224961 1�` i � ORIGINAL TO(�CLERK ^����� ;� � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO %� e• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM �RESENTEO EY COMMISSIONE DATE RE`�OLVED, That the Summit Avenue Assembly of God Chureh be ani. hereby i� permitted to install and operate a� 20-car off- street park3.ng facility� on property located at the northeast corner of Summit Avenue an:� Victoria Street, more partieularly deseribed as follows: "All that p art beginning a� the southwest corner of the northeast 1/�+ of Section 2� Township 28 of Range 23� running thence north along said 1/�+ section 1.ine to the point where said 1/4 section line would intersect the south line of Portland Aven�ze if produced in a westerly direction� thence east along the south . line of Portlan.d Aven�.e so produced to tY�e poin.t where said south line of Portland Avenue intersects the we'sterl::y=� line of Lots 3 and 4 3.n Block 5 of Bryantt s Addition to �t. Paul; th ence sout� along said westerly line of said lots and of said lots produced in a southerly dir�ction to the line running east arr3. west through tY�e center line o.� s aid section; thence west along said center line to the point of beginning, except the northerly 105 feet thereof, sub�ect, however� to the rights of the Fublic in Victoria fitreet on the � "- �� west of said tract and in Summit Avenue on the south side thereof� Ramsey County� Minnesota� Lot 3 except � the north 105 feet thereof� an.d all of Lot 4 in Block 5� in Bryantts Addition to st. Paul� Lots 5 and 6 and all of Lots 1 and 2, except the north 105 feet thereof ` ''`i in Bryant2 s Addition� Ramsey Coun.ty;" � � � all in accordance with fin.al revised plans dated received June 0 21 1965; sub�ect to the condition that said applicant-permittee o � �h�. its successors and assigns shall install a screening fence � p along the north property line to screen headlights of -cars � �, using the Victoria Street driveway from ad�oi.riing residences o �b to the north; sub�eet to the immediate pla.nting and continued ' � mai�tena�.ce by the applica.nt and its successors and assigns � of shrubbery as indicated on the revised plans dated�sreceived — June 21, 1965�' such shrubbery to be closely planted and replanted COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approve�l 19— Los s Tn Favor Meredith Peterson • MAyOT A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-da - ORIJ�NAL TO V��CI.�ER� ����� ,,� -� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DATF Pag e 2. as may be necessasy and kept neatly trimmed to a height of not less than. five feet. The parking lot hereby permitted shall be used only for the parking of vehicles by persons attending activities at �ummit Avenue Assembly of God church a.nd not for public parking, any commercial use, organ.ized recreational activities� or for an.y other purpose other than the occasional use of said parking lot area for organiz�d and supervised play or recreational activities by young people of said church during daylight hours and incidental to its regular church school activities� such as �unday school, vacation bible school during swnmer months and other church school activities conducted nnder the supervision of adult chu.rch personnel; and sub�ect further to the condition that said applicant� an.d its successors and -� assigns� shall make due complianee with all applicable provisions of mnnicipal ordinances� State statutes a.n.d rules arx3 regulations of public authorities Y�aving cognizance; and. � � � RE�OLVED �TRTHER, 7.'hat this resolution be and hereby is deemed to supplement a prior Resolution of this Council� Council File 224493, approved July 15� 1965. