222384 ����`�� Counail File No.----•............._.�. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: - - --'- � r,-- -� - - �t . "� � � - jr`• - - - - j- � * c - -- t-�- , , . � af �H ..�.. . ..........if..:r.......w .�`-,:;..a.,�,...?...........�:............._.....:.. .�.-,•••--�.::..,, . , �� ........... ...�. . :.4.....,.......-. . ........t. .. .�'` r f- . - � ,.f: , ,� - �.- ; �• ' . - ' ' � open;�wideri',=-and'ext-0n�-�r°�' - Teath Street bq condemning and taking for street purposes; the following escr e . parcels of�land�in��the �i'ty'of St:`E'aul:` �The T�iesterly-44 feet ofP.-Lot ,1.�. in_ Hoyt's Subdivision..of.._Mor,risoncs Block of�Hoyt�s Addition to St. E'aul; the �Westerly 44 feet . ..................... ...> ......._...�..-..-. _.,... . r._., of that part of Lot 2, in Hoyt's Subdivision o� Morri'soii s B'Tock=�of"=Hoq�•is°•Addit �on.•_• to Sti:�'=Paul''de`scribed a�s`%fol-lows:•-•••beginning.zat,.the,.Southwesterly corner of said Lot �,� .. ..�... ' 2; thence Northerly along �lesterly line of said.I�ot�l�f�o"���3;3��4�incLes; thence� Easterly 130 feet to Easterly line of said'°Lot°•2,•�thence•.Southeriy ra,long:Ea�terly.,,,...., line of said Lot� 1 foot - 4-7/8 inches to the Southerly line of said Lot�'~2�;•��tlience along. Soutfierly. 1_ine of said Lot 2 �nlesterly 130 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 2, the place of beginn� n�'g,"`being a�ga`rcel of�land•Tad joining.said_.LS�.lPaul y the Trlesterly 44 feet of that part of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. , , Mi.nnesota, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of said !� Lot `13,, 83.93 feet Norther�ly of Southwesterly corner of said Lot 13; thence NortherlyN �I along ZdesterTy line-_of� said Lot� 1.56Rfeet; `thence'Easterly~76 feet to �a point.85�:32 = I f eet Northerly of;Southerly line of said�Lot�13'; thence Southerly paral lel�: with - :���= ' ; '{desterly line of said �Lot 13;" 1.33 .feet;+ thence Westerly'`76�feet-to-place of beginning, beingya parcel of Tand adjoining South line of, Lot'� 1.of �Hoyt's .Subdivision of Morrisbn's i � -w . P'aul.-• - _ . j u Block of Hoyt'°s`"Addition�to St. . . - . , , -i,, , r . - � � . Y _ . _<� 1_ n ♦/- ^. - ' ' �L i ��": . a 4- R.Y. � . . � ` �T v ! � � . ,`_�H n ' � , ATso condemning and taking a temporary easement for�-the purpose of enabling the� City, or its�.Agents to� enter thereon to wreck tWinendescri6'eddparcelsuofilandhinptheises § � located-at 496=502 Jaekson Street on the�.f.ollo g __ . _ _ „ , , .� City of St.`Eau1:_ - �;•' � • , , . - % : _ . _,� -� � , '- . P - '. ' '_ - +� .s , � _ .. :, � � ;=._ .. . .� - . , 1 � ` • : . � Lot� 1 in �Hoyt's Subdivision,.of Morrison's B1ock of Hoyt's Addition to St. _Paul � �except the Westerly 44�feet thereof; _that part� of Lot 2 �in Hoyt's Subdidis'ion ,of N :� � Morrison's�Addition �to St. Paul described-as follows:'- beginning at the SoutHwesterly �. corner,of �said Lot 2; thence Norther.ly along �Testerly line of saicl.Lot, 1 foot ; 3-3/4 '� �inches�thence Easterly 130.feet to the Easterly line of said Lot 2; .thence. Southerly � � , .. I ' �aTong said�Easterly' line 1 foot - 4-7/8 inches 'to the- Southerly line of said Lot�2; - � � �thence�Westerly along said Southerly�line'130 feet 'to �the Southwe§terly corner of said � � Lot 2, the place ofzbeginning except the•Westerly 44 feet thereof; that part� of Lot' 13, i � . ,Auditor':s Subdivision No. . 24,'St. ,Faul,`�Minnesota, described�as 'folrlows:_ Peginning at � � a point on the,�Testerly line.of said}Lot 13.,,83:93 feet Northerly of Southwesterly • c.corner of said�Lot 13; ,thence_Northerly salong'''Westeily 'line of s"aid Lot '13, 1.56,feet; thence Easterly 7�6 feet to a� point� 85.32, feet Northerly��of Southerly line,of �said Lot + 13; _thence Southerly parallel with �1esterly line of said Lo't' 13, "1".33 feet; thence � ,Westerly 76 feet�to place of beginning, except the westerly 44 feet thereof, being a � � parcel of land ad oinin the South line, of Lot 1 of Hoyt''s Subdivision of Morrison�s � .,j-_._,..�.g,�� . � . - �,.,. � � - i Block of Hoytrs Additi4n�to St�. Faul. �% ,, � rr �'��"s:•.-'�,- '� ` R�.�t�-.� � Minneso.ta descr,ibed - � � �T-hat,�;part���ofbLotsl2 Auditor's Subdivi"sion No. �24; St. P`au1�,••> >-�• � as follows• Beginning at a point on the �lesterly:line of Lot 12, 83.99 feet�;Northerly �' from�the Southwesterly corner thereof; thence Northerly along '�]esterly line of said Lot eet• thence Easterly 51 feet to° a ,oint 85.19 feet Northerly from Southerly y � 12, 1.33 f , � line of said Lot 12; thence Southerly..parallel with Westerly line,4of said,Lot� 12�a����� distance of 1.18 feet; thence �lesterly�fSL �eitHo�trseSubdivisioneofnMorrisonssgBl ck ofl I of land adjoining the Southerly line Y , ` t Hoyt�`s Addition to St. F'aul. ��.����� ��_ _ �,-^--....�.:T . . . , _ ,