222352� r : .
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AS, City of Saint Paul, by its Ordinance
No. 1 5,� bearing Covncil File No. �00431, duly enaeted by
its Council and approved by its Mayor Febs�uary 2, 1961, pro-
vided th�refor and authorized the isatzance and sale by sa3.d
City of the bonds of said City iri the par value amount of
Seven Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($7,350,000.00),
authorized by Chapter 538, Session La.ws of Minnesota for 1959�
for the purpose of the procurement by said City of, funds in the
a.motxnt of Seven Million Three I3undred Fifty Thousand Dollars
(�7a350,000.00), for the payment of said City' s advances to the
'" State of M3.nnesota, �he latter acting in the premises by and
through its Comm3ssioner of Highways, therefor and not to exceed �
the said State ' s share of the estimated cost of certain Sta�e �
� Trunk Highway Pro�ects for the loca'�ion, eonstruction, recon-
struction, and improvement of certain State Trunk Highways
, within the corporate limits of said City, which advances in said
� a.mount of Seven Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousa.nd Dollars
•($7,350,000.00) said City agreed to make to said State for said
purposes under. and pursuant to several Agreements made by and
' between them, authorized thereby and in accordance with the
provisions, terms, and conditions of 'said Chapter 538, Seasion •�� ._
_ La,ws of Minnesota for 1959� �d _ _ � - - - - «.�
. �. :�i • ..�.��__ � - � . � � ��^t' .'r.��`
Ay >
' . WHEREAS, Chapter 538, Session La.ws of �i3.ruzesota �for ,
��� 1959, according to ita pertinent terms; became operative upon its� �
' approval by ma�ority vote of tY�e Covncil of the City, evidenaed �
by said Council � s Resolution, Council File No. 192221, adopted
� and approved the 7th day of May, 1959, and �he Gertificate of
the City C1erk of the City, incorporating a Certified Copy of said
�, Resolution, the printer�s affidavi� of its official publica�ion,
� and all other requisite data, filed with the Secretary of State
� of the State of Minnesota on the 21st day of May, 1959, in
,� - � aecordance with all provisions of the Statutes of said State
> in such cases made and provided; and
a, ��- WI�REAS, said Chapter 538, Session La.ws of Minnesota
c�j for 1959, �ong other things, for the purposes of expediting
�' and facilitating action by the State or� any State Trunk Highway -
� Pro�ect for location, construetion, reconsicruction or improvement
COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9—
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 19—
Loss Tn Favor
Pete rs on �AyOr
A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
lons e-es
' ., ��2��2
. .
- 2 -
of any State Trunk Highway, within the corporate limits of
the City, authorized an agreement by and between the State
and the City whereunder and whereby the City shall agree,
, in consideration of the uridertaking of any s�.ch sub�ect State
Highway Pro�eet, by the 3tate, at a time. specified in such
agreement, to advance cash or engineering services, or both,
tot�e State in an a.mount not to exceed that part of the cost
of such State Trunk Highway Pro�ect which is to be borne by
the State, and whereunder and whereby the State shall agree to
�a.ndertake and complete s�.ch State Trunk Highway Pro�ect, and
to repay to the �ity the pr3neipal amount of such advance,
withot�t interest, from the State 's Trw�c Highway Fund, in cash
or by the issuance and sale of bonds, by the State, under the
prov3sions of Article XVI, Section 12 of its Constitution, in
the amount of such advance to the State, in consideration of
_, such 'advance by the �ity; and '
, .. __:�..
