05-957coun�;� Fue # OS 9s� Green Sheet# 3027758 Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIIIVNESOTA �� 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent, pursuant to the attached grant application, 3 needs City Council review and endorsement of the attached Safe and Sober grant application; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant provides funding to increase compliance with traffic safety laws by enhanced 6 enforcement of traffic laws coupled with education and media relations; and 7 8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts this grant and authorizes Chief John 9 Harrington to administer the grant, if accepted. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Requested by Department of: Bostrom Harris Thune � ✓ Committee:Date: by Adopted by Council: Date: QGjp[�,r 1 a a Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: B �' � � ✓ ✓ ✓ by Fi�ancial Services Mayor for Safe & Sober Grant acFiptance.cr.2005.xis . OS- 9S� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUofficelcouncil: Date Initiated: pD — pot[cen��eac ,�-A��S Green Sheet NO: 3027758 Contact Person ffi Phone• Deoartment Sent To Person InitiaUDate ChiOf John Hartington � 0 oG e a nt P 6ce De a eot 2665588 p�j 1 oticeDe ent D rbnent 'rector MUSt Be on CoUncil Agenda by (Date): Number 2 man ' 1 'ces F'nancial rvices � For 3 i Attome Ci Atto e Routing Ofde( 4 or's fCice Ma r 5 ounoil Council 6 i lerk i ler � � 7 olice De artment Police De arfinent ToWI # of Signature Pages i (Clip AII �ocations for Signature) Action Requested: Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Department, to accept a Safe & Sober grant and Chief John Harrington to administer the grant, if accepted. Recommendations: Approve (A) orReject jR): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Plan�ing Commission �, Has this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No C'ivil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city emptoyee? Yes No 3_ Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currentcity employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has authorization to receive a Safe and Sober grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. A council resolution is needed to auffiorize participahon in the grant for the attached grant application. t AdvantaqeslfApproved: The Safe and Sober grant provides funding to increase compliance with traffic safery laws by enhance enforcement of traffic laws coupled with educ6on and media relations. DisadvantapeslfApproved: , None. ����� Y �� Disadvantages If Not Approved: JEP 2 20�5 Loss of funds available to increase compliance with traffic safety laws. L✓H I T PY��i'i�� ToWlAmountof see contract CosURevenueBudgeted: � Transaction: Pundinq source: State of Minnesota Activity Number: 34147 Financial Information: (Explain) oS- 957 S��NtOFP(�B ^ s a F m O K P l 9 �OFM�NNE 50 Of�ce of Traf�c Safety 444 Cedaz Street • Suite 150 • Saint Paul, Minnesota SS101-5I50 Phone: 651.296.6954 • Fag: 651297.4844 • TTY: 6�1.282.655� www.dps.state.mn.us August 15, 2005 Aicohol and Gambling Enforcement ARMER/911 Program Bureau of Criminai Apprehension Driver and Vehicle Services Homeland Security and Emergency Management Minnesota Siate Patrol Office of Commumcations OHice vf Justice Programs Office of Traffic Safety State Fire Marshal and Pipeiine Safety Sgt. Dave Piucinak St. Paul Police Department 367 Czrove Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Deaz Sgt. Plucinak: I am delighted to inform you that St. Pau1's application for a 2006 Safe & Sober grant has been accepted. We have set asi r your project. OTS's Maureen 7anke will be working with you and your project this year, and will be contacting you to set up a meeting soon. Please keep in mind that we will need a resolution authorizing participation of each agency in your grant from their council or boazd. The Safe & Sober conference is now part of the Toward Zero Deaths conference which will be held in St. Cloud starting at 9:30 AM on November 16 and ending at 3:30 PM on the 17�'. On page 3 of the Basic Ageement of your grant application, you identified who would be attending the