222367 ORIGIN�AL TO CITY CLPRK ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED EY } COMMISSIONE DATE / / r .� WHEREA5, the Office of the Corporation Counsel has certified in �writing that it is in doubt as to who is entitled to the acvard of damages, in fTie amount of $75.00, for the taking of property described as follows: � A temporary easement for construction purposes on the westerly fifteen (W'ly 15) feet o£ Lot twenty- six (26), Block foux (4), Morton�s Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereo£ on file and of record in the Of£ice of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State; � said award having been confirmed by Council File No. 181016, approved January 9, 1957; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tliat a �oarrant be drawn for said sum o£ $75.00, , payable to tiVilliam M. Killeen; fireasurer of Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the party or paxties enti�led thereto. � `pR �r�,�RQVED � � J � As t. Corpo�on Counse{ MpR 1� 1965 . COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays 0 �965 � �,; �alglish; �AR 9. , Holland � roved_ 19_ � Loss J Tn Favor ' ` Meredith � „ �� BeteFSea � MByOP i , S. t Rvsrn— • '4$'11IlSt ,. Mr. President, Vavoulis - ISH�D � �.� �� ` ` � ,� ���-. _. < < IOM a-64 `'�`_- � _ ti � " - � t:w t6 .. . ��" _ _ • , W � � �.. � ,,,� • ��' ,W >... ` ' .��� . � �� i / - � . . DU�LICAT6 TO rRINT[R ������ ` � . f GIT1� O� �T� P�U�. COUNCIL A ' OFFICE �F TI-IE �ITY �l.ERK F��E NO ' COUNCIL RESOL!lTION-GENERAL FORM t�ESENYED tY COMMISSIONER D/,TE _ 1�HEREAS, thc Office of the Corporation Cou�sel has certffied in writing that it ia in doubt as to who is entitled to the award bf daasges, in the aaount of �75.00, for the taking of property described a�s follows: A temporary esse:ent for construction purposes on the westerly f3fteen (19�1y 15) �eet of Lot twenty- six (26), Block faur (4), Morton�s Addit�on ta the City of S�. Pauly accord3ng to the plat thereof an file and of record in the Office of the Register o£ Daeds in and for ssid County artd Stata; said award having been con€i.r�ed by Council File No. 181016, approved January 9, 1957y now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th�t a r�►s�rrant be drawn for asid sun of $75.00, payable to Williaa� M. Killeen, Treasurer of Rassey County, Minnesotn, for the party or par�iea entitled thereto. �d1AR 101965 COUNCILMEN Ado�ted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��{���� "d`"' Holland Approve� 19— Loss Iit F'�v�� • Meredith — �� a Mayor �a Ag�iIISt Mr. President, Vavoulis io�a �as r ' , p1s* �► Area Cod�612 ,��� � , CIVIL DIVISION 2233121 � N THOMAS J.STEARNS � ' . DONNLD C. HANSON a +� :' '.':+' �� JOHN J. McNEIL .,. , JEROME J. SEGAL NEIL P. CONVERY RICHARD J. BATf15 OPRICB OR TFIH CORPORATION COUNSEL CRIMINAL DIVISION Rrrf Aisidanf CITY OF SAINT PAUL DANIEL A. KLAS GERALD.n. ,�LFVEBY ROBER7 E.O'CONNELL � LEGAL DEPARTMENT PAUI J. KELLY Sp�cial At�btanf JON R. DUCKSTAD 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 AR7HUR M. NELSON STEPNEN L. MAXWELL Corporetlon Counse/ . MareY� 8, 1965 . ��� � �� To the Couneil: �his is to certify that thi� office is in dou'�� as to . who is entitled to the award of dama�es in the sum .of $75.00, for the taking of proper�y deseribed as followa : , � A temporary easement for constrnetion purposes on the west�rly fifteen W'ly 15) feet of �,ot twenty- six (26), Block four �) , Morton'� Addi�ion to the City of St . Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record 3.n the Office of the Register of Deeds 3.n and for said County and State; said award having been confirmed by Couneil File No. 181016, approved January 9, 1957. Very truly yo�.rs, � " � � CHARD J. BATTIS First As�istant Corporation Cotznsel RJB:�a L �22