222486 �z� - ��� Council File. No. 222486—By Frank L. Loss— Resolved, That upon the petition of Wardell Realty Company, and others, that portion of public street situate in the City o4 Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and.State of Minnesota, here- inafter descnbed, be and the same is hereby vacated and discon�inued as a street, viz.: "That part of Juno Avenue lying between the west line oE Lot 7, Block 1, Wardell Addition, as lo- cated along the east line of vacated Nettleton Avenue and the west line bf Lot 16, Howazd Greene Ad- ditioil, St. Paul, Minn., extended south;' ^ subject expressly to the following con- ditions and reservations: 1.that the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Sectian 228 of the I.egislative Code reg- ulating the procedure and prescrlb- ing conditions ior the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paui; 2.that the petitioners�construct a catch basin and sewer in the alley in Iioward Greene Addition on the line and grade satisfactory to the City Engineer and provide the City with a bond in the amount of 5,000:00 to insure performance pf h�s condition; 3.that the petitioners furnish satis- factory evidence to the Chief En- �ineer of the Department ot Public 'Works,that the easements privately entered into for sewer, water, and roadway �urposes wlll not be ob- structefl y the vacation; 4.that any street barricades or street closures required by the Depart- ment of Public Works wlll be con- structed,at the expense of the peti- tioners; 5.that any re-arrangement of the telephone or power facilities re- quired will be-made at the expense of the petitioners; 8.that surface drainage from the platted lots lying west o4 Lot 16, Howard Gre�ne Addition, St. Paul, Minn., and from the unvacated por- tion of Tuno Avenue be alloWed to flow onto the portion of Juno Avenue proposed to be vacated; 7.that the petitioners� pay to the City the swn of �2,200.1}0 as com- pensation for the vacation and and provide the City with a bond in the amount of �10,000.00, in ad= ditiori to the $5,000.00 bond noted in Condition 2 hereof; 8.that the portion oP street to�be vacated be described as: that part of Juno Avenue lying between the west line of Lot�,Block 1, Wardell Additioh, as located along the east line of vacated Nettleton Avenue and the west line of Lot 16, How- azd Greene Addition, St. Paul, Minn., extended south. Adopted by the Council March 18, 1965: Approved Mazch i6, 1965. (March 20, 1965) �