WHEREAS, said State, acting by and, through its ” � �`�'"�`� "
Commissior�er of Hi$�ways, and said City, under and by authority �
of said Chapter 53t�, Sessior�. La.ws of Minnesota for 1959, made
and entered into tha� certain original Agreement dated '
January 25, 1960, and that certair� Supplemental Agreeme�t -
amendatory of said original Agreemer�t, dated November 29, 1960,
by and between said State and said City, mentioned in said
Ordinanae No. 11905, Whereunder and whereby said State did
agree to undertake and complete two separate proposed �State
Trur3k Highway Pro�ects within said corporate limits, and to •
make repayment to sa3.d City of the principal a.mount of all ad-
vances thereby agreed to be made by said City to said State,
� equivalent ir� amount to that part of the est�.mated cost of said
two separate proposed State �runk Highway Pro�ects, required
�o be borne by said State and representative of fifty per cent
(50�) of s�.ch estimated cost, and to make sueh repayment to
said City by the issuance andc�livery to said City of said
bonds of said State authorized under the provisions of Article
X�TI, Section 12, of its Constitution; such advances by said
- City being thereby provided to be made solely from the proceeds
of said City� s issuance and sale of its bonds, authorized to
be issued and sold for the purposes of suah advances, under
� and by the provisions of said Ghapter 538, Session La.ws of
Minnesota for 1959, in the aggregate par value amount of
Seven Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($7, 350,000.00),
representative of that part of the estimated cost of said pro-
posed State Trunk Highway Pro ects, required to be borne by s'aid
State and fifty per cent (50y�� of said estimated cost, said
Chap�er 538. providin� authorization for the issuance and sale
by said City of such bor�ds for said purposes in an amount not
to exceed Eight Nlillion Dollars { �8,000,000.00) ; and
' ������
WHEREAS; Heretofore necessary provisions were made
therefor and said City duly issned;and sold Fo�.r Million Seven
Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars (��+,750,000.00) par value of such
authorized bonds, in the aggregate, for the procuremer�t of necessary
funds ir� said amount for payment _by said City on account of the �
aforesaid advances by said City to said State for aaid public purposes
�nder and pursuant to said original Agreement as amended by said
Supplemental Agreement, a.r�d it is necessary that additional pro-
visions be made for the issuance and sale, at this time, of an
additional Two Million Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars
($2, 270,000..00) par value of sueh authorized bonds, by said City,
for the procurement of necessary funds in saidamo�znt by said City,
for payment by said City on account of the aforesaid adVances by
said City to said State for said public purposes under and pursuant
to said original Agreement as a.mended by said Supplemental Agreement,
. by and between thein, whiah contemplates and provides, among other
things, for eligibility of each aforesaid State Trunk Highway Pro�ect
therefor and the grant of additional financir�g for the defrayment of
the estimated cost of the same, in an amour�.t equal to fifty per cent
(50,�) of sueh cost, by the Federal Government to the State, by
authority and pursuant to Chapter 1, Sections 101 to 131 inclusive,
� - Title 23, United States Code Annotated, 1959� now,• therefore, be� it
� - , - --- - -- - -- - - - •.- - , -- -- - - - - - � -- - -- - - -- _ _ __ w _ - __ ���,_- _ .
RESOLVED, That the �ouncil of the City of Saint Paul issue
- and sell at this time Two Million Two Fiundred Seventy Thousand DoTlars
($2, 270,000.00) par value in and of said bonds, pursuant to and in
accordance with said Ordinance No. 11905 and said �hapter 538, Session
Laws of Minnesota for 1959; that said bonda shall be in denominations
' of $1,000.00, $5,000.00 or �10,000.00 each; that said bonds shall bear
a rate of interest not to exceed five per cent per annum payable semi-
annually on October 1 and April 1 according to the interest coupons to
be attached to said bonds; tY�at said bonds shall bear date the l�t day
of April, 1g65; that said bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds,
a portion of which shall become payable each year after issue com-
. mencir�g April l, 1968; that the first installment of said bonds shall �
come due three years from �he date of the same and the last installment
of said bonds shall come due in not more than twenty (20) years from -.
��uch date; that r�o annual installment of principal of any of said bonds
payable in any calendar year af'ter the date of the same shall exceed
five times the amount of the smallest prior installment thereof
payable in any calendar year after the second calendar year; that � ;
the principal �'wo Million Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars
($2, 270,000.00) par value of said bonds shall mature serially
eommencing April 1, 1g68, over said t�renty (20) year period on the
following dates and in the followin� amounts :
� � �����2
_ �; . .
