222428 ti �� - ORIGINAI TO CITY CLEWK 2224�� �� " CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ' FOENCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "� OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � r �RESENTED EY � �^ �Q Cp�h�� COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS, the amendment of Article XI, Sec. 2 of the Minnesota �tate Constituti on was supported by this Council on the representation that consent of the local governing body or voters would be needed to make any local law ' effective; and WHEREA�� �. F. '720 and H. F. 806 now before the � _ Legislature purport to authorize the enactment of local laws without the aforesaid consents� now� therefore� be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of �aint Paul opposes enactment of the a,foresaid bills in their present form and hereby request the Ra.mse y County Delegation to oppose any legislation which removes the right of consent from the single local gover.nmerit unit so affected by any special laws enacted by the T►egislature. . T , ; . _ ' - AP ROV c,�ti� �, C�K C�our�se'i' � MAR 121965 COUNCILIvIEN � Adopted by the Council 19— . Yeas Nays MAR 121965 � Dalglish Holland � � pproved 19— Loss � Tn Favor - Meredith � ` Mayor � � A gainst � \ Mr. President, Vavo�= ioas e-ea PUBLISHED I�qR 2 0 196� � DUrLICAT[TO rRIHTtR 2224�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�uHCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rt�re�tr COMMISSIONE� DATF W�E1�AS� the amendment of Art3.cle XI� �ee. 2 of the Minnasota S�ate Constitut�on was supported by this Council on the r�prs�sentation that consen� of the local governin� body or vot�rs would be n�eded to mak� an.y lo�al law effecti.ve; and WFiEREAB� S. F. 720 and H. F. 806 now before the L�gislature purpor� to authorize �he enactment of local laws without the af'oresa�d c:onsents� now� there�ore, be it R�SOLVED� �ha� the Council of the City of 3aint P�ul opposes ena�tment of th� afore�aid bills �.n. th�ir present �'or� and hez��by requ�s� the Ra�se y Goun�y Delegation to oppose any 1eg�.slati.on whf.ch remaves th� right of consent from th� �ingle loQal gov�rnment uni� so aft'�ct�d by arty sp�ei�.]. laws enacted by the Leg3.slature. � MAR 1� 1�5 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Y9— Yeas Nays Dalglish MAR 121� Holland Approved 19— Los s Favor Meredith ��� - /� Mayor C/ A�;�t . osen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont �s