222530 � i.
S�op�s 222530
� G-1581
Council File No..._.._..__........._
Theunderaignedhereby proposeathemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement bythe City of Saint Paul,viz.:
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-_.-,�....t..........,.�...,-....�,�„�...,.,..._.�...,..�,,,.,.._.-------------_.... _ -
- Con emni`ng�;and"�'ak'�ng,�an_ easemen.t i n,�the�l and necessary for the sl opes,cut_s and fi 11 s,
�....-.. _ _._
incl.udin ri ht of'� ' �^- �-=•,- �.
,�...9, .. .9 �mo.x.alx,.of -lateral.�support- fr•om��subjec-t��tand''or.;.remat�nder•-£�'er�eof�
occasi-o�ed by excavations_ thereof or construction of- slopes�in�the grading_and ,s-urfacing
wi th-.b.i•�t�umi•nous- m ai��-tNe" '61 ock � . ' .
1 1$ a�eri aT l ey,i n 3,,,..Hagei-'s,� u� Lots='1's�s'3�,?+,5's6 1-4 _1,
, of c tts"TAddi�fion to Cot_tage Hom +� ' j� - ��� ' S'
_16s 7 W� Wal+ o`=- - - - — - __ — —_ es_f;rom"�W: Co�.t_�9er.A�!e�.�e to.,]�7.::At-;T_i.ngt.on_.,Avenue
Dated thie......17th._.....day of....March...........................................•---.._......... ... 19 6�.
' .............��--•----------------•------...` _.. _............_.
- �Councilman.
� WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
� �
W �� �-- ti:.___,..___
- - --- - - - --- -- - - —
Con�lemni�ng"'arid'fak'ing an.eas�emerif""in"the""`t`a'n'd'"necessa`ry"for"t�ie��s�iopes;�cuts�aric]'��fi'1'�s, -
-"� - -- ------.�—
i ocl udi ng. ri ght o.f, remoyal of,_Tateral;ysupport_;from.Ysubj ect=,l ancl,..or,.�r.emai_nd„�tHe�"of.,.��� ,
�"__':_ ?' Y':'"; -
occ'as�oned:-by-excavations��thereofr�or, construction of slo�es�in the gradi_ng and surfacing° �
--- >:t.,�.,•
with-�bi•tumi:nous�:,�t�eri.al��:th��a�l�l�ey�,ih�.-$1.ock_"3-;-Hager=!s,:Sub:�of-�Lots�1,2;3;4;5,,6;7,14;15; .
���1_7�18 of Wal cot�`s"`Ad tion:-to°Cottage�Homes�frorl�-lif..:..Cot'tage_Av.enue--to,:W� Ar1 i ngton Avenue,
_ - - - •.�.. — - - - — - - -- - -
having been preaented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......................................................................._.........._..
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed:
1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.
� 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and eatimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.
Adopted by the Counail--•---••---•-------•.....................•---•--•-.�� �.7 ��J
Ymes �
coun���man Dalglish �' MAR 17 �
Loss � � ' °
Meredith � -
Peterson �
•-°�-A+ •--------- ------- . ---------•---------.. ............_._...........__ •
M$. PRPIBIDIDNT Vavoulis � Mayor.
3000 7-b4
� pUgLISHED MAR 2 01965