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou�� 2� �� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 2 0 1965 Holland � pproved 19— ��— Tn FsvOr � �- Meredith Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis pllBLISHED AUG 2 8 1965 iont a�a � � ^ ' ~ � � ���� . BERRYMAN, FISHER & JOHNSON �� , ATTORNEYS AT LAW 824 ENDICOTT ON FOURTH SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 85101 TELEPHONE 222•8841 AR� CODE 612 VERN L. BERRYMAN OF COUNSEL FRED W. FIBHER Augus t 6 , 196 5 MAYER SHAPIRO ROEERT W. JOHNSON RICHARD A. GRAYSON MARK J. VIENO Mr, Robert B. Gerber, Jr, � City Clerk ,�j� City of Saint Paul r,� w� 386 City Hall and Court House �ri� St.Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Gerber : Mr. Richard L. Post, attorney for Maynard H. and Irma Patterson, has written you under date of July 23, 1965, with reference to the inadvertent omission from the Council's Resolution, Council File 224493 (granting a parking lot permit to Summit Avenue Assembly of God Church) , of ce'r.tain language agreed upon by the church and the adjoining property owners placing certain restric- tions on the use of the proposed parking lot, 'I'he purpose of this letter is to advise the Council that our office, representing Summit Avenue Assembly of God Church, had agreed with the adjoining property owners upon the pro- posed restrictions, as set forth in Mr. Post' s letter, and had assumed that this language would be presented to the Council and incorporated into the Resolution. We concur w•ith Mr. Post' s request that the Council either amend Council File 224493 or re-adopt the Resolution adopting the parking lot permit and incorporating the language�quoted by Mr. Post in his letter. Since all interested parties had agreed prior to the July 1 hearing that the quoted language should be included, we would see no reason why any further notice of hearing should be required and we would feel that the Council may now properly adopt a further Resolution amending Council File 224493. Very truly yours, BERRYMAN, FISHER & JOHNSON ���7��--�/Gv C�-�-�� FWF :mg ' By: Fred W. Fisher i �' J Y � •' PNONE fl33-1970 � . �aiaa�aD L. POST ATTOBNEY AT LAW 2501 HUDSON ROAD MAPLEWOOD SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55119 July 23, 1965 , ' , Mr. Robert B. Gerb er, Jr. City Clerk, City of St. Paul 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Gerb er: After my clients, Maynard H. and Irma Patterson, received a notice dated June 18, 1965 from the City of Saint Paul, Department of Finance, pertaining to a public hearing to be held in the Council Chambers on July 1 with respect to the Summit Avenue Assembly of God Church appli- cation for a permit to install and operate a parking lot, I had certain discussions with Mr. Fred Fisher, the attorney for that Church, as a result of which we reached an agree- ment as to the form of the conditions to be included as a part of the resolution to be considered and adopted by the City Council relating to that matter. It was agreed that the following should constitute a part �of that resolution: "This permi.t shall be condition�d upon the immediate planting and continued maintenance by the applicant of shrubbery as indicated on the drawing submitted by the applicant and on file in the office of the City Planning Board, such shrubbery to be closely planted, replanted as may be necessary and kept neatly trimmed to a height of not less than 5 feet. The parking lot hereby permitted shall be used only for the parking of vehicles by persons attending activities at Summit Avenue Assembly of God Church, and not for public parking, any commercial use, organized recreational activities, or for any other purpose other than the occasional use of said parking lot area for organized and supervisecl play or recreational activities by young people of said . + \ ' � � e � � � v� ` 2 - July 23, 1965 church during daylight hours and incidental to its regular church school activities, such as Sunday school, vacation bible school during summer months and other church school activities conducted under the supervision of adult church personnel. " Mr. Fisher had certain conversations with repre- sentatives of the City Planning Board, and Mr. R. O. Laine of our office attended the meeting of the City Council held on July 1 at which the subject matter