224995 ' ' �� 2249�5 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .; � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EHC�� NO , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . �RESENTED dY �,�Q,�� COMMISSIONEe DA� RE`SOLVED� That a long-range capital inprovements eommittee be established by the �City Council to consist of the Mayor� Comptroller� 6 Commissioner of Finance� and not less than six and not more than twelve private citizen members who shall �initially be appointed unanimously by the three official members� one=third for two years� one-third for four years� and one-third for six years� that t�ereafter� al]. citi zen members shall be ehosen for staggered six=year terms which shall be filled by nomin.ation and a majority vote of all the committee members (other than those whose terms are expiring) snb�ect to confirmation by a ma�ority vote of the City Council; vacancies among the citizen members shall be filled in the same manner; vaca.ncies among the official members shall be filled automatically by their respective successors in office; and � + • RE�OLVED FURTHER� That said committee� in�'�drawing on the resources of the City Plann.ing Board and other City departments� j as needed� shall: . (1) study and consider (a)� long-ran.ge capital needs� (b) methods of f3.nancing such needs� and . (c) the permanent form of the committee� and ;mak�e recommendations to the City ��ouncil� including appropriate recommendations for additional sources or methods of taxation� and f or charter reform� to make effective a � � permanent and continuing lon.g-range capital improvements o � -o program; . , , . � o � (2) establish a priority rating system for capital improve- � � ments and make recommendations to the City Council �as to the �' order and priority of all capital improvement pr o�ects for N which City Council approval is required; and �v . (3) review improve�ment pro�ects while in progress to insure � their being carried out in conformity with the inten� of the City Couneil. COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counci�AUG 2 5 19� 19— Yeas � Nays _ , � Dalglish �uG 2 51965 � ' Holland , proved 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith J � ! Peterson � �ByOr A g1iIISt Rosen ! PUBLISHED AUG 2 � ���� Mr. President, Vavoulis d _ - - lons e.ds �;��:� � • . �, �