conference from your (and if any, youz partners) agency(ies). The OTS will cover the cost of registration and hotel room (if necessazy) for one person from each agency in the grant. If you have identi£ied two or more persons from a single agency in the basic agreement, please let me or your OTS coordinator laiow by September 1 the name of the person for whom you want OTS to pay. If there aze other changes in the names or departments attending the conference, please also let us know that also. Agencies receiving a grant for the first tnne, and those with new project duectors are expected to attend the "2006 Safe & Sober" workshop in St. Cloud. Rather than being a separate evening meeting, it will be a regulaz sessi�n of the conference this year. This meeting will brieFy cover gart requirements and using the forms, and will give you a chance to suggest changes for the future, ask questions, and meet other project directors. You'll receive more information on attending the conference by e-mail at a later date. Congratulations on receiving the grant. All of us in OTS look forward to worlang with you. 5� cerely, ,...� ��.,���� Susie Palmer State Program Admiuistrator oS- 95� DEPARTMENT OF POLICE lohn M. Harnnglon, Ch�efofPo(ice CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke(!y, Mayor 36�G�oveStreet Telephone:651-291-I1(1 SCPaul,Minnuom 55101 Facsvnde 651-26fi-571I This letter accampanies the 2006 Safe & Sober grant request by the City of Saint Paul. Saint Paul has participated in Safe & Sober for 15 yeazs. For the last four yeazs the project duector has been Sergeant David Plucinak. During the time Sergeant Plucinak has managed this project Saint Paul has increased iYs contacts per hour each yeaz and maintained the highest number of seatbelt citations in the state during the May Mobilization. The child passenger safety practitioner for the St Paul Police Department is Officer Lila Sturgeon. Lila conducts two clinics each month at a fire station and also responds to special requests from public housing which lazgely serves Asian communities where education is needed the most. Officer Sturgeon received a national awazd in Washington D.C. for her work with Safe Kids last year. The City of Saint Pau1 is the capitol of Minnesota and serves as host to many festivals such as Taste of Minnesota, Ribfest, Grand Excursion, and winter Camival, conventions at the River Center, and Professional hockey at the Excel Center that draw huge crowds from outside the city. The Saint Paul Police Department meets regularly with block clubs and district councils to address their traffic related concems. We demonstrate the effects of impaued driving in schools using fatal vision goggles and take interested citizens on ride-a-longs with traffic squads. We routinely issue press releases to the media concerning our Safe and Sober efforts. In addition we conduct on air radio interviews with local radio stations and give statements to local major newspapers. We participate in media events as requested by the OTS Department of Communications. Scheduling for the seatbelt wave is conducted during daylight hours and after darlrness during the impaired driving wave. Shift lengths are rypically about 6 hours but vary depended on the individual Officer's past producrion. I have found our production has gone up when I am flexibie with scheduling within reason. The City of Saint Paul has put great ef£ort into making the City safer in the last two yeazs by placing speed boazds in high accident azeas and redesigning streets using nationally recognized traffic caiming techniques. The Saint Paul Police Department maintains a traffic enforcement unit consisting of 10 motorcycle Officers and 8 unmazked squads. Their only duties aze to enforcement traffic laws to educate motorists and make traveling in Saint Paul safer for everyone. We look forwazd to our continued partnership with Safe & Sober in the coming yeaz. AA-ADA-EEO Employtt OS- 9S7 Application for the Following Agency(ies): LEAD: Saint Paui Police Department PARTNERS: NA e-mail address: dave.olucinak(a�cistoaul_mn.us � Saint Paul �Police D�aztment t. David Plucinak 367 Grove Street /? I