222445 _�COIINCIL FILE�,I�. 2�244� ` .. - ;� BY - a'.�aJ � FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of changi ng the grade of COOK AVENUE from Dal e Street to Kent Street to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, in- cluding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material COOK AVENUE from Dale Street to Kent Street. under Preliminary Order 219859 , approved September 3. 1964 � 221723 February 2, 1965 Intermediary Order , approved , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereons, objectione and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made �by the eaid G�ty ie Changing the grade of COOK AVENUE from Dale Street to Kent Street to conform to the grade as shovm on the profi•le on file in the Department of Public Works. Also condenning and taking an easement in the land necessary _fo,r the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from.st.tl�ject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of.��•s-��opes �i n the gradi+ng,�and ''su^rfaci ng wi th bi tumi nous materi al COOK,�IEIdUE f r�•Da1e.�re�t�_ta� Kent`�Str,ee�� .r.�, _ _ _ �... �.� _.__ �-�:��.,-.. . ._ _ - .__ _ -�---- -- _ .- ---� — and the Council h�reby ordere esid impiovements��o be made,- as a�pubTic necessity `1----� - �` '� �: .,$,. _ ,. Y . . ` REBOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easemente therein be and the eame are hereby ordeied to be taken, appropriated and'condemned for the purpose of making eaid improvemente, via.: ' .. . �_�..;� r* Changing the grade of CDOK��/ENUE from0.�Dale�Street to Kent Street to conform to the grade as shown on the profile or� file in the Department of Public Works. Also condemning and taking an easement in the l�i�d necessaryt;for- the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of re�oval of lateral support .f._rom subject �;and or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or constructi on of-.sTopes i n the`�gradi-r��;�and surfaci ng wi th bi tumi nous materi al CO(kK AVENUE from Dal e Street �to KeMt Street.,. r ;�, RESOLVED FUEt,THER, That'�the Commiseioner of Public Works be and is hereby inetructed and directed to prepare plane'and specifications for��paid improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directeii to p�oceed with the ma�ing of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR 1� 196���. Adopted by the Counc�l ' ' , , �IIAR 1619C� � ' y Clerk. � Approved-- , 19 � 4 s. ' - . Mayor. � Councilmen: � � � . : ' �, r" Dalglish �� � ;'r.s �, /I ___�' � 6 _ r� ` Holtand l S v Loss , �U���� � p�� . �11BLISHED �R � � 186� osf�en = . , - Mr. President,� Vavoulis � 4+ `� . . • ` � /Ca��=�--.� ���V � 221`723 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONEB OF FINANCE �2,�,�4�� December 1 1, 19 64, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre- li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known a s Counci 1 Fi le No. 219859 approved__september �. 19 64 relative to — . Changing the grade of�C00KFAVENU�_from Dale Street to Kent Street to : ^— conform to the grade as shown �on the pr�o�fi i e"on 'fil'o "i n'-'tF�e"'O e p�r t m i��n t'o f��-�° � w Pubtic Works� Al.so �condemning..and tak.i.ng_an�easement in tha iand necessary .�j for the stopes, cuts and fills, including r9qht of removal of lateral support� ��from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or I � construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminoua material ' �COOK AVENUE from Dal e Street to•Kent Street. �"' ' '-' ' • � -� �------ — -- -- — - -- —-- ----�---- --- �� . and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein, hereby reports: � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• � t�1 7 ' 2. A plan, profile or sketc���� sa�d� i' ,�ovement is hereto attache and made a part hereof, o DEC 19�� � � �����V�Q �y 3, Initiated by the Commis ,�'�on�x�,�o� �Piublic; Works X � ��' ,�`�11'a�N��iE, ,�v� �. '�� 4., Improvement i s asked for r`�,�on peti ti�Q `�f ltOE��b , � Commissioner of Public Works _� � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL -; MINNESOTA I 13 Court House, 66102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phone:224-4612 THOMAS J.KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner Ext.343-344 March 16, 1965 ?a �he �onncil Citq of Saint Ymnl Gentlemen: I have exa�ined the att�ah�d petition of r�aonsCrance, filed in tha a�tter of changing the grsde of COOg AVSNUE from Dale Street to bent Strset to conforn to the grade aa ehova on the prqfile on file in the DepartQent of Public iiorke. Alao condemaing and taking an ease- ment ia the land necess=rq for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right o� removal of lateral aupport fro� aubject land or re�nainder thareof, occasioned by ezcavations thereof or constrnction of �lopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material �OOR AVBN[TS fram Dalm Street tv �ent Street, and viah to report aa £ollowsz , A�avnnt of frontage involved in aaid inprovenent - 1004.32 ft. A�onnt signed for on aaid petition - 1004.32 ft. or 100� (Amount reqaired by 8harter - 50�) Rvaber of resident ownera involved - 8 Nnaber Who aigned said petition - 8 os 100'x (Amount required bq Charter - 60'�t) �ro� the abova facts yon will note that the petition of rnnoaetrance is,�s icient. � � YAUra verq t ly, �� _ anes J. Da� liah ��oa�nissiou�r of Financ �za . � c r � � I � . - �� r � � � � . � . ,� � , . � � . � �, �. „� � �_ � � ' y � s � � � , , , � ' � � � . �� � � ' � � a � - � � : ' � � ' . � - . � . � � �, � ' . . � • Y � • \ ` Q � . N � O H � H � � � ,� � . . � � � . � � � � � z z � \ � � v ^. H W � V �t Wx Ob-+ � � � O H �a �O W � � � a a � 1,� � � � � � � o �i � a � � � r, � � t�. � a� � A ° � � � � � � ►� �� ` .' . � � � v� � . � a ox � ' � � � x � � - . �� M d o � � � �' � \ \ r � V' ,, �. Cc� � H � � K � � � � � � � � , w � � � o � � � ° � � . 1 , . \ � � . � � � � � � H , � � � � ` � � , . o s �� � � z o � �\ �4 � �s � �9 � � � � � � � � , H � � �w � v � � � � A � ' M ; � m, �' �� . t. � � � � � `� e f '�s �. � � °� � � � � � p � � � � � � �� , V ,f o �� — --.._._,�_._.� ---c��-��'1'i�--GL ' ��1Zr.�+Ci�LLL-'r--�i'-` - � � . u -- --_,�..__o..��_ _ ___ __�. .___ � _.� a ; `/'//yy�//� � L._�_"._ ' " _.' _"�L "J G 4� � /���J���^t�+�C�-r_ �_.�.�.�«�r.� !���Li � � ,,'��� �--`"[ '-�_� �.� .` ,� U 3�0 1�� / /o�/< 1z �z- �o ���,��,c 3� ��� / � a � � ��� ( -� Q -. � � � ., _