222547 OR1qNAL TO CITY CLHRK ����� / , ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� ° •' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE , DATE MarCh �-�-• 1�5 RSSOI,VED, That the Council here'by concurs i.n the award o� the Purchasing Co�Lttee therefor, and hereby award.s contract for �,i.rnishirig a.nd delivering to the Departmsnt of Public Works, Bureau o� Municipal Equipment, 891 16orth Dale Street, Saint Paal, Minnesota,, Ten Dodge D-600, 23,OOO�G.V.W. Truck Chassis w3.th La Hass Dump Bodies and PerPection hoists, to 1�III�TAY DODGE� IftC. in accordance t�th City specifications therefor hereto atta,ched and the Fozmal Bid #112�+ of said Miclway Dodge, Inc. for �the price oP $37,150.00 less allawance �or s3,x 1957 Ford.s, Model F7�0, Ser. no's F75N7H2�+953, �'75N7��9�+9, F75N'(82�+95�, F'75N7H2�+9?+8, .F'75N'(H2�+952, F'75N7H2�+950, City ftos. 3�,3,�+,5,6,7 and �our 1957 Inttl, Model A182, Ser. Nos. SA59o3�+, �59039, � 59�� �d SA6182o, City Nos. 328, 9, 30 and 31,- $�+,250.00, making net am�unt of cas�tra,Ct $32,g00•00, such bid 'being �the larest and said Midway Dodge, Inc. being a reasona.ble and reliable bi�.3er,'Tand the Corpora.tion Counsel be�and hereby is d3rected to draw up- the �roper - �ozm of contract therefor and the proper City officials are hereby aut,horized to execute said contra.ct on behalf o� the City of Sa,int Paa.l. Forma.l Bid #112�+. _ � MAR 1� 1965 COLJNCILIv�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays Dalglish MAR 1719� Holland ' ppx'oved 19— Loss % Tn Favor Meredith " Peterson � MAyOr ��II� A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis �� � �� � iont aaa DUr111CATt TO MIINT[R 2����i� 7 j � CIN O� ST. Pd�U� FOEHCIL NO `f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RFSOLIJTION--C ENERl�L FORM rR�reo.r 2+�ch 11 1965 COMMISSIONER DA� � — � �OLYSD, That the Council hereby coneurs in thes a�rarc'� o� t'hs Purchasing Caffittee therePor, and hereby �cw�.rd.s corttract �or furnishing and del.i.vering to the Depext�nt oY Pub13c Wo�ks� Buxeeu o� Muniaipal S�g,uipmexe-�, 89a: �orth n�e stre�t, Saint �au].a Mt�eeota, Ten Dodge D-600, 23,OOf}f�B.Y.W. Truck Chas�is �tl.th Ia Ha�� D�aap Eodi.es $nd Perfect3.a�n hoista, to �l�WAY DOD(��� INC. 3n accvz�lauace wI'� City speciPl.cations �theref'or hereto �,ttached and the �'ormal. Bi,d �112� of eaid �d�,y Dodge, �nc. �or the pMGe of $37,�So.00 less ,a�.].�wence �or ��.x �95'T Forag, �del �'750, Ser. no�s l�'7��+95�, ���+9�+9, I'�1��951r �'f5��+9�+8, F7'��952� P7��9�� c3ty xos, 3�,����5,6,7 ana �our i957 int�i, l�odel �i18�, ser, Nos. �A59o3�, �59039, � 59� ana sA6a 820, City Nos. 3�, 9s 30 and 31,- �+,254.�0, �naking net �unt o�' c aa�xa�t �3�,9�•�p such b3d bl�3.ng t1�e 1vFrest and said I�LidKa►Y Doc.�ge, It�. being �, ree,eone,b].e a,nd relia.ble .V bidder, and the Corpor�.tl.on CQUt�s�l be and hereby is directed. to draar � tha px�par form of cor�tra�t t�er�for and the prop�sr City ofPiciaa.a are hereby at�thorized to execute aaid cao.tract aaa. behelf o� the City o� Saint Pea.l. Form81 Bid �J,.]��+. • M�� 171965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays MAR 17196� Dalglish Holland APPro�� 19— Loss Tn �i`���p Meredith Peterson � �AyOt A g�.li1S'� Mr. President, Vavoulis ions sas