224963 \ ORIGINAL}O CITY CLHqK �/��� t �, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED QY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOL�TED, That the Council of �he City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in and approves the aation of the Hospital Faeility Building Commission, taken at its regular mee�ing held August 11, 196g; approving the following speQificat3.ons for gquipmer�t at The 3aint Paul - Ramsey Hospitals Bid # 302 - Office Machines • Bid # 908 - Housekeeping Equipment B�d # 102 - Receptior� Room & Dining Furniture Bid # 706 - Technical Equipment being further described in the letter of August 13, 1.965, to _ Robert B. Gerber, City Clerk, from Franais M. Tompkins, Executive Secretary of the Hospi�al Facility Building Commission. � ..,. : ' _ _ _ � _ . ._� .. , �- - _ -- - - -�--- �. - • - r,�,.-_ . - Fp pPROVED � �� � Asst. Corporation Counsel " COiJNCILI�N Adopted b the Council AU G 2 0 1965 9- Y Yeas Nays q�G 2 0 �� Dalglish Holland � Ap ve�1 19— �°'�5�� Tn FavOr Meredith Petetson � MAyOr A gainst • , Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis $ 19� pUBtISHED AU� 2 ions e-ea � r ��� . 9 b� - ��� Hnspital Fac' 'ty Buildinq Com�nission _ ' o f fhe MEMBERS Francis M. Tompkins Edward g. Delaney City of St. Paul and County of Ramsey ��°�°8 S�re� Chairman Frank D. Maxzitelli Public Heslth Center ' vic� ct,str�„ • b56 Cedar Street Robert F. Peterson Saint Paul, Minnesota b5101 Secretary . 223-4472 John E. Daubney Msgr.Francis J. Gilligan AugUSt 13� 1965 Rev. Theodore Goehle Frank L. Loss Stanley T. Olson Clifton Parks Anthony Podgorski � Donald M. Steimer Mr. Robert Gerber, City Clerk The City of Saint Paul City Hall and Courthouse Saint Paul� Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Gerber: The Hospital Facility Building Commission at its meeting held on August 11, 1965� approved the followin� specifications: Bid #302 Office Machines Bid #908 Housekeeping Equipment Bid #102 Reception Room E Dining Furniture Bid #706 Technical Equipment The Commission respectfully requests that the City Co�cil of the City of Saint Paul, approve the above specifications under the provisions of Laws 1957� Chapter 938. Yours very truly� �-�.._� Francis M. ki s Executive Secretary ��� � FMT/am � � , � , �. ' o• .� 'v � ��' w 1`� � � � _ �O THE SAINT PAUL-RAMSEY HOSPITAL