J �/�//��� ,� St Paul, MN 55101 `�� � �� �/(.P/ 1�/ �J� .., � / Pr �ec[ D3rec[or's Si nature 651 266-5727 P.O. Box Street Address needed in addirion to P.O. Box) 55101 651 266-5852 St Paul Ci Lead or single agency applicants must fill in one of the following � p � � Kq54 �„ numbers. Ask your auditor or treasurer or city clerk. Fis 1 ic Z (T ed name &'ob liUe) Federal Employer ID Number: 416005521 Or Minnesota Ta�c ID Number: scal Officer Si hue Resolution Status: ❑ Attached In ptogress 3 (Date: 1 Please note: On the sheet the application evaluators complete (Attachment 4), your past participahon in mobilizahons and your use of on-line crash reporting aze rated. Please make every effort to complete the e-mail address box and to have your partners (if any) do so [oo. A home e-mail address of the project duector is fine if one isn't available aC work Providing an e-mail addcess will help OTS commumcate w�th you quickly and will be appreciated. Complete addiuonal pages if more than one agency is involved. Copy the second page if needed for more agencies. 1 The person responsible for over-all management of the entire project (i.e., scheduling, media, summarizing reports and mvoices for OTS). 2 The person responsible for verifying financial records for fhe project (cannot be the same as We project duector). Q5-951 Basic Agreement - � Na Saint Paul Police Department Lead A enc Name Pop.: 280 000 Officers: Full-Time: 556 Par[-Time: 0 Total Po ulation Served by A ency(ies) Total Number of Swom Officers in Agency(ies) PTOb12I[1 ICICIlt1fiC8t10Il: To complete this double-bordered block please refer to the Grids — Attachment 1. Name of ci or coun used from rids : Ramse Alcohol-related Crashes lYon-use of Seat Belts in Crashes By VMT (column BS): By VMT (column CS): ❑ highedworse than state rank or Q lower/safer than sta[e rank ❑ higher/woise tkian state rank or Q lower/safer than state rank By Popularion (column B3): By Population (column C3): ❑ h� her/worse than state rank or ❑ lowedsafer than state rank hi herlworse than state rank or Q lowedsafer than state rank Applicant in one of 20 counties with the highest number of deaths and serious injuries? ❑ Yes ❑ No Individual projec! objectives will be completed in discussion with your OTS coordinator While not a part of the evaluation process for the appIicahon, your ob�ectives and ro ress towards meetin them wil( be considered cn uture ro ect ndin deccstons. Ptease complele as much of the following table as possible with informatton on the number of citations written by your agency(ies). In ihe space provided, tell us which a encies are included in each o the numbers. Year DWIs Seat Belt Citations ChIld Seat Citations S eed Citations 2000 2001 35 368 53 837 2002 69 578 28 976 2003 109 2717 79 1271 2004 0 590 so far 15 so faz 419 Which agencies aze included in which numbers? St Paul only. If not all, please explain: 2006 Safe & Sober Basic P,greement, page 1 of 3 05-957 Basic Agreement 22 4 2 [� You are requued to distrlbute news releases to all media outleu (including to the edi[ors or staff counse3ors of high school and college papers, if any) and to conduct other public information and media relations activities. Fill in two numbers at the end of the line on the first four lmes. — jor uample, 3(10) if three officers need and ten ojfecers have had the course. For first year grants, Advanced SFST is not required and neither first nor second year grants are required ta have a CPS practitioner: put NA in the space zf that training is not required. Attendance is required by one person from each lead agency a[ the November "Toward Zero Deatks" meeting. O�cers from partner agencies are welcome but not required to attend. In order jor OTS ta pay for room costs, the lut after line 6 must be accurate. See RFP page 9 jor Trauung Requirements and page 10 Getting Traming and for The number of officers who The number of officers who The number of officers who will The number of aeencv staff who of a¢encv staff who This section is a brieJsurvey of the number of inedin outlets available to you. Fill in the number of each type in Ihe boxu lhat apply; leave blank onl i there are none