- �. -
Date of Maturity Amount
April 1, 1g68 $ 90,000
April 1, 1969 90,000
April 1, 1970 90,000
April 1, 1971 100,000
April 1, 1972 100,000
April 1, 1973 110,000
April 1, 197�+ 110,000
April 1, 1.975 110,000
April 1, 1976 120,OQ0
April 1, 1977 120,000
April 1, 1978 130,000
April 1, 1979 130,000
April 1, 1980 150,000 ,
April 1, Ig81 150,000
April l, 1982 160,000
April 1, 1g83 160,000
April 1, 198�+ 170,000
� April 1, 1985 180,000
�� ,
� $2, 270,000
. _ _�, - _ _ . . - '- - • .. .. ._-.�.._r_� -•'- � '
' � � RESOLVED FURTHER, That sealed proposals be received _
at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and
City Hall in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to te�n.
o �clock, A.M. (C. S.T) on April 8, 1g65, for the sale of all or
none of said bonds, after giving due notice of such sale in
. the manner prescribed by law in the St. Paul Legal Ledger, the
official r�ewspaper of sa3d City, and in the Commereial West, a
financial periodical publi��ied 3.n the State of Minnesota; that
each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified
or cashier' s check for two (2) per cent of the amount of the
bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated
da.mages if' the bonds are not taken up and paid for when ready
for delivery; and that the City Comptroller shall, at the next
meetir�g after receiving said bids, presen� the same to the
Council for its aation thereon, and that eaid bonds shall be
offered to the person who will pay par or better �herefor, and
at the lowest rate of interest ''no't exceeding five per cent (5�) _
per annum;
RESOLVED FIIRTHER, That said City of Saint Paul Bonds,
in the amount of Two Million Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars
($2, 270,000.00) par value anthorized and provided to be sold here-
under in denominations of $1,000.00, $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 each,
as aforesaid, shall be denominated City of Sa3nt Paul Tr�nk Highway
Bonds, Series No. 3, and shall be in substantially the following
form, which has been prepared by the Sinking Fund Committee and
approved by the Corporation Counsel of said..�ity, and is hereby
approved a�d adopted:
' ������
- 5 -
I�o. . . . . . ,� . . . . .
Saint Paul in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota,
acknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby
promises to pay to bearer the sum of . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dollars ($ . . . . ) on the first day of April, 19 . . . . ,
together with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at
the rate of . . . . . per cent per annum, payable semiannualy on
the first days of October and April, in each year, as evidenced
by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest
coupons as they severally become due. Both prineipal and interest
of this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of
America at the office of the }Commissioner of Finance in the City
of °Saint� Paul, or at the��Fiscal Agent of the City of Sa3.nt Paul,
in either Sa3.nt Paul, Minnesota, or New York, New York, at the
option of the holder; and for the prompt payment of this bond,
botY� principal- and interest, a��maturity, the faith and credit" - � �
: t of the City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged.
� , "This bond is one of a series amonnting in the
aggregate to the sum of Two Nlillion T4vo Hundred Seventy Thousand
Dollars ($2, 270,000.00), issued by the City of Saint Paul for
the purpose of procuremer�t by said City of funds for the payment
on aecount of said City�s advances to the State of Minnesota,
therefor, and not to exceed the St�.te �s share of the eatimated
cos� of ce�tain State Trunk Highway Pro�ects for the location,
constructior�, reconstruction and improvement of said State
Trunk Highways within the corporate limit� of said City, pur-
suant to several Agreements made by and between sa3.d City ar�d
said State, making additional provision for reimbursement of
the principal amour�t of such advances by said State to said
City _authorized thereby, in accordance with the provisions, terma '
� and conditions of Chapter 538, Session La.ws of Minneaota for
1959. This bor�d is issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 11g05,
. enacted by the Council of said City, and duly signed, attested,
approved and published in the ma.nner required by the Charter of
said City, and authorized by said Chapter 538, Session La.ws of
Minnesota for 1959, also by Resolution of said Council, No. 222352 " ,
passed and approved March 10 , 1965, and under author3��
of and in all respects n ul cornp ance with Section 217 of
the Charter of the City of Saint Paul and such other sections
thereof as may be applicable thereto, and Chapter �75, Mirinesota
Statutes 1957, as a.mended.
` ����;J�
- 6 -
"It is hereby certified and recited that all things,
acts and conditions required by the Constitutuion and laws of
the State of M3.nnesota and the Charter of said City to happen
and be done and performed preeedent to and in the issuance of
this bond have happened and been done and performed in regular
and due form and time as required by law, and that the total
indebtedness of said City, including this bond, does not exceed
any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitationa.
