222524 I ,����.�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM��" - ' . - '��' ' co�ISS�oNe `�^'`�""" ' c DA� March 17, 1965 ��TfiEREAS, the final costs for construction of tihe GernQain Street Relief Sewer from rTinnehaha Ave. to Beech St., Comptroller�s Contract L-6694 have been determined, and WHEREAS, upon final allocation of funds from o:hich the above improvement was to be paid, it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is i:nsufficient to meet the final costs and that an additional amount of $2494.79 will be required, �NBW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amount of $24`94.79 be applied from the Cityis share of Local improvement Fund, Code 0920-701 to finance the additiona.l cost of the above improvement. � �I � y � - MAR17 � COLINCILI�N , Adopted by the Council 1g_ Yeas Nays Dalglish , y �IAR 171965 Holland �' pproved 19_ Loss Tn Favor Meredith � , / ` Peterson v '� MAyOr ��_� A gainst , F - . � _..,: , � �. .�: � ��►�� �aR 2 0 �� Mr. President, Vavoulis ' , � . '�+.+' .,,,. ,�� . � , .. � ,,.�,� . . . �� t 8 _•.� lOM A-64 .t ," , e F s, � r, . , � � „ ► � . __ t p . ` � F �� ` ... .. . �... . � . OU�LICIfT[TO MINT[R �2���4 � CITY OF�`ST. PAUL �o�NCa NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --' ' - , ° '{'� '�ad''�D`r 1�srch 17, I9bS COMMISSIONE� DATF �S, � i�ia�i c�at. fer co�sts�ctioa of �e �sr�sin ��r�at• �lel�f �evs�c #�co� liiffial�ut�ta 4vs. to i�se� St., Go�t�oli�'s t�traat z-66l4 ba�r� � asc�,.s�a, �a i��$. s�po� li�al alloca.tioa of #��s fror v�ia�t �h�e ��ova i�rov�t wa tio �e paid. it �sa lau�rd e�aC the ��tt ori�iaall� f�et mp t�r i�a liea�ci� !.s ;�snffl,aia►c to ��t t� �iu1 aosti an�t #.�ae aa add�,tio�tr�l aa�ai�t of �3dr�4.79 w�11 br s�ni�sd, '�If� T����i, E� �'F t���� tlaat tl� �t ot �l�r�.7! ire arapli:i� fror t�e Cit�'a sl�ars •t Loca� irpa-�r�t �d, E� 09�0-701 t.� fi�se� t�t additioea� aa�t Q! c.�a abovs 3�ro�rrsat. MNK 171866 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays naiglisb �r�Nk 17 1�� Holland Appro�ed 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson 'J Msyor en '4 8'�St Mr. President, Vavoulis ioit ses