224980 ..-.r. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ���^ %'� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � �9� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY Mi 1 ton Rosen Comni ssi ner of Publ i c Works p�� Auqust 2�}, 1 g65 COMMISSIONE � RESOLUTION QF ANNULMENT , RESOLVED, That the Northern States Power Comnany hereby is given permission to-install one 3 pole wood crossing structure about 350 feet downstream from the High Bridge on the east bank of the Mississippi River and one conventional electric pole on Harriet Isiand, the west �ank of the Mississippi River, with the nec�essary guys, anchors and wires, said poles to remain in service and in place for one year, and said permission being granted herein subject to the Northern States Power Company's obtaining approval and perrnission hereof from the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the U. S. Corps of Engineers; such poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Cort�non Council , and the cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company� under Council File No. 224958, approved August 20, 1965. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancetled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. 2 41965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council AuG Y9._ Yeas Nays Dalglish AuG 2 4196� Holland prove 19— Loss � Favor ` Meredith J Petetson �AyOr Rosen A ga�st I�UBLI�HED AUG � � �96� Mr. President, Vavoulis - 1on� e�s r DU�LICAT[TO rRINTtR r CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONEe �t��O� �os�n�Co�issionmr of� Public Wot�ks p�� AugusE ?.1}� 1965 RESOLU'fIQM 0� ANNt1L.MEM'f RESOI.VED� That the Northern �t�tes Pawer Caa�any hereby i s gi ven pet�r+i ssi on �o i n�tal i one� 3 pot• wood crossi ng stt�nc�ur� abouL 350 feet dow�nstra� frae+ th� High Dridge on Lhs •�st bank af tt� Mississippi R1va� and on� conventional electric pote on Harr1 et I st and, th� rrr�t �k of ths M�ssd ss#ppi Ri v�r, w1�h the n�c�essary guy�, �nchors and wfres, said poles to reraatn in sarvi ce and i n pl ace for cne yeari end ssi d psrmf asi on bti ns grant�d hersi n subj ect tn fihs Na��hern States Power Cot�panyr�� ob��in�nq �pproval and p�rmiss4on hereaF fran the Wort Authority o� the �ity of Saint paeal and tha U. S. Corps ai' �ngineers; wch po1 es snd wf r�s to ba �-anovad wh�n rec�uested tQ do sc� by ths Ca�naon Eouncil, and the cor�t of said reawv�i to b� borne by the tdorthern Statas t�ower Ccxapany� und�r Counci 1 �i 1 e No. 22�958, a�Aroved �tgust 20, 1�fi�. R�SOLV�Q� That a�il ord�rs in tMe �bo�e ��ter be anc! the s�me are l�ereby cancelt�d, annuiled ond reacindad a�nd a11 proceedings in such rtiatter diacon�inu�d. A�G 2 419� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG �� � Holland Approv�l 19— Loss • Tn Favor Meredith Peterson (� � �SyOr A g81IlSt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis , 1oM E-0!