224985 � - - -: � - - r. _....._�
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Resolution Approving Assessment By �
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon I'ile No.— 16437-8
and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award
of Damages '
In the matter of opening, widening and extending $. HYACINTH AVSNUE from the west
line of Westminster Street to the easterly line of Interstate 35E, by condemning
and taking for sCreet purposes the south 8.5 feet of Lots 19 and 20 escept that part
taken for highway purposes and the north 8.5 feet of Lot 21, all�in J. W. Bass
, Garden Lots. Also condemning and taking .an easement in the land necessary for the
slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from sub�ect
land or remainder thereof, oecasioned by excavations thereof or construction of
slopes in the grading of the proposed B. HYACINTH AVENIIE from the west line of
Westminster Street to the easterly line of Interstate 35E
. � �
under Preliminary Order 21 747A , approved Anril 10, 1964 ,
Intermediary Order 221855 , approved February 9, 1965 , '
Final Order 222887 , approved Anril 13, 1965 .
The Conunissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount
of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im-
�rovement and to whom payable; and also having submitted lus assessment of benefits to l�roperty
from tlie making of said improvement, therefore be it
P�esolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is liereby approved. �
Resolved further, That a public liearing be had before the Council upon said report ancl for a con-
firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as-
sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the
21st day of $��CPmhar�� 1965 � , at ten o'clock A.b'I. and that the Commis-
sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter.
µ��.. Yeas DalglisFi Nays _ , AUG 2� ���
Holland <
Loss - / . Adopted by the ouncil .
Mered`r�ti � � 2 41�
�:Y: Pete�sa� - Ar ed ..
Roser�, � '
Vavoui� .--In Favor
' ; � �Against .~4 ,T �
'��1� Form R-3 �0 �
`' � ' � PllBLISHED AUG 2 8 �965
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