in our area. 0 6 become (or aze) certified Child Testing: _ ( 240 and Enforcement: _ � 240 ( 240 l. 6) The number of officers who you will send (or have had) to SFST Update trazning: _( 240 )(T'his will be required in 8) The people who will attend the Toward Zero Deaths conference on November 16"' and 17'"Osee page 10 RFP) Phone Nutnber David Plucinak I$t Paul I 651 266-5727 have had) Standazdized Field iave had) Advanced SFST: to become (or uel certified Child 2006 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 2 of 3 D5-q 5 7 Basic Agreement You must fill in # 4. (See Section page 7 af the RFP for irsformal survey infarmation.) 1) By Friday, Novemberll`", 2005 each grant lead agency will be required to fiunish to their OTS coordinator: A) a list of o�cers eligible to work the Saje & Sober project with Yhe dates of officers' SFST, OPUE and (where applicable) Advanced SFST Drugs That Impair and/or CPS Precrilioner training; B) a list of inedia contacts, organizatrons and addresses, aC) a list of the sites wtieie the informal seat belt surveys will be conducted, and D) youT list of ob}ectives foz the project that you will work out with our OTS coordinator. 2) A plan on a foim provided by the OTS will be submitted at least one month before the first day of overtime to be compieted before May 1, 2006. Orher plans will be submitted by Monday, May 1 for the Memorial Day wave and mid-summer work occumng before July 1; by Wednesday, June 1 for the Labor Day wave and aud-summer work occumng on or after July 1. Basic informaQOn on enforcement schedules and ublic and media relations efforts aze included in the lans. 3) A full wave progress report on a foim provided by the OTS will be submitted by Friday, May 12`" on the results of any overtime worked before May 1; by �riday, July 14`" on ffie results of overume worked between May 1 and 3une 30`� (including Memorial Day); and by Friday, October 20`" on the results of overtime worked from July 1�` through September 30`�. Full wave progress reports include infotmation on citations and wamings for specific offenses written (during project paid hours only) as well as public infoimation and media relahons activities conducted. The lead agency in a grant submits one full wave report covenng all agencies in that grant. 4) A short report on the number of seat belt cita6ons written between November 21 and November 27 is due by noon on Thursday, December l and on the number of DWis wriuen between December 16 through the 31�` by noon on TLursday, January 5`". A short report on the number of seat 6elt citafions wcitten and of informal belt sucveys results for the May mobilization will be submitted by noon on Thursday, June 8 A shoR report on the number of unpaired dnvers arrested dunng the L,abor Day mobilization will be subnutted by noon on Thursday, September 7`". Each agency in a grant submits the short mobilization report separately and it is to includes the appropriate citation or arrest number re ardless ut whether ar not the were made on ro'ect aid hours.. 5) A final report on progress towards objectives set and problems and successes will be submitted no later than Friday, October 27�', 2006. 6) A set of infonnat seat belt use sucveys wiR be conducted dueing the weeks of Apri124 throueh Aod130 and June 5 throueh June 11. A set is defined as counts of shoulder belt use and non-use of drivers and front seat passenger conducted at 5 sites. Site locations sha11 remain constant throughout the yeaz. Results will be submitted to OTS in te rts. 7) Invoices will be submitted no less frequently than the following schedule: by Friday, June 9 for any hours worked before May 1 on Friday, July 21" for overtime from May 1 through June 30; and by Friday, October 27`" for oveztime worked from 7uly l fluough June 30�". The OTS is required to reimburse grant costs accordmg to state fiscal yeazs, therefore, you must sepazate out all cosu mcurred before July 1�` from all costs incurzed after that date. Full wave reports on work must be received before �nvoices can be aid; the re orts cover the same time enods. 