"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Saint Paul, .
by its Couneil, has caused this bond to be sealed by the
facsimile of its Official Seal lithographed thereon, to be
signed by the litY�ographed faesimile signature of its Mayor,
at�ested by the lithographed facsimile signature of its
City Clerk, and Qountersigned manually by its Comptroller,
and each of the interest co�.pons hereto attached to be exe-
cuted by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said offieers,
this first day of April, 1965.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attest: . . . . . . . . . . . � .
- -_ �--- ' - - City C1erk ,_ . _ �
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . �
� , City Comptroller" �
"On the first day of October; 19 . . , the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota, promises to pay to bea�er . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Dollars ($ . . . . . . ) at the office of the
• Coinmissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or at the
Fiscal Agent of the City of Saint Paul, in either Saint Paul,
Minnesota, or New Yor�t,New York, at the option of the holder,
for the interest due that day on its Trtznk Highway Bond, Series
No. 3, dated April 1, 1965, No. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attest: . . . . . . . . . . . '
City Clerk ' ; .
Countersigned: . . . . : . . . . .
City Comptroller"
•. .I�Y�nYwr...n ^^
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '°"���
- 7 - .,
RESOZVED FURTHER, that each said bond �hall be
sealed by the facsimile of the Official Seal of the City of
Saint Paul lithographed thereon and . signed by the lithographed
facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the li�thograpY�ed
facsimile signature of the City Clerk and eountersi ned manually
by the City Comptroller in accordance with Chapter �22,
Minnesota I,aws of 1951, ar�d -Seation �+75 •55� Minnesota Statutes
8nnotated, and the interes� coupons thereto attached shall be
executed by the lithographed facsimil�e signatures of said
of�icers .
MAR i o 196� �
COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish MAR 10196�
Holland �� Approved 19—
Loss �
� Favor , �
$ete esen �yoP
��� A►gaiIl9t
Mr. President, Vavoulis pllBLISHED MAR 13_ 1965
ions e�aa �
� _ 1
� • CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�uNCa NO j���°'
WHSREAS, the City of Salnt �'aul, by �ts Ordint�.nce
No. 11905, bearing Council File No. 2004�31, duly enacted by
its Counail and approv�d by its Mayor February 2, 1961, pro-
vided thereFor and authorized the iaauance and sale by said
City of the bonds of said City in �he par v�,lue amount of
Seven I�ii.11ion Three Hundred Fi�'ty Thousand Do11ar$ (�7,350,000.00),
authoriz�d by Chap�er 538, Ses�ion Laws of Minnesota for 1959,
for the purp�se of �he proa�rement by aaid City of funds in the
amount of 3even M3.11ion Three Hundred Fifty Thoueand Do11arQ
(�7,350,000.00}, for the payment of aaid Ci�y�s advanaea to the
Sta�e of M�.nnesota, �he lattsr acting in the prem�.sess by and
through its Commis$ioner of Highways, therefor and not to e�caeed
the �aid State �� ehare of the es�i�ated oost of Qerta3n 3tate
Trunk Highway Pro�eot$ fox� the loQation, Qonstruation, reaon-
struation� and improvement of Gert�.in 3tate Trunk HigYiwsye
within the Qorporate limits of aaid City, whieh advanaae in said �
amount of Seven Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollar�
($7,350,000.00) �a�d City �greed to make to said State f'or a�aid
purposes under and pursu�,nt to several Agreements ma.de by and
between them, author�.zed thereby and in aacordance with the
provisiona, terms� and eonditionB of saici Chapter 538, Seasion
Laws o� Miru�esota Pvr 1959; and
WI�REA3, Chapter 538� Ses�3on Laws of Minnesota for
1959, according to ita pertinen� terms, beaa.me operative upon its
approval by ma�ority vote of the Counail of the City, evidenaed
by �aid Council�s Re�olution, Counail File No. 192221, adopted
and approved �he 7th day of May, 1959, �d the Certifiaa�e o�
the City Clerk of the eity� incsorporating a Certified Copy of said
Resolution, �he pr�.nter�s affida.vit oP its offiaial publiaation,
and all other requisite data� filecl with the SeQretary of State
of the State o#' Minnesota on the 21st day qf May, 1959, in
aacordance with all provisions of �he Statu�es of said State
in suah Qaeeg made and provideds and
WHEREA3, said Chap�er 538, Seesion Laws of Minnesota
for 1959, among o�her thing$, for the purposes of Expedit�.ng
$nd faQi].itating acst3on by the State on any State Trunk Highway
Pro�ect for loaation, �onetruction, recons�ruction or improvement
COiTNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Holland Approv� 19—
Peterson MByOr
Mr. President, Vavoulis
ion� e•a�
' � �
' - � i
. �����=��j �
- � - .
