. conduct undercover operations where appropriate and engage in other
txaditional methods of investigation in ordez that che Task Force's activities
resuit in effective prosecution before the courts of t�ie'United Siates and
I3isttict Courts of ihe States af Minnesata snd Wiscansin.
2, To accomplish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, the Department agraes to detail
three (3) experienced offcers t� ihe DEA Task Force for a period of not less than two (2) Years.
During this �Seriod of assignmesit, the afficer wiil be under ch� direct supervision and conirol of
I3EA supervisory pea'sosutel assigned to the Task �orce.
3. T`�e DegaRm.ent's off cer assigned to the Task Force shall adhere to all DEA policies
and pro�edures. Fa:luze t� adhere to DEA poflicies and proceciures shall be grounds for dismissat
from tk°=e Task Force.
4. The Depazmient's o�cer assigned to the Task Foree shali be d�utized as a Task
Force Officer of DEA gursuani to Titie 2i U.S.C. Section 878_
5. To accomglish the objectives of the DEA Task Force, DEA wiil assign a minimu.n of
thaee (3) Special Agents to the Task Force. DEA will also, subject to availability of annuaZly
oS - 9�a
apgrop:iatcd fun�s or any coatinuir.g resolution thereof, provide necessary funds attd equipment
ta supgort the zc�vitiea of the DF h Special Agents an� T.�ep�znt a£ficers assigned to tize ?ask
F�ce�. T;�is suppon will inciude: u#iice s�ace, affice equipment axrd supplies, clericai s�.ap�ort,
�rarel fi:nds, fands fer gurchase of evidence ar,d information, in*rastigarive e�auipment trairir_g,
t�.*ds fer oLertime c�sts described beio�, gaso?ine, oiI and oil changes for the I}epar�ment
ow�ned vwh.icies that ar� utilized by the Task Force �ffrcers for Task Force activities, and other
suppa:� i:ems.
b. Duin� th.e per.od o: assigunent to the DEA Task For�e, the Departrnent u�ill remain
resgunsibte for establishing the saiary and benefits, inc?uding oaertime, of ths Department's
o�3cers assigned to the fiask Force, and for making ail payments due them. I3EA wilY, sabjacl to
avaiia6i?ity of furds, reimburse tYie Department for ovartime pa}�cnents made by it to tiae
Dep�rtniant's officezs assigned ta the DEA Task Pome for overtisr�e, up to a sum equivaleni to 25
pen:ent of t.�e salary of a G9-12; Step 1, Federal empinyee (currently �15,14A.00), per off�cer..
7. L-� no event wilt the Department charge any indirect cost rate to I�EA. for the
admarastratian or implemer:tati4n of this a�eemenS.
f�, The Uepartment shalt maantai.n, r,n a cuzrent basis, conplete and accurate rec�rds and
aicounts o£ ai1 abligataons and expend'atures of funds under etais ag�'eement i:� acc.ordance with
genera;ly ace�ted accounting principles �nd instr.acticrns pravided by I3�A to faciFitate on-site
inspect�on and auditing of such re�rds and a�counts.
9. 3`}ie Depamnent ska11 pecmit and have readily available far axami�aation and aad
by z7E<A„ tne United States Department of dustice, the Comptrnliar General of the United Statas,
a,~s�' any �f sheir auly authoriaed ag�nts and reprasentatives, aany and al1 recmrds, dacuments,
�cco4araCs, inv�ices, s°eceipis, or eapenditures relating to t6sis agreement. 'flae Departmeaat shall
;�ainYain axl such reports and re�ords untal ai� auu�its and their examinatians are complete� anti
res�lved, c+s for a period of chree (3) years after .eraaaination of th;s agreement, wh'schever is
ip, 'I'#ga ��arm�ei?t sha21 comniy wiYki Title V i of the Civil Rights Act af 1964, Sectimn
5�� �f tha Rehabiiitatian Act cr� 19 i�, tha r�snericans With Disabilities Act las :ncorparated axz
�ha C'idil Ri�hYs Rct cf 1991} �d atl requixeme;tts impased by or y�ursuant to the regrz�tation.c of
tha Usuted States Depar2mea; cf 3ustice implementing thqse iaws, 28 C.F.A. Part 42, Subp•args C
I7, and �.
11. Y'he Degartrraent agrees ttsai att authorizeei ofiice* or eznployee u�ll execute and re�unz
±o ;3ER Et`�e adtached OJP Forcn 4Cb 1�5, Certif catior, Regazding Labbyang: Debazmeart,
5izspension and t)�th�r Responsi'�ilit}< MaCers; an�i Drug-Free Workglace itec�wiremerts. The
Departmenr zcl�owiedges that tiais a�c°eement �viil n�t. take effect �� rio Federal fun3s u�il be
aw�cde� tc the Degartmea�t by DEA �:ntil the completed vertificario;z is received.
I2. When issuing statemer�ts, Press reirases, requ�sts far pmposals, bid sali�itat�ons, �d
c3Ther doc�.unents describing pmjects cr pro�'ams fwlde� in wt�cle �r in par[ with Federal money,
os- 9 7a
Th2 Denartme:lt shaIl clearly state: (11 tt�e gercentage of the toszi cosY of the program or
project which wiIl be 5nanced with federa; money and (2) the deltat azaaunt of federal
fun3s for :he project or program.
13. The tem of tlus agreement shall be from the date of sigaature by
representah.ves of both parties to September 3Q 2406. 'I'his agreement may be terminated
by either party on thirty (3fl} days advance written nc�tice. Billings for a,1 autstanding
obligations mvst be received by DBA within ninety {90) days of the date of termination
of this agreement. DEA wili be responsibie only for abligations incuned by� the
Department's officer during the term of this agreement.
Par fihe Drug
Richazd W. Sanders, Stseci� Agent in Chazge
Chicago FieldtDiv'ssion / `
For,�he St.
GG� ��l �z�� rl'a�rc �
For the St.
, ( , �ar the Office of Financial Services �
i�� ``