222366 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEHK �/_/',3��7 - CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� �"'r•� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO C UN i �E LUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED dY � COMMISSIONE DA� RESOL-VED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the_ agreement dated December 31, 19�+1, between the City of Saint Pa�l, Niinnesota and The First National Ba.nk of Saint Paul, designating and constituting said Bank as the fiseal agent of said City for the purpoaes therein apecified, the presentation and payment at maturity of said City's bonds and interest coupons thereto attaehed, at t�e City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereby is in all things approved, ratified and confirmed; and that said Bank, �der and sub�ect to said Agreement, hencefortY� shall be deemed and constituted such fiscal agent of said City until its s�zc�essor shall have been duly appointed and shall have quali£ied; and EESOLVED FFTRTHER, 'Fhat said-City's appointment hereto- fore of �he Chase Manhattan Bank as its fiscal agent, for similar purposes, at the City of New York, State of New York, hereby is approved, ratified and eonfirmed and that said Bank henceforth shall be deemed and co�stituted such fiscal agent of said City ', until its auccessor �hall have been duly appointed and shall have qualified; and �hat said Bank having been and be3.ng the fiscal agent of said City for aaid purposes at t�e City of New York, State of New York, mentioned in said Agreement between the _ City of Saint Paul and The Firs� Nationar Bank of �aint Paul shall be deemed to have acted and to aet in the future thereunder, in said eapacity, as a coordinate and at �he expenae of The �'irst National Bank of Saint Paul. FOR �µ��l/VED� > �=— A •t, Cor on Counsel �t� 196� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Counc�A� I9— Yeas Nays � Dalglish Q "��6� Holland � pproved MAR 1 19— Loss � � Favor t Meredith ��II MByOP A galll3t Rvsea Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISNED MAR 13 19 ion� e-es � ���6 DUI�LICAT[TO r111NT6R • �� r CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLVED, By the Counail of the City of Saint Paul, that the agreement dated December 31, 1g�1, between the,City of Sain� Pau1, Minn�so�a and �'he Firet Na�3ona1 Banlc oF Saint Pau1, deeignating and constituting �aid Bank as the fiscal agent of eaid City for the purposee therein apecified, the pre$entation and payment at maturity of eaid City's bonds and interest �oupons there�CO attached, at the City of Saint Paui, Minneaota, hereby ia in all thinga approved, ratif3.ed and Canfirmed; and tha� eai.d Bank, under and sub�ec� to aa3d Agreement, henceforth ahall be deemed and conatituted �uch f3saal �gent of said City untiY i�e succeeaor shall have been duly appointed and shall have qualified; and RESOLVED FURTHER, Tha.t said City'a appointment �ereto- fore of The Chase Manhat�an Bank a� its fiecal agent�, for e3mi].ar purposes, a� the Cit� of New York, State of New York, hereby i� approved, ratified and confirmed and �hat said Sank henceforth shall be deemed and constltuted such fiscal agent of esid City until its auceea�or ehall have been duly appo3.nted and ahall have qualif3.ed; and that eaid Bank having been and being the fiscal agent of said City for aaid purpoeee at the Gity of New York, State of New York, mentioned in said Agreem�nt between the City of Saint Paul and The Firs� National Bank of Saint Paul shall be deemed to have acted and to act in the future thereunder, in said capacity, as a coordinate and at the e�€pense of The F3.rst National Bank of Saint Paul. MAR 1 � ���� COiJNCILIu�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �pIR �. 0 �� Holland Approv�l 19— � � ' Loss v�rn Favor Meredith � Mayor �—Against �� Mr. President, Vavoulis 1oM 6fi