of any State Trunk Highway, within the corporate limits of '
the City, authorized an agreement by and between the State ;
and the City whereunder and whereby the City shall agree, !
. in consideration of the undertaking of any such sub�ect State ;
Highway Pro�ect, by the State, at a time specified in such E
agreement, to advance cash or engineering services, or both,
totne State in an amount not to exceed that part of the cost . ;
of such State Trunk Highway Pro�ject which is to be borne by •
the State, and wh�reunder and whereby the State shall agree to .
undertake and complete such State Trunk Highway Pro�ject, and
to repay to the City the principal amount of such advance, '
t,rithout interest, from the State �s Trunk Highway Fund, in cash �
or by the issuance and sale of bonds, by the State, under the . '
provisions of Article XVI, Section 12 of its Constitution, in
the amount of such advance to the State, in consideration of +
such advance by the City; and
[�IHEREAS, said State, acting by and through its '
Commissioner of Hi hways, and said City, under and by authority ;
of said Chapter 53�, Session La.ws of Minnesota for 1959� made �
and entered into that certain original Agreement dated �
January 25, 1960, and that certain Supplemental Agreement � �
� amendatory of said original Agreement, dated November 29, 1960,
bf and be���reen 'said State and said Ci�y, mentioned in said '
Ord�nance No. 11905, whereunder and whereby sa3.d State did � �
agrae to undertake and complete two separate proposed State ' ;
irunk Highway� Pro�ects within said corporate limits, and to :
make repayment to sa3.d City of the principal amount of all ad- ,
vances thereby agreed to be made by said City to said State, �
equivalent in amount to that part of the estimated cost of said �
two separate proposed State Trunk Highway Pro�ects, 'required ,
to be borne by said State and representative of fifty per cent �
(5�) of such estimated cost, and to make such repayment to ;
said City by the issuance andc�livery to said City of said '
, bonds of said State authorized under the provisions of •Article
XVI, Section 12, of its Constitution; such advances by said
Ci�y being thereby provided to be made solely from the proceeds �
of said City� s issuance and sale of its bonda, authorized to �
be issued and sold for the purposes of suah advances, under +
and by the provisions of said Chapter 538, Session Laws of �
Minnesota for 1959, in the aggregate par value amount of �
Seven Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($7,350,000.00), ;
representative of that part of the estimated cost of said pro- '
posed State Trunk Highway Pro ects, required to be borne by said �
State and fifty per cent (50�� of� said estimated cost, said � '
Chapter 538 providing authorization for the issuance and sale
by said City of such bonds for said purposes in an amount not ,
- to exceed Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000.00); and
. / . • _' .
� ,� . � . .
2����� .
_3_ .
