224998 \ ORIGIpIAI TO CITY CLERK � //���(1 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '`e"`°'� '��" �'` OFFICE OF THE CITY-CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co MISSDONEQ 1�ILTON ROSEN p�� Au�us t 25, 1965 WI�REAS, in the matter of Comptroller� s Contract L-6659-1 for the construction of the RIVERVIEW STORM WATER RELIEF SEBPER SYSTEM, Contract I - Phase II, Orfei and Sons, Inc., contractor, the specified date of completion is June ,30, 1965, and VII�REAS, the work was prosecuted by said contractor in a diligent manner, it was not possible to complete the entire project by said completion date due to delays caused by the Water Depar t- ment�s�* work of relocating their main along Stevens Avenue in ad- vance of the sewer construction, �'coupled with the necessity of having to lower existing sanitary sewers intersecting the aligi�.ment of this storm sewer and additi onal items of eatra miscellany, all of which was postponed during the winter months to avoid the neces- sity of maintaining temporary street restoration, and WHEI�AS, it is agreeable with the Counnissioner and Chief Engineer of the 19epartm�er�t of Public Works that in view of the foregoing, an exten�ion of time for completion of said project be granted, such extension to continue to September 1, 1965, now ther efore _ be it - , - RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and t hey are hereby authorized and directed to execute an .amendment to said contract extending the time of co mpletion to SEPTEPdBER 1, 1965, provided however, that this resolution shall have no farce or effect unless the sureties on the contractorTS bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the ..City Coinptroller, and be it a FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that the City of St. paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages, and that no engineering and inspection costs on this pro ject will be charged to said contractor on account of such extended period. - - AUG 2 51965 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AU� 2 5 1965 Dalglish Holland pproved 19— Loss Favor � Meredith ` Peterson J Mayor A gain3t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED AUG � � ��� ion� e-as DUrLICAT6 TO MINT[R �����CY ! , CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY eLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "��NTED�Y MZ�TON ROSEN Aug�tt9 t 25� 1965 COMMISSIONEe DATE Y�RE�iS, in the matter of Comp�roZler� � Contraat L-66�9•1 for the construat'Lon of t1�e RIVERVTEW ST�Rrd WATER RELIFF S�SP��FR SY�TE�d� �ontraat T - Pbaee II� Orfei and 3ons, Sne., aon�ra.ator, the speoified dat� o� complet3on i� June 30,� a.965, and WHEREAS� the work was prosee�zted by �a3d contractor 3n a, dil:Lgen� manner, it x1ae na�t po�sib].e to complete the entire project b� sa3d completion date due to delaya cau�ed b�€ the Vrater Depert� ments� work of relocatin� �their m�.in aZonR Stevens Avenue in ad- va.nce of tha sewer Qonstruc�ior�j coupled w3th the nece��ity of havin� to lower eaisting �enl.tary sewers 3nter�ecting the alig3�men� of thi� atorm ���rer and addi�i onal 3.tem� of eatra miscel.lar�.y, e�.3 of �hiah was postponed during tr.�e �►ir�t� month+� to aeoid the necos� aity o� m��.nta3.r�ing tempor�ry street re�toration, and �HE�AS, it i� agree�ble w1.th the Co�an3s�ioner and Ch3.e� Engineer of ths l3epa.rt�nt of Publia Wor]�s �h�it in vie�r of the forego3ng, �n �xt�ntion pf tiabe �or complotio�. ot' ��id pro�ect be granted, auch e�tent�or� to eo�tinue �v Septemb�r �, 1965, no� the�e�ore be it RESOL'VED,� �hat �he proper city� off�.cer�r be and the� �re �ereby authorized and c�SreEted to e�eeute ara. amenclment to sa3�3 �:ontract extending the time of aomple�ion to SEPTEMBLR 1# �.965, provided however.f tY�t th3s resolutio� �ehall hav� no Pa�a• or effeot unZess the �uretie� on the con�r�e�or�s bond coneen� fi.�.er�o and f ile euQZ�. aoxi��nt �a. �rri�ing w1.�th the Cit� Comptroll�r, and be it FIIRTHPR RE30LVED� that tk�.� City of St. p�ul hereby xaives a71 cla3m fbr liquida�ed dam,ages, Q�d �h�.t no engineerin� s� ingpeation costs on th3� pro�eat �311 b� ah�rged to �a3d aontractor on account oP +euah eztended period. AUG 2 519� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��U G 2 5 19� Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn FanOr Meredith Peters on /'� MAyOr �d Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� Qas �