2006 Safe & Sober Basic Agreement, page 3 of 3 bS-551 Budget Z005 SAFE & SOBER PROJECT PROPOSED BUDGET Lead Applieant Agency: Saint Paul Police Department Note: Please round off all numbers; for exawQle $21,400.00 instead of $21, 361.54 and $45.00 instead of $44.50. See RFP pagcs 4, 5, and 6 for discussion and an example. Proposed Federal Budget (only federal grant monies in this block) 1. Overtime Enforcement Hours Budget $ 55,000 1005 2. Discretionary Budget $ 0 0% Federal Budget Total $ 55,000 100% Note: Federally paid overtime enforcement hours must equal at least 90% of the total federal budget. Part 1: Police Officer Sergeant Total overtime $45.00 ave 10.84% $54.00 Ave 10.84% 1000 $49,878 $49,878 85 $5,122 $5,122 $55,000 $55,000 $0 $0 * Rank or seniority -- groupings of officers with similaz salaries. ** All dollaz amounts to be rounded and estimated. Attach fiuther explanation if not overtime hours. ***See RFP for information on an acceptable fringe rates. [7;� � 1� Admimstration Equipment Operating Travel TOTAL Not allowable $0 Not allowable Not allowable �0 $3,000 $0 $3,500 $0 $ $6,500 $3,000 �0 $3,500 $0 $ $6,500 * Detaiis required on second page/reverse side. See RFP for a discussion of budgeting. �0 2006 Minnesota Saje & Sober Budget rate ver mile* I 8641 I 0.405 I$3 * Although the grant this year does not aliow reimbursement of squad operating costs, agencies aze required to track the miles driven and report them as local costs. The rate of $0.405 per mile can be used if an agency doesn't compute their own rate. See RFP for a discussion of budgeting. 2006 Mmnesota Saje & Sober Breakdown of Discretionary Budget * Note: Agency share for each piece of equipment must be greater than or equal to Federal shaze Compazative Report Au agencies which have seceived fu�+ding for ¢ Safe & Sober overGme palro[ grnnt sinte 1998 must compfete this repaK REPORT ON ENFORCEMENT RESULTS DURING PREVIOUS SAFE &�OBER YEARS When evaluating applications for Safe & Sober 2006, the OTS will consider your performance in comparison to other grantees for the rate of vehicle stops per hour, the rate of stops that resulted in a citation or written waming for violation of the seat belt or child seat laws, and the rate of stops resulting in a citation rather than a wacning. This report is meant to help you to make your case that your agency is either relatively successful and/or has a plan in place for improvement Each yeaz OTS is able to approve about haif of the requests for funding we receive — it is our responsibdity to do everythmg we can to ensure our grants go to those commumties who need them mos[ and can make the best use of them. Please note: in regards to the seat belt and child seat rate: "Everyone is buckled up" only tells us your agency doesn't need a Safe & Sober grant. For each past federal year since 1998 (which began Occober 1, 1997 and ended September 30, 1998) for which you zeceived an overtime Safe & Sober grany fill in the tluee blank columns vnth information about your agency &om Attachment 2. The results by lead agency for 1998, 1999, 2000, Z001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 are in Atfachment 2. In evafuating how well your agency has done, we will consider significant improvement and the answers to the questions as well as absolute percentages. Year Average Your Average % of Your % of Average % of Your % of Contacu Contacts Belts & Seats per Belts & Seats Cites per stop Cites per stop sto er sto 1498 2.22 2.405 18.4°!0 8.2°l0 50.1% 43.2% 1999 2.29 --- 20.7% --- 57.1% --- 2000 238 2229 20.9% 223°/a 60.7% 112% 2001 2.41 2.226 21.5% 24.7% 63.9% 123% 2002 2.44 2.485 21.2% 29.9% 62.3% 104% 2003 239 2.999 21.8°/a 30.5% 65.4% 113% 2004 2.52 3.29 19.8% 37.9% 61.9% 94.9% For the discussion below, use no more than the rest of this na�e and one addihonal naee. Discuss yous average or above average results (which of the three aze they, if they improved over time, and what strategies cantributed to your success) . Discuss your below average results: (which of the ttuee are they, have they decreased ovei time, what went wrong and what strategies wiIl you use to improve) Compazative Enforcement Report for 2006 Safe & Sober Page I of 1 Send four copies w�th your appiication