222532 , i
S 1 opes ������
Counoil File No.........__._......_...
Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemaleingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the:City of 8aint Paul,vis.:
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Cond� m - � � —
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e ning"'and°taki°ng°an easemenf"in �he""1"and�necessary fo�.�'tlie'�sl�opes, cuts and`�i�T1�s;
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i ncl udi ng _ri�ht „of .remova'1 of 1 atera_l;,.s.upport_,f rom,sub'e,,t_;,1 and„-orr�'ema,i n.d�r_��ereof. .". �
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occasi'oned by excavati�ons ther_eof or`.,�construct,ion of..sl,op"es in .the gredjri'g, and- sur�fjacing ' ;��
wi<th...bi.tumi.nous:•mater-i al���the�-a__1`1 ey.�i n. �1 ocfc-�2; `Ht�me-Addi-ti on•=and-�B1 octc.�3';�,Wessel,-_!,s,;Addi ti�on
from the- north-south al l ey to Kennard Street;T� "� � ..�` _ .
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Dated thie---.....�I.th.......day of.....March�/............................................ .. . 19 ..65.
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� Councilman."'.:,,�.,�
WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement�dia.:
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Condemm ng and tek�ng an ,easeme'nt"i n=-�Fie'�Tand""necessar.y for��tiie�sl.opes;��cats and'`f�i T l.s;�;
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incluc�ing ,.right,_of, removal.,o,f,�, l;atera_l._suppo,r_t, fr,om.,subject l,and�,or remai.nder, thereof �°y •' ' +
- .•.,. �.i, .
occasi oned ,by excavati ons thereof or constr._ucti on of sl opes i n the gr.adi ng and, surfaci ng'.��� �
wi=th•�bi�tumino�s��mater-i-a1 tthe •�al�-1ey�;i�.n-B�l-ock-2,���Humes���'Addi=t.ion�_an�.��loc,k.�.3y��-Wes�el��-s.�Flddition�
fr.om�tlie�nor�th-south alley to Kennard Street'. ""
having been presented to the Coumoil of the City of Saint Paul..................._.........__..._.........._.._......_..............._.......,.._..
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and is hereby ordered and direoted: ,
1. To investigate the neceseity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement.
2.- To inveatigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. .
3.� To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
' 4. To atate whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of �nance.
MAk 1'1 19��
Adoptedby the CounciL-----•-----•....................•--------------......--------•---------._..
' YEea �
Councilman Dalglish MAR 171965
HollandApproved.---•---- -----•-----•----------•-------------•--•---...-----.._._..__
<,{ Loss
Peterson r
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M�. P$nsin�rrr Vavoul is � � Ma�or.
3000 7-b4 '