222404 r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��������UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM tRESENTED EY Frank L. Loss COMMISSIONEQ DATF i` RESOLVED, that the Plans and Specifications for the General Construction of a Scalemaster's Office at the City-Marke_t, 550 Jackson Street, Saint Paul, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the saine being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise fQr bids thereon in the manner prov3.ded in and by the Char- ter. �.�.__ : , MAR 1 p 1965 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays , Dalglish �R 1, � � Holland pproved 19_ Loss 5 � Tn Favor Meredith v eter �AyOr A g81IISt �oses--- Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBL(SHED �AR �� 196� ioat e-az DSIrIrICATC TO rRINT[R ^�(�•A ���,/v CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�NCIL N�� �• V`JB OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FQRM COMM169�IONER �rank L� LOS�i DATF RESOLVID, that the P1ans and Specif�.cations for �the General Con�trt�ction of a Sca�ema�t�r'� Office a� the City Market, ��0 Jackson S'txeet, Saint Paul, a� s�abm3.tted he�ewith, prepazed by the �ity Architect �nde� �the d�.rection of the Commission�r af Parks And Re�reation And Public BuiZdings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being sati�factc�ry �o the �ommissioner �f Pt�bl�.c LJtilities, ar�d the Purcha�ing Agent is hereby autl�orized to adverti$e for bid� thereon in th� r�anner pravided in and by th� Char� ter. �� r- / � S W � . ( � {''�� _ p� � J ,�,� . , MAR1d19G'� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �IAR 1 � �� Holland Approve� 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Perersbn v Mayor A►�'8in9t $nsee— Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-a