222545 , ORIOINAL TO CITY CLEqK_ , �����"� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF _ WHEREAS� the City Arehitect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in remov- ing a dangerous structure at 1799 Lincoln �lvenue� more parti- , _ cularly described as: Lot 19, Block 4, Elmer & Morrisants . Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park; and 'WHEREAS� it appears that the last knor�m record owners of the property are Stephen R. Grevich and Mary Martha Grevich� 1799 Lincoln Avenue, Saint Paul� Minnesota� Mrs. Mary �nlaugh� .� 5775 xugo Road� Saint Paul� Minnesota� with copies being sent to the Reverend Gast� Calvary Lutheran Church� 1514 Ramaley Street� White Bear Lake� Minnesota; now� th��efore� be it RESOLVED� That the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at 10 o' clock a.m. on the 6th ,day of April� 1965� to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED� That -the City ,&rchitect notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at their last known addresses. . FO ��/� Asst. Corporation Coun�el • MAR 17 �65 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays > � Dalglish - �'�R 1,� 1�6� r' ' Holland � pprove� 19— Loss � Tn Favor � Meredith ' b � Peters on M�tyOr • A►gS1IlSt �' ..A�e� ' � Mr. President, Vavoulis . PUBLISHED �A,R �� ��-� - ", lOM E-64 DIf}LICAT6 TO rRINT6R ~ �2��L�.� " f � rci�� j - ; CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCi� NO � � , OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt�! rRESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DA� . WHEREA3� th� City Arahiteat ha� requeated the City Couneil to hold a publ3,c hearing to Qonsidar any co�plaint� abou� the eapen�e ineurred by the City of S�►3nt P�ul in r�mov- ing a d�ngerous atruature at 1799 Lincoln Aven�.�� more parti.- aularly d�$aribed a�: Lc�t 19� Block 4� E1ffier 8c Morria�in' a rearr�nnge�m�nt of part of M�cale�t�r Park; �nd - WHEREAS, it app�ar� thst the 1.��t knoxn revord oxn.ers o!' the property are 8tephen R. arevich and Mary M�rtha ar�vieh� 1799 I,incoln Avenu�, Saint P�u1� Minn��ota�; Mra. Ma�ry Waugh� 5775 �ubo Road 9aiat Pa�ul� Minne�ota� wl.th copies being �ent ,� to the Reveren�d G�i�t� Ca�varg Luther�n Chureh� 1514 Re�m�ley Stre�t� White B�ar Lakey Minneeot�; now� there�ore� be it RESOLVED� That thm City Counail oP the City ot' Sdin� Paul hold a publia hsaring in the Counci.l Chamb�r at �" 10 o'alock a.m. on the 6th day ot Apri1� 1965, �o consider sny complaints a�bout the expen�s inaurr�d by the City of Saint Paul and to aon�irm the amoun� thereo�'; �nd b• it _ FtTRTHER RE30L�TED That the City Arahi�ea� no�if'y by mail �he reaord oWnera of �he pro�aarty in question at their la�t known �ddresae�. �AR�� 1965 COUNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �� Dalglish MAR 1 Holland Approv�l 19— � Loss Tn FBVOr Meredith Peterson � MAyOr A►g8in8t D___ Mr. Preside� nt�Vavoulis � �\ �o� � b � � � r . � ` � .` � Pg 2 and expense of the Department of Parks And Recreation And Pub- lic Buildings in���nnec�t�Q� w� �}e��ondemnation in tfie amount of $90.40, �aid"7� -�' o���ec-ki'ng Buildings-Demolition Account of the General Fund 0976-256, and, in the event said sum proves collectible from the owner, same is to be credited to 0976-256. _ The building has been satisfactorily vyrecked and a register- ed bill mailed to the owners. We are requesting that you hold a public hearing with ten days ' notice to consider any complaints about the expenses in- curred and to confirm the''amount. The Council resolution confirming the expense should end with a directiye to the City Clerk to file a statement of expense for the purpose of se- curing a lien on the property. . o rs tr ly � Robert L. s CI TY ARCHI TECT RLA. .A , ,� � �� �. : � I �� . � �s 3 � - , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �Y� ° Capital of Minnesota �``��„��'" _ J:�� �, , �� � � � ." F ��, � � �� ` , - � ��'�=�d' `�--��. -.,� - - :OF�P+.� � DII�GS�:� � '� �;.�'T�. � "��t@.�i�t _ •� --_��� , � '.� t s �— � ';,�.�.�;s.`�tc-- " "' ,�� � � � �0. � -- � 445 City���� ,��'' - ♦ _ +�__ . - _ _ _ �� — w�d.� ,. _ � r•:]L^ ���1�_LL T 4 ` �J _��� r y"r i•'�`- f?.i',._�� _ ` _ i�",�l! 1 f ' �!�s �y�� ��� � �' '�� �u � - � e`.¢ N i'Mi. � ' ' � . � ..��l�Tn - h VuW �9' �i��'<-Y� _.°'' _ , .,.�y�. .� '�� •'..• �":-,:�.�:a;'t�t '+� , � �`�`� r l� a ,�. . =-1 -�'�nt'�'� _ �- ;�'•Y�e.;-,�� •�, . ��'a,� r'��r �t;y�r � � . �4- `LnL�s -` _.��; �a_ ,�any �'':..k __ �> v� `� 1 � �y�s' .f: _.�;_. ` ,;' ' ;f '+13f1`�N� ` '� ��'�,�� `-�-' \ �`f� ��+'- - 'y�r �.,'�IL�l, •S . ,.. t��, • ��c.e:, �.1�.1�:- - i�,�, - o- i�3'+ + �' �p—'�-.�.�-�Ar'�� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 March 15, 1965 Hon. Council � � City of Saint Paul �� � Gentlemen: A statement of expense has been filed with the City Clerk on this date for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 1799 Lincoln Avenue, Saint Paul, described as Lot 19, Block 4, Elmer & Morrison' s �earrangement of�Rart of Macalester Park. This property is owned by Stephen R and Mary Martha Grevich, 1799 Lincoln Aye. , St Paul � Mrs. Mary Waugh, 5775 Hugo Rd. , Saint Paul 10 CC: Rev. Gast, Calvary Luth; Ch. , 1514 Ramaley St. , White Bear Lake, Minnesota In this matter the following resolutions we�e adopted by the City Council. • JC.F. 213861, adopted by the Council July 11, 1963 (published July 13, 1963) set a public hearing at 10 A. M. August 6, 1963. , C.F. 214272, adopted by the Council August 7, 1963 (published August 10, 1963) ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in con- tr.ol thereof. � C.F. 214609, adopted by the Council September 6, 1963 (published Septemberl4, 1963) directed the Commissioner of Parks And Recre- � ation And Public Buildings to enter the premises and wreck and remove the dwelling thereon, and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining proper- ty. C.F. 220291, ado ted by the Council October 8, 1964 (published � October 10, 1964� approved the award of the con-lract for wrecking to A. Kamish for the sum of $400.00 in accordance with specifi- cations and Informal Bid No. 7437. C.F. 221763, ado ted by the Council February 2, 1965 (published February 6, 1965� proyided that the wrecking expense of $400.00