05-943.�}M��1D�1� - tD�s/aooS �/ City of St. Paul COUNCIL FII N0. (l.���.�' RESOLIITION RATIFYING ASSESSMSNT By I �{,�1� N D�tE ��_��� File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for JOST2Q1 (8125) J0503B1 (8126) r� Providing weekly garbage hauling service for the property at 227 Charles Ave during the second quarter of 2005. Boarding-up of a building at 769 Tatum Street on May 5, 2005. J0503A1 (8127) Summary Abatement (property clean-up) during the months of April, May and June, 2005. LAID OVER BY COIINCIL ON 9-21-05 TO 10-5-OS A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FiTRTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas Nays Absent senanav � Bostrom ✓ xarris ✓' Helgen ✓ Lantry � Montgomery ✓ Thune ✓ S Q � Adopted by Council: Date v L�� ���� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Appr � City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. ot Technology & Management Serv.COUNCIL FILE NO. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSN�NT File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW 05-9�f3 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses £or JO5T2Q1 (8125) J0503B1 (8126) Providing weekly garbage hauling service for the property at 227 Charles Ave during the second quarter of 2005. Boarding-up o£ a building at 769 Tatum Street on May 5, 2005. J0503A1 (8127) Summary Abatement (property clean-up) during the months of April, May and June, 2005. LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-21-OS TO 10-5-OS To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Tota1 costs Charge-Code Enforcement Real Estate Service Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $7,342.OQ $ 600.00 $ 220.00 $8,162.00 $8,162.00 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $5,162.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefitted by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated l0-°l DS �� �� �tV uation nd Assessment Engineer �M�,t�D�-'l�� � � �'. October 5, 2005 City Council Action Minutes �j�-9�� Page 9 49. Resolution Ratifying Assessment - OS-943 - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for summary abatements (property cleanup) during April; May and June, 2005 (J0503A); providing weekly garbage hauling service for the second quarter of 2005 (JOST2Q); and board'mg up vacant buildings during April and May, 2005 (J0503B). (Laid over from September 21) (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the following: 1243 Blair Avenue (J0503A) - delete assessment; 948 Bradlev Street (J0503A) - reduce assessment from $567.00 to $280.00 and spread payments over three (3) years; 227 Charles Avenue (J0503A and JOST2Q) - delete assessments; 113 Cook Avenue West (J0503A) - approve assessment; 1004 Grotto Street North - approve assessment and spread payments over three (3) years; 1180 Selby Avenue (J0503A) - approve assessment; 723 Sims Avenue (J0503A) - uNN.�.�� ^ °�* ^^�°°a:^T �°-��„*^ ^ r F•,o ic� �}•� . n. �, c r•. r �� *' ; reduce the assessment from $358 to $176 and s rp ead �ayments over four �4) vears; 769 Tatum Road (J0503A and J0503B) - approve assessments; and 478 Van Dyke Street (J0503A) - approve assessment and s rv ead �ayments over five (5) vears.) Adopted as amended (per the recommendation of the Legislative Hearing Officer) Yeas - 5 Nays - 0(Harris not present) Ci Departmentlofice%ouncl: oate mma��� p�1J — Pubtic wo�ks �4-�T� Conhd Person 8 Phone: Bfuce Engelbrekt 2668854 Must Be on ContractType: OT-0iHER (DOESNT Fff ANY CAlEGORY) - ' Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3028253 DED21Tfnefli aeni �o re�aw� p hr w rk � Bruce Eneelbrekt 2 .