222489 i - 222 "��� Council File No. 222489—By Frank L. Loss— Resolved, That upo n the petition of Waldorf Paper Products Company, and others, all that portion of the public street situate in the City of Saint Paul, County of Rainsey,and State of Minne- sota, hereinafter described, be and the same is hereby vacated and discon- tinued as a ppub]ic street, viz: lying north of Ethe Chicago,ve�le waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- road Company right-of-way and south of the northerly line of Lot 1, Block 19 of Baker's AddiUon to the City of St Paul Ramsey Co Minn., � extended easterly across Raymond 1 Avenue to the westerly line of � Block,123 af Hewitts Out Lots First Division;" }subject expressly to the following con- ditions and reservations: 1.That the vacation be subiect to all, the terms and conditlons of Section 228 of the Legislative Code regul�t- ing the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of pub- llc grounds,streets,alleys and high- ways in the City of Saint Paul• 2.that any change in the ex�sting gas or telephone service be ac- complished at the expens� of the petitioners and that a speciftc ease- ment for the retention of these installations be retained; 3.that to protect the exlsting,water� main the following conditions be imposed; �tr �a� and type oP surfacing shall ot be changed• (b)that a permanent easement ex- tending to a maxImum width of 15 feet�rom the center lipe of the water maia be ietained and that no building be per-' mitted within�this permanettt easement; (c)that hydrants withia the va- cated area be designaterl ,as private hydrants for the prop- erty ov�ner and that an�annual fee be paid for this service, together with such costs as • are required for the mainten=l � ance of said hydrants; 1 4.that the petitioners pay to the City� the sum of $30,700.00 as compensa-� tion for the vacation and provide j the City with a bond in the amount�, of 5,000.00. 1 Adop ed by the Council Mazbh •18, �1985. r Approved March 18, 1965., E , (March 20, 1965)