222546 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ~ �2���� . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DA� �THEREAS� the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in remov- ing a dangerous structure at 500 West Central �venue� more particularly,� deseribed as: Lot �l, Block 12, Mackubin and ' Marehall' s -A�fldition to Saint Paul; and � WHEREAS� it appears that the last known record owners of the property are Mrs. Mollie Doroshow� 728 Hague Avenue� Saint Paul� Minnesota; Equity Capital Company� 430 First ,Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota; and 'Willie Page, 500 West Central .Avenue� Saint Paul� Minnesota; now� therefore� be it RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at 10 o'clock a.m. on the 6th day of April� 1965� to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul and to confirm the amotant thereof; and be it ,, FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Architect notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at their last known addresses. . F A VED , �lsst: Cotporation unsel " � MAR 17 �,965 COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays MAR 17 1955 ,- Dalglish " Holland � pproved 19_ Loss Tn FaVOr � _ Meredith � Pete rs on MByOr - A gainst ��� PUBLISHED MAR 2 0 fi� Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e-as DUrLICATE TOXRINT[R ? ������ v �, . CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE ClTY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt�! IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS� the City Architeet has requested the City Counail to hold � public hearing to eonsider any complaints about the expense inaurred by the City of Saint Paul in remov- ing a dangerous strueture at 500 West Central Avenue� more particularly d�scribed a�: Lo� 1� Bloak 12� Mackubin and , M�irehall' s addition to Saint Paul; and WHEREAS� it appears that �he last known reaord o�n.ers ot' th� property are Mrs. Mollie Doroshow� �28 Hague Avenue� 8aint Paul, Minnesota Equity Capital Company� 430 First Avenue Corth� MAnneapolis M�nnesota �.nd Willie Page, �00 West entral venue� 8a�nt Paul� M�nnesota; now� therefore� be it AESOLVED� Tha� the City Counail of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Couneil Chamber a� 10 o'aloQk a.m. on the 6th day of Apri1� 1965� to consider any complaints �.bout the eapense incurred by the City o#' Saint Paul �nd to aonfirm the amoun.t thereof; arid be it FDRTHER RESOLYED� That the City Architect notify by mail the record own�rs of the property �n question at their laat known addre�ses. MAR 17 �965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish MaR 17 �965 Holland Approved 19— Loss � Tn FBVOL' Meredith Peterson � �y� Against � �Mr. President, Vavoulis 1oM bfii � V V � � �: ��;# � , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cv"-� i7 � 7 � � .1'�'"`"� '` � Capital of Minnesota t,d`� • !;,i J,. � f � � 'Y � ���� - .. - � f � � .7"�L.= ' :� � 'a�� �� `- _ __ �:OF�p �IN.CS - - . �' �k� ' �i '�...'Lr' • 9 � ��'—�t_ i ,� � " !� i ' y� R �1 �� � , rl� 6.r��J. � ��L�! + ����.. ��J CIT y��� _�`= -~ r±r .e F - / � % J � ♦ti S- ��[[���Yp((��aa y .� v KL ' - � *•=�u � �yi �_ '. , ' � � ( � _ _� 1 Y ~ �\ _qY F `¢-;'S' a'{'N'��' • _= • r. • " ��{' .a lr .J ��� � .�'�� . ' ' 1 r �' � � �� � :r' ,� x, ` , s. ' , - � •i : ,., „y,,,F '.�- yy�y,,, - , r..�:tt^;.=.`Lrd' "r,'r .ti ;`,. i _ , ,. :� �t '� �r- - :��J, ° . v , . �h �h';•. , . �"'a'.y., . ?i� ,r�nc. /,ry �l. �" + �•`'�� ��i� %f ` ',�'2�ds._t^ ','�`'�'__ _ �` .'c, > :C �k„�'� .'�{['^�...��,��' �S }~ �� �L�L�:' - ?�:i�3s,:�•�:��i%��' C '��='.;'iT�[\'r-..1f` •�'W �` _ �y BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 March 15, 1965 '� Hon. Council ���� City of Saint Paul �� `?E� G�entlemen: A statement of expense has been filed with the City Clerk on this date for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 500 West Central Avenue, d.esc ib d as Lot l, Block 12, Mackubin �nd Marshall' s ]�ddition��owne�°b� Mrs. Mollie Doroshow, 728 Hague Ayenue, Saint Paul 4 Equity Capital Co. , 430 lst Ave. N.�, Minneapolis 1 Willie Page, 500 W. Central Avenue, S�nt Paul 3 In this matter the following resolutions were adopted by the City Council : • C.F. 217940, adopted by the Council May 5, 196� (published May 9, 196�) set a public hearing at 10 A.M. 'June 3, 1964. C.F. 218534, adopted by the Council June 5, 1964 (published June 13, 196�1) ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expenee of the owner, occupant, or other person in control there- of. C.F. 219233, adopted by the Council July 15, 196� (published July 18, 1964) directed the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings to enter the premises and wreck and remove the two story frame combination store and apartment building thereon, and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb, and adjoining property. CF 219881, adopted by the Council September 4, 1964 (published September 5, 1964) approved the aw,a;rd� of the contract for wreck- ing to Truck Crane Service Co. for the sum of $775.00 in accordance with specifications and Informal Bid No. 7349. C.F. 221762, adopted by the Council February 2, 1965 (published February 6, 1965 provided that the wrecking expense of $775.00 and expense o.f the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings in the amount of $62.20, making a total of $837.20, be � . .. -• , , „ r, , � � ' "r Pg. 2 paid out of Wrecking Buildings - Demolition Account of the General Fund 0976-256, and, in the event said sum proves col- lectible from the owner, same is to be credited to 0976-256, The building has now been satisfactorily wrecked and a regis- tered bill mailed to the owners. We are requesting that you hold a public hearing with ten days ' notice to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. The Council resolution confirming the expense should end with a directive to the City Clerk to file a statement of expense for the purpose of securing a lien on the property. rs tr y r Robert L. Ames CI TY ARCHI TECT RLA. .A