«e rie.r � ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All LocaGons forSignature) Action Requested: At Council's reques[ on 9-21-OS these items were laid over to 10-OS-OS, Providing weekly garbage hauling at 227 Charles Ave, �, Boazding-up of bldg at 769 Tatum SVeet and Summary abatement during April, May and June 2005. j File No.'s 705T2Q1, J0503B1 and J0503A1 I Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Rejecl (R): '� Personal Service Contracts MustMswer the Following Questions: ''�. Planning Commission 1}. Has this peosonlfimi e�ec wodca7 under a contract Tor this department? � � CIB Committee ' Yes No �I CiHI Service Commission � 2. Has lhis persoNfirtn e�er been a cify employee? j Yes No I 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not rwrtnally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the Ciry of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. The City is required by City code to clean up [he property and charge the property owner for the cost of the clean up. ' AdvantacesKApproved: '� Cost recovery programs [o recover expenses for Summary abatements, grass cutting, towing of abandoned vehicles, demolitions, ;, �, gazbage hauling and boazdings-up. �� i Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: If Council does not approve these chazges, general fund would be required to pay the assessment. ToW I Amount of Transaction: $$�162 Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Infortnation: � � (Explain) 11 property owners will ba notified of the public hearing and charges. �u���� N��� - �o- 5-a� os-�� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �D-� CosVRevenue Budgeted: t'e�t.r.31 F'1&�+�'c°�'Ch r°�'94�r � � ' {)� October 4, 2005 8:25 AM Page 1 os-y�r3 •i � w � a a W C� Q � E N rI m a E � � � � 0 � N 0 N N 0 s ,o � N � (] � O � H � O 1 � � � ; E � '+ a� � w,� � a�N � o � a�� a�N � � � �o in � i tA � o 0 0 11 0 [� � o 0 0 0 0 y� . . . n . i p� o 0 o n o Q i O tn N 11 h � � � N+?L} 11 N � � K 11 N 1 II a � n o �� E �� U � II � Q � II � W i II � tll � 000 � E. i o00 H � O O O � � I O O O � � O rl rl � a�o O�N � H� � U � � � � W i i Wi000 � [-� i o00 � �i000 � � . . i i�oo � E. i �n N i H I � 1 I I 1 I i 1 I � I I � � � I I H U1 �J I I F] P�i � W � 7SFC � , ix�U � z �wxw a � c�uc � o�aw� � F�mx> � v�a�a � I (� [� [� W I [J [4 Cn � t � i E E Cu O � a w � � ao z�z � o�warF � E I E 4. o�n i a � waao ••oo � H� RC N [x1 N O i � Z • E�rv i �I>mo zN�� W i w Q �� i q � �kO Ninio i N�'.Z w R � rC v n� � E� O,2 NM W mN i a i cnoo .-+ao�r � a � aH`'ox � o� � w�zaa* �+� � i W C] p7 t i� °' � ° a�woM oo � i � i i � � � � w o i E o � H p N I Z � I � U � t� �o i W � NE+riW � � � i (Il��� W a � w�c� o � � NEincn � i E � a�2�i a' i d W �4CC'1 �i ��a�a�z � a z��N g�a�HNa o� Mm.. 0 0 o n o 0 0 o n o . p . 0 0 o n o O l n N I I h N Lr+/1 II N N II N u � n n n u n n n II �� u n zwwii H U]U' II � F rl, ➢ aox�� �UUII II wxwna U' U U II eC FCWri n E aU a il � F(W W II c�amnE+ II U aaanw aRC�C n h E E H II O 00o ii a m a w U a a F a W X w 0 � a w U � a ti �5-4'f3 .� W � Q a � a a � � � N N m � H E m a � ,� , � .� , A,�, � .,,o , , �. �c i F�M C � @7 � n � LL � N � O � a�� a � r� � i � �m � N � i �n � o 0 o n o i E� o 0 o II o i � � . . . 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E Q z � wwEa � o����x�az �o�Zaxz � a�]z�a�Q �a���q r��mxM �z � a�z 3�oom�ma �aMFrva o � hcaa�x, . � �M�n� � 000��o 0 0 o II o •�� �oo�i� 610� II l� .� in .+ n m .vrvr u �o n �o N II N n n n n n i n n n II II • W W II W U] C� II � � � ii roox�� r1V V u II �+Y'W Il�l � VU II r� Wii II E x>no � U W II F wwn cn (Y, cn t� F il U aaauw aaa��h EEE ii p 000na FH[-�ua m a w a a H a E X W 0 � a W U � a rn 05-�3 • MINLJ'fES OF TT� LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF September 27, 2005 939 Charles Avenue (70501E) Mr. Theodore Cmiel, owner, appeared. �� � Page 2 For reasons of expedirion, Mr. Magner reported that he just reviewed the file. A sweep of the neighborhood was done in Apri12005. The original Correcrion Notice was sent to Mary and Theodore Cmiel at 939 Charles, but was not sent to Theodore at 6120 10�' Avenue South, Minneapolis 55417 address. So, the original Order, which was for sanitation, garbage, rubbish near the alley and also a vehicle