WHEREAS, Heretofore necessary provisions were made •
therefor and said City duly issued.and sold Four Million Seven �
Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($�+,750,000.00) par value of such - ° '
authorized bonds, in the aggregate, for the procurement of necessary
funds in said amount for payment by said City on account of the
aforesaid advances by said City to said State for said public purposes
under and pursuant to said original Agreement as amended by said
Supplemental Agreement, and it is necessary that additional pro-
visions be made for the issuance and sale, at this time, of an
additional Two Million Two Hundred. Seventy Thousand Dollars �
($2, 270,000.00} par value of such authorized bonds, by said City,
for the procurement of necessary funds in said anount by said City,
for payment by said City on account of the aforesaid advances by �
said City to said State for said public purposes under and pursuant
to said original A�reement as amended by said Supplemental Agreement,
by and between them, which contemplates and provides,' among other
things, for eligibility of �each aforesaid State Trunk Highway Pro�ect
therefor and the grant of additional financing for the defrayment of
the estimated cost of the sa.me, in an amount equal to fifty per cent
(50�} of such cost, by i�he Federal Government to the State, by
authority and pursuant to Chapter 1, Sections 101 to 131 inclusive,
Title 23, United States Code Annotated, 1959; now,• therefore, be, it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul issue
and sell at this time Two Million Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars
($2, 270,000.00) par value in and of said bonds, pursuant to and in
accordance with said Ordinance No. 11905 and said Chapter 538, Session
Laws of Minnesota for 1959� that said bonds shall be in denominations
of $1,000.00, $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 each; that said bonds shall bear
a ra�e of interest not to exceed f3ve per cent per annum payable semi-
annually on October 1 and April 1 according to the interest coupons to •
be a�tached to said bonds; that said bonds shall bear date the lst day
of April, 1965; ichat said bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds,
• a portion of which shall become payable each year after issue com-
. mencing April 1, 1968; that the first installment of said bonds shall
come due three years from the date of the same and the last installment
of said bonds shall come due in not more than twenty (20) years from
such date; that no annual installment of principal of any of said bonds
payable in any calendar year after the date of the same shall exceed
five times the amount of the smallest prior installment thereof
payable in any calendar year after the second calendar year; that
the prineipal Two Million Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars
( $2, 270,000.00) par value of said bonds shall mature 'serially
commencing April 1, Zg68, over said twenty (20) year period on the
, following dates and in the followin� a.mounts: ' . ;
' • � �
. - . .
" tt
• v i �
• , ������ ,
� � � � �
, Date of Maturity Amount �
Apri1 1, 1g68 $ 90,000 !
April 1, 1969 , • go,000
April 1, 1970 " , 90,000
April 1, J.971 100,000
April 1, 1g72 • 100,000
April 1, 1g73 110,000
April l, 197� 110,000 _
April l, 1975 110,000
April 1, 1976 120,000
April 1, 1977 120,000 � .
April 1, 1978 130,000 .
April 1, 1979 � 130,000 �
April 1, 1980 150,000
• April 1, 1g81 150,000
April 1, 1982 160,000
April 1, 1g83 160,000 �
April 1, 198�4 . 170,000
April 1, 1g85 180,000 �
$2, 270,000
RESOLVED FURTHER, That sealed proposals be received
at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and
�i�y Hall in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to ten �
o 'clock A.M. (C. S.T) on April 8, 1965, for the sale of all or
none of said bonds, after giving due notice of such sale in
the manner prescribed by law in the St. Paul Legal Ledger, the
official newspaper of said City, and in the Commercial West, a
financial pex�iodical published in the State, of Minnesota; that
eaeh bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified
or• cashier' s check for two (2) per cent of the amount of the
bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated
damages if the bonds a�re not taken up and paid for when ready
for delivery; and that the City Comptroller shall, at the next
meeting after receiving said bids, present the same to the
Council for its action thereon, and that said bonds shall be
offered to the person who wi11 pay par or better therefor, and
at the lowest rate of interest not exceeding five per cent (5�)
per annum;
RESOLVED FURTHER, That said City of Saint' Paul Bonds,
in the amount of Two Million Two Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars
(�2, 270,000.00) par value authorized and provided to be sold here-
under in denominations of $1,000.00, $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 each,
as aforesaid, shall be denominated City of Saint Paul Trunk Highway
Bonds, Series No. 3, and shall be in substantially the followin�
form, which has been prepared by the Sinking Fund Committee and
approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City, and is hereby
approved and adopted:
. , Y �
� ' i
_ 5 _ ` , �
. �
SERIES N0. • 3 �
No. . . . . . $ . . . . . ;
Saint Paul in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, - ;
acknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby t
promises to pay to bearer the sum of . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dollars ($ . . . . . ) on the first day of April, 19 . . . . ,
to$�ther witk� �.nterest thexeor� from the date• h�reof unt�l paid, at ;
� the rate of . . . . . per cent per annum, payable semiannualy on ,
the first days of October and April, in each year, as evidenced
by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest
coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest �
of this bond are payable in ,lawful money of the United States of '
America at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City ,
of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agent of the City of Saint ,Paul, �
in either Saint Paul, Minnesota, or New York, New York, at the
option of the holder; and for the prompt payment of this bond,
both principaljand 3.nterest, at maturity, the faith and credit '
of the City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. •
"Thia bond is one of a series amounting in the
aggregate to the sum of Two Million Two Hundred Seventy Thousand .
