224964 \ \ _ `ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEAK � • � /�i�j�(_j_ '' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �'� al+a.� '� • ' " FILE NO �f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY 4 A y COMMISSIONE pA� ,l"1UgUSt 17� 1965 1��S.OL�ED, Thdf �the Purch�sing .�gen# be c��d he js hereby at�;thorized wit�t. the conser�t of th.e' Compi�roller, tQ pu�;chctse f�-orr� B'..�;F. DjV�S�OIy, 1�IEV�( YORK i��R BJ�KE CO.y_ I�IORTIiWEST�R1�1 POW�R .�QUIP,MEiyT CO.;-INC. .for tyvo .B;l;:�. �otaliz�'r 'Recorders .at q cos� of �1071.Q0 wii�hout competitive bids pu�rsua�t �o� Se,ctlo� 290 of fihe C�a_�-te� of ,the City of St. Pau� as #his. f$ pdter�#gd equ ipment. Code 0236-329 - PW ��� APPRO\/ED AS �O FORJ�A: AP,P,ROVED: ' �:.��-�� J. Pf��c�e�l � GV:�� �my.�,,:-rciicr r� /� �;r .�_. S,SISTA CORP T P� S CO . TROLL_ R �� _-��.� �°�=��Y'�rilC:Y � . � G. G T _ _� ,. . . . _ _ - - , �� � _ _ . . _ .. ,-�,, . ... - - . .- - - _. - - � AUG 2 01�5 COITNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9_ Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 2 0, +��� ' Holland ,+ , / p roved 19— , � rI�ess�._ • � - �i ' , - . Tn Favor Meredith , ' � Peterson , ' ' ' MSyOr � Against Rosen �„ . � � y _ Mr. President, Vavoulis • � - PUBLISHED AUG 2 8 19�5 , ions a�a � ,� , � .. � �.- ' " ' ' , - . '. , � _. - - -- -- - DUrLICAT6 TO MINT[R � �� ••�� y r CITY OF ST. PAUL F�KC�� NO l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n��r,rEU.r � Aa�o�!' 17��, �9�b5 COMMISSIONE� ' DATF RESOLVEd� Tiic�' th�r .Pl�tc�l►� �►g�t� b�r anot 1�e is hireby 4vtho��t�`� v+rith �tie conset�t Af #�h� C�mph'�{I,Nrj #Q purcha� f�+or� 8.1.�, �IV�SMC�N, 1ri�WV 1�ORK �[� BR�+►KE GO., N�?R�'[ii�l�T�N At��R �Ql���l�1�NT CC�.,IIVC: foT f�vo D.�.1�. To�q�Ix� �aic,�ds�r� ct�' p co�# af $107�.00 ali�totit comp�itiw� bt� p�,r�tt b Sicl'�car� 290 of �hs Cht�rt'ot' Qf �h�r Cii',y c� �t'�. �� � thi� 1� ppt�nt�rd �qu1P,�rt• � . Cad� 02�6-�9 - P'W �►PPROV�UU ,�S TO �QRM: APARDY�b� � ,, r. - �.� ` _. �� ' C/� �U� � U � COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays A U G 2 0 196a nalglisb � Holland Appro�pd 19— �S—� Tn FsvOr Meredith Peterson � �y�r A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ioms �