with expired Minnesota license tabs was not sent to Minneapolis. The 939 Charles address mail was returned. Subsequently, the inspector sent a$50 Excessive Consumption charge and resent the Suirunary Abatement to the Minneapolis address, and it was abated by the owner. It looks as though the NI�PI office ened in sending the $50 Excessive Consumption charge, so, staff's recommendation is to delete the $50 Excessive Consumption charge, including the $20 administration fee. Mr. Cmiei stated that he owns nine (9) different properties in four (4) different cities, two (2) of which are in Saint Paul. This property is the only one that he has had a call or two (2) on. It is important to him that he retains a good reputation regarding his properties. Mr. Robinson suggested Mr. Cmiel go the Ramsey County office and give them his correct • address for each property that he owns in Ramsey County. Sometimes at closings, it is assumed that the buyer will occupy the properry being purchased. Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the assessment. Laid over Summary Abatements � 1243 Blair Avenue (J0503A) Ellen Weinstock, owner, appeared with her friend, Steve Swanson. Mr. Robinson reported that Orders were mailed on April 18, 2005 for refuse, cut brush, branches and bags, etc. for compliance by Apri127, 2005. The address was re-inspected on May 5, 2005 and a Work Order was sent to Parks on May 5, 2005. Parks cleaned-up the property at a cost of $253 plus $50 and $20 (administrative fees) for a total of $323. Ms. Weinstock explained that she does not own a pick-up truck and the pick-up truck topper out there is not hers. A neighbor of hers left it with her and she had been storing it in the garage. A couple of years later, she decided to clean out the gazage and had to move it out into the yard to clean the gazage. Also, ihey did some trimming of trees. She got the Notice and Steve Swanson removed the topper and the branches. She had an arrangement with her garbage hauler to pick up the brush, which was next to her garbage can. She can't say whether the garbage hauler missed that week or not. � Mr. Robinson put in the video. Mr. Swanson explained that those were not garbage bags on the os-9�3 + MINLITES OF Tf� LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF September 27, 2005 Page 3 video. Those were strips of black plasric weighted down with bricks and wood chips to prevent the grass from coming up in certain area and to keep the weeds down. Ms. Moermond noted that there was not a topper or branches shown on the video, so the crew must have come after Mr. Swanson had cleaned-up. Ms. Moermond recommended deleting the assessment. � 948 Bradlev Street (J0503A) Mee Vue Vang, owner, appeared with a friend, Xiong Thao, who translated for her. Mr. Robinson reported the original Orders were mailed on April 19, 2005 for vehicles with expired Minnesota license tabs, refuse and vehicle parts with a compliance date of May 4, 2005. On May 4, June 4 and June 22, 2005, re-inspections were conducted. On May 4 and June 4, 2005, a$50 and $75 Excessive Consumption charges were issued. On June 22, 2005, a Work Order was issued to Parks to clean the area which was done at a cost of $497 plus $50 and $20 (administration fees). Ms. Vang, through translator, Mr. Thao, explained that she had wood and tires that she uses. Why • did the City take that? Ms. Moermond noted that on the Correction Notice she sees that it was sent to Via Mia Thao, Tong Seng Vang and Mee Vu Vang. Mr. Thao said that Tong Seng Vang was Mee Vu Vang's husband, who no longer lives there. The video was viewed. Ms. Vang stated that she uses the piece of plywood. She works with vegetables in farming. Ms. Moermond asked about all the tires (14) and the car batteries. Ms. Vang stated that the tires are far her son's car; they are srill good. Ms. Moermond explained the problem. One can have tires and caz batteries as long as they aze