D001441No. D l/l.l � "( �"'� ( Date: � � CITY QF SAINT PAUL - QFFICE OF THE MAYOR � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CFiPSIGE AGRSEMENT NO. 5 ADMINISTRATIVE oRDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as:__Rice & Arlinaton Snorts Dome Supgort Buildinq known as Contract 15888 , City Project No. B97-06-07 , Jorgenson Construction. Inc., Contractor, is composed of the following: PR #4 PR #21 PR #22 PR #27 PR #31 PR #33 PR #36 PR #47 Supply and install additional rebar dowels at grade beam. Supply and install dome connection assembly. Remove 1080 cubic yards of escess soil. Supply and install coiling shutter modifications. Construct eight pitching machine and hopper support stands Provide modified masonry wall bracing. Provide toilet accessory modifications. Modify door hardware. Add $ Add Add Add Add Add Add Add 5,759.00 3,518.00 10,773.�0 i,sii.00 1,225.00 483.00 415.00 339.00 __'_'_'_" " " " " N"ET ADD $24,023.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $24,023.00 , said .amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contraat 15888 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $1,113,000.00 Change Orders to Date 36,429.00 Amount this Chanqe 24.023.00 New Contract Sum $1,173,452.00 Chief Engineer Director of �19� _ >I��9� & Recreation :cc City Clerk Finanoe Department Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy - L97-06-07 � 326-23130-0894-33055 t;`:��y ,v_, �-�--� A� ist ative Assistant to the Mayor DEPAHTMENTfOFFiCElCWNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACTPERSON ANDPHONE PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MVST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: NO INITIALfDATE n Wehrle 266-6422 � 1 �EPARTMENTOIRECTOF _CfTYCOUNGII ASSIGN NuMBER FOR C17Y A�'(DRNEY �} CRY CLEfiK MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'!fl AOl1i1NG �� OPDEfl .� FINANCIAL$FAVIGES 5 PARKS & RECREATION NA MAYOft (OR A5515iANT1 _ TOTAI 8 OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCA7IONS FOR SWNATl1RE) yy m _ ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Rice & Ar�ington Sports Dame Sapport Building 3aeaL�_a 3'J �F'i�y G. � i�JV �� � � � AECOMMENDATIOPoS: Approve (Al m Rejeci (R) __PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION q6 COMMI7TEE _ A sraFF �ST INR7AVDATE Has th�s oersoNfirtn ever wotice0 under a controct for Ynis tleDartment? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a crtY employee> OISiRICT COUNCIL YES NO — — 3. �Oes thuc persoMfirm posx¢ss a skill not nOttnally possessed by any currenC crty employee> SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCIL �BJEGTNE? YES NO Ezplain a0 yes answers on sepamte sheet and attacb to green she¢t. INITIATMG PR09LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY iWno, What, When, Where, Necessary to compensate CoMractor for additional work: suppiy and instail additionai steel reinforcing; supply a�d install connection assembfy between building and fabric dome; remove 1080 cubic yards of excess soil from site; modify block walls for coiling shutters; consYruct eight pitching equipment pipe support stands; modify masonry wall 'pport 6racing; modify type of toilet accessories; change lockinglhardware fiunctions on doors 1036 and 105. ADVANTAGESIF APPPOVED. Additional steel reinfiorcing required per structurai engineer's direction; co�nection assembly between building and dome required adjustments per field conditions; excess soil not required for final grading removed from site; masonry waii and coiling shutter modifications necessary to allow for proper function of shutters; construction of pitching machine support posts allows for pfanned building programming; modified masonry wall bracing at ceilings required for structural support; toilet accessories modified tor proper building function; door hardware changed to aflow for proper building security. DISADVANTAGES IF APPPOVED: Vone F2ECEIVE� ..l .. ./1,��. � �ITy ��ERK SADVANTA6E5 IF NOT APPFOVED: oable to compensate contractor for revisions in contract. 4LAMOUNTOFiflANSACTION S Z4.OZ3.00 i1NGSOURCE TaX EXemDt Bonds FMANCiAIINFORMATION: iEXPLAIM dw �ATEINITIATED � GREEN SHEET 119 6198 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED IdRCLE ONE) (" YES J NO AClIVrtYNUMeER 326-23130-089433055 GREENSHE\DOME.C5