Dollars (�2, 270,000.00), issued by the City of Saint Paul for '
the purpose of procurement by said City of funds for the payment .
on account of said City' s advances to the State of Minnesota, �
therefor, and not to exceed the St$te � s share of the estimated
cost of certain State Trunk Highway Pro�ects for the location, �
construction, reconstruction and imp 'rovement of said State '
Trunk High�rays within the corporate limits of said City, pur- `
suant to several Agreements made by and between said City and '
�aid State, making additional provision for reimbursement of '
Lhe principal amount of such advances by said State to said �
City authorized thereby, in accordance with the provisions, terms ' ;
and conditions of Chapter 538, Session Laws of Minnesota for
Zg59. This bond is issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 11g05, �
enacted by the Council of said City, and duly signed, attested, �
approved and published in the manner required by the Charter of i
said City, and a�uthorized by said Chapter 538, Session La.ws of �
Minnesota for 1959, also by Resolution of said Council, No. 222352 � �
passed and approved March 10 , 1965, and under author y
of and in all respects in u comp ance with Section 217 of .
�he Charter of the City of Saint Paul and such other sections .
thereof as may be applicable thereto, and Chapter �475,� Minnesota
Statutes 1957, as amended. , '
� I
y . ������ �
- 6 - �
"It is hereby certified and recited that all things, -
aets and conditions required by the Constitutuion and laws of
the State of AZinnesota and the Charter of said City• to happen
and be done and perforrned precedent to and in the issuance of
this bond haveYn.ppened and been done and performed in regular
and due form and time as required by J.aw, and that the total
indebtedness of said C3.ty, including this bond, does not exceed
arzy constitutional, statutory, or charter limitationa.
"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Saint Paul, _
by its Council, has caused this bond to be sealed by the
facsimile of its Official Seal 13.thographed thereon, to be "
si�ned by the lithographed faesimile signature of its Mayor,
attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of its .
City Clerk, and countersigned manually by its Comptroller,
and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be exe-
cuted by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers,
this first day of April, 1965. • .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mayor '
, �
Attest: . . . . . . . . . . . • �
City C1erk � , . .
Countersigned: . . . . . .. . . . - � �
, City Comptroller"
April - �
"On the first day of October, 19 . . , the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota, promises to pay to bearer . . . . .
� . . . . Dollars ($ . . . . ) at the office of the
Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or at the
Fiscal Agent of the Ci�y of Saint Paul, in either Saint Paul,
Minnesota, or New York,New York,at the option of the holder, �
for the interest due that day on its Trunk Highway Bond, Series
No. 3, dated April 1, 1g65, No. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mayor '
Attest: . . . . . . . . � .
City Clerk ' �
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . , .
City Comptroller"
DUrUCATC TO r1�INTtR �/5���� ,
l,�cr �r��r
- 7 - .
RFSOLVED FURTHER, that eaah said bond sha11 be �
eealed by �he faesitnile of �he Off�.cial Seal of the City of
Saint Pau1 13thographed thereon and eigned by the 1i�hograp�ied
faceimile �ignature of the Ma�or, atteated by the li;�hographed
facsimile �ignature af the ei�Cy Clerk and oounterai, ned manually
by the City Comp�roller in aocordanQe with Chap�er �2�,
Minneaota Lawe of 1951, and Sec�3.on �F75 •55, Minneaota S�atutea
Annotated, and �he intereat coupons thereto attached $ha11 be
executed by the litY�ographed faceimi.le eignature� of said
officers . ,
COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish MAR 1 p 1965
Holland Approv� 19—
Loss �Tn FavOr
�� � Mayor
R A gsinst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
iona e-as