stored inside of a building, like a garage or a shed. She stated that there is a higher cost associated for removing fires and car batteries because the City (as anyone else) needs to pay extra for those to go to the places that takes them. Ms. Moermond asked staff if they lrnew what is charged per tire and per car battery. Mr. Magner replied that the cost used to be $7 or $8 per tire, now iYs probably $10 per tire and a minimum of $5 per car battery. Ms. Vang also mentioned that the truck that was used to pick-up the trash broke the concrete and it might cost $1000 -$2000 to repair it. Ms. Moermond asked how Ms. Vang handles translation of her mail. She responded that she has no one to translate her mail for her. Ms. Moermond stated that Ms. Vang should find heip for that. Ms. Moerznond noted that perhaps Ms. Vang's son, who works on the cars, is old enough to take some responsibility and could help her out with translating these types of notificarions. Ms. Vang said that her son did not understand the notifications. • Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from $567 to $280 be paid over three (3) years. a5-9�3 • MINUTES OF Tf� LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF September 27, 2005 Page 4 �227 Charles Avenue (70503A), (305T2Q) Chonga Sake Mom, owner, appeared with a friend/general manager. Mr. Robinson reported that regarding JOST2Q, due to a clerical error in the NF�I office, a Work Order was sent instead of a Summary Abatement for a garbage hanler, so Pazks dropped off a container at 227 Charles Avenue. Staff is recommending deletion of the assessment for the gazbage hauler which was $200 plus $50 and $20 totaling $270. Regazding J0503A, Mr. Robinson reported that Orders were mailed on May 6, 2005 for rubbish and trash throughout the yard with a May 16, 2005 compliance date. Re-inspecrions were made on May 16 and May 20 of 2005. A Work Order was sent to Parks on May 20, 2005. They did the work for a cost of $421.50 plus $50 and $20 (administration fees). The Abatement Order was sent to KPM Properties 332 Minnesota Street. The property at 227 Charles Avenue was sold on Mazch 25, 2005 to Chonga Sake Mom, 227 Charles Avenue, Saint Paul MN 55102, and subsequently sent there. All the Orders were sent to hoth properties. Mr. Mom stated that he did not receive a thing. The house is new construc6on and he hasn't lived in it yet. He is having trouble with the builders. He found trash and branches behind the garage. He called Waste Management to take everything; they dropped off two (2) containers. His friend • and general manager commented that they think the garbage is either from the builders or from the neighborhood. She stated that Mr. Mom never got any bill; he just got the call from Paula. Over a month ago, she got a call from the builder's agent saying that there was a bili for then. He sent it to them; both were shocked over how much mail had accumulated. The only formal contact about this was from Paula, and Mr. Mom immediately called Waste Management to take care of it. The video tape was viewed. Mr. Mom said that he doesn't think he should pay for all these bills after he has paid Waste Management to take care of the gazbage. Ms. Moermond noted that staff has recommended deletion of the costs regarding the garbage, so she will also recommend deletion of these costs to the City Council. Ms. Moermond asked staff when the Orders were sent. Mr. Robinson responded that the first Order was sent on May 6, 2005 to KPM Properties (the builder); then on May 13, 200, Paula said that they needed to send Orders to the new properiy owner, then they sent a letter again on May 16 and May 20, 2005 (Word Order was also sent). Ms. Moermond commented that this is a pretty tight hun around time wise. Mr. Robinson said that oftenrimes a mail man will not deliver to a vacant house or a house under construction. Ms. Moermond recommended deletion of t�e assessments. �J