222353 ; -- • a�r` T�g-.� . ,.
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� `� - COUNG`IL FiL�.NO.� ��
'���� FINAL ORDER -�
-� By
� File No. 5755�+
- , In the Matter of i�GO�tructir�g fi.he_ .t��d���1k e�u both $idq�s, of[ Ez�gle�rood A�ve. �ro�
P$scal St. ��i �oltc� ��. azid by dai.a� ��.]. ather �i4x�k �ihich �s ��e�t�ry ar�d. fn�
cide�-tat t�i c(��.ete eald imprrnremen�..
under Preliminary Order 2�-�� approved �ecembez` 12,�96�+
Intermediary Order ' _approvecL .
� A public hearing having been had upon the abo�ve improvement upon due notice, and the Council
� having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and� having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
RESO'LVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
� provement ta be made by the said City is
to reconatrutct tl� .��det�ik ou �tl�, �ides of S�gl.e�tood. Ave, 1°�c�aa Pa�c�,l C�. to
' Hol.tor� 8�.. and by dofng a3:1 .�ther �tor$ �r�ich �.s necese�y ;�ntd iucidental to camrplete
sai.d .�.mpraxre�nt; �xce�t �a�.e� �qoc� �nd su�f'icien� �tde�+al]�► ng� axi$�.
. � , .��, -
and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. �
. RESOLVE�D FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for
• approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
�� ceed vaith the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - O 19�
� � ,. MpR 1
COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Counc' ,
Yea,s �Dtilglish Nays �AR',.� �9 �
�olland Approve
y gredith C �
- �et�- J Tn Favor
- 1Vlayor
�SBH�S � � ��
� Against � ���p � �
6-63 2M 8 a�u R-1 w
� .
, `---
< <,;.��,,,, , Dist. No. 1 �-� __�
, - s�ss�
, B.S. Englewood Ave. - Pascal St. to Holton St.
r � ,�� .
, ����
Dec. 17 1q 64
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre-
li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 221092
approved_ Dec. 15th. 19 64 relati ve to reconstructing the sidewalk
on bQth sides of En�lewood Ave. from Pascal St. to Holton St. and by doing all other
�Jnrk sih_ich is necessary and incidental to comnlete said improvement.
and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein� hereby
1. The estimated Cost thereof is $�3.25 ner lin. ft. for standard sidewalk
�' t.,i�o �.,� $� Rn nAr lin_ ft_ for standard sidewalk 6 ft wide.
2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is her tached
and arade a part hereof. ��'����1� ` ,�"�91.fl.�
� ,Q �F�� °N
,, 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works � � 9 � �,
� ,�, .�',�, �i�. w
4; Improvement is asked for upon petition ,_ Q �;
S� ,g�
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Commissioner of Public Works