o5-yY3 • MINUTES OF TF� LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF September 27, 2005 Page 5 1068 Rvde Street (J0502E) Esteban Juarez Cortes, owner, appeared. (Translator: Steve Rice) Mr. Robinson reported that Orders were mailed on Apri16, 2005 for discarded appliances, household items and debris in the yard with a compliance date of April 15, 2005. When the address was re-checked on April 15, 2005, it was found to be non-compliant. Cost: $50 plus $20 for admiuistrative costs for a total of $70. Mr. Cortes stated that when he received the Order, he moved his stuff into the garage. He thought the problem was conceming just the stuff that was iri front of the garage. He didn't understand that the Order was for the old stuff that was there when he bought the house. This is the first time he is hearing about a problem with that old stuff since he has been living there which is two (2) yeazs. An American friend of his read the letter for him and told him what he needed to move. He was going to make a payment, but he lost the bill and didn't lrnow how or where to make the payment. Ms. Moermond asked staff if the City had actually conducted a Suminary Abatement. Mr. Robinson answered that they had, but staff is not sure whether the clean-up was done by Parks or if it had already been done by the owner when Parks got there. A Summary Abatement was done � and a Work Order was sent. Ms. Nloermond recoznmended deletion. .�i�' 1004 Grotto Street � t` Owner, Ms. Sylvia M. Wilhemli, appeazed; owner, Dale G. Mays did not appear. Mr. Robinson reported that the nuisance was tall weeds and grass and garbage and refuse in the vacant upper unit. Orders were mailed on June 1, 2005 with a compliance date of June 15, 2005. A re-check was not conducted because of a pre-authorized Work Order. The work was done on June 18, 2005, both a clean-up and a grass cutting. On June 1, 2005, the property was condemned. The property shows several violations over the last year. The cost is $655 with two (2) service charges: $50 and $20 for a total charge of $725. Ms. Wilhemli stated that she is co-owner with Dale G. Mays. The video was viewed. Ms. Wilhemli stated that the property has become a problem within this last year. One of the reasons was a bad set of tenants in the upper unit. She had not received a letter to clean out the inside of the building. She and Mr. Mays separated during this past year. S Ms. Moermond asked to whom the Suimnary Abatement Orders were sent. Mr. Robinson replied a5-9Y3 • MINU'I'ES OF TF� LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF September 27, 2005 Page 6 that the Snmmary Abatement was addressed to both Sylvia M. Wilhemli and Dale G. Mays, 5810 150� Street, Prior Lake, MN 55372. Mr. Robinson also explained that the reason the upper interior was cleaned out was because there was gazbage throughout the upstairs with mice and rats. Ms. Moermond asked if both she and Dale live at the Prior Lake address. Ms. Wilhemli replied that they both used to live there. Now, her husband only lives there. She moved out and now lives in LeSeur, MN. Ms. Moermond recommended approval of the assessment to be paid over three (3) years. Mr. Magner added that Ms. Wilhemli should contact Maynard Vinge in their office at 651/266- 1900, who will assist in having both addresses applied to the rental registration. �Y 180 Selbv Avenue (J0503A) .- No one appeazed. Ms. Moermond recommended approval of the assessment. i � 769 Tatum Road (J0503A), (J0503B) No one appeazed. Ms. Moermond recommended approval of the assessment. �78 Van Dvke Street (J0503A) No one appeared. Ms. Moermond recommended approval of the assessment. Appeal of Deficiency List, which includes condemnation, at 719 Case Avenue; appellant: Terryl Brand. (Division of Fire Prevention) No one appeazed. Ms. Moermond recommends denial of the appeal. • Appeal af Summary Abatement Order at 2590 Edgcumbe Road; owner: Darlene and