was considered. Mr. Laine was of the understanding that it was not necessary to make any statement on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, because of his further understanding that all the matters relating to the aforementioned conditions being included as a part of the resolution had been agreed to in advance. As a result of this, the resolution adopted by the Council on July 15, 1965, and which is now identified as Council File No. 224493, does not include the aforementioned conditions. We will very much appreciate your taking whatever action may be necessary to effect an amendment, or, if necessary, by a re-adoption, so that the aforementioned conditions will be a part of the resolution granting the permit to the Church. Very truly yours, 1 � Ri�hard L. Post RLP:f e . �. ;:::•>:•::�:.::•::� , � :�;;;�;��: �� �':;`;�t'-�':•.�""";�`�, . ����: � 8�7ARQ OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL - - ������l�223-4151 Room 20 CITY HALL Y� COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 June 30, 1965 � Mr.Rbbert B. Gerber Jr. ����.=J� _ City Clerk • • Building � � Dear Sir; � , This is in reply to the referral of the application of the ' Summit Avenue Assembly of God Church for a perm'a.t to install and operate a 20 car off-street parking lot on property located - at the northeast corner of Summit Avenue and Victoria Street. The property is zoned "A" residence and a copy of the legal description is attached. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meet- ing on May 20, 1965. The` staff reported that the applicant's plan met all of the required standards for this type of facility, and - had been reviewed and approved by the Traffic Engineer. A screen- _ � ing fence will. be provided along the north property line to screen � the headlights of the cars using the Victoria Street driveway �from � the adjoining residences to the north. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning , recommends the granting of the permit for a 20 car off-street parking lot on the above described property in accordance with final revised plans dated received June 21, 1965. Sincerely, � . . . - . � N R. Heiden � - . \�i.K ` � • NRH:FGI - - � • ; , . - Encl. . " � Z. F. 5809 _ - , ' s _ - ' _ . ti _ _ . � z y - � r ' � � . - - � -- . _ ` , '. . - � '��. � . . . . � � - _ - _ � , ; . � - � ' '- , • , - - - . . � . � _ � , _ -- � -� - s r►. � • , _ � •. - . - • ti . ' - : _�.~ � � 1 � • � , .. " ' ' � ,~ ` " �-• � • `' ~- '--� �V• r F�'� ,. ,q. - ��� si' � . L _ ' - " � � �2 - : ; -, , ` , _ � ` . ' , ' . n'°'''`-� : � _ . . , _ , . . _ .. . . � ' _- - ' -- - .. -�4. - i.h, �t`. .. �.- ' .. � � , - . . -:{_ � . . � . . . � - ' � _,x . - "_ • , ' " _ -`"��.Legal Description; Summa.t �Avenue Assembly of �God� ChurcYi � Z,� F; �5809 � - � . '. �4 _ - -.- .�.:�. �,, . -` •° ` '' ' ' - _ � - - . - � • � " R.- �. � - _ - _ � f- � - , ' • ` . _ ._ �7- •�� - . . � - .. ,. - _ . _ _ _ . f • , , � , �- _ _ w - . ., � • }�` , All�,that part beginning`at• the` S.W..'corner of the 'N.. E. -1 �-ofl S�ction•2, sin'. - • " - � . ''�`'-� _ . . , . ' ' ; ... ; _ : • ' - _ . . . - - ' .,;` r" . " � . � � • '_• ' ' . _ . _ - '�.-4 Twp.��28,of 4R.��23 runn3.ng..thence North .along -said, I.j4 section__:line to�the��point , - _ � .- ;_. ' , : ` • � _ �` -,�. t � +�_ . � - •�'�' ; ,",, a ,� .. _ .� . . ., . . M' ' '^f _ " . ' � ' . • �- • • - . r ." � , �t,;� < 7:� " .. . ._ �. - * . . ' � .. - • " _ r.,. : � ,` �,i.,�,where;`said .114. section�line, �yould inte'rsect th'e south 'line of��Poxtland Avenue � "�: . . � • . ... _ _ . �.xa,- ' • X- '� �,- f ,. " : - - -, .,' ; -,'- ' •Y , e � , �,. , .. , - - ��- , - -. .. , �� . �� � - - � _ �- -•• � - ' . . - , . - • • � if .produced� in'a�.Wly direction;ythence E. ',along the S.tline of �Portland Ave. � -' - � ' .ST' - •�` A,a- . '" • �` 'y.� � ... - � . - - - " ' `- ��_ �. ��•�• �3a.v ¢r- . ' ' : ' _ ... " , ' ' � ' " w r . ' ' - • ~ • , , t � ' � '` - - ' }��? , so.produceci��to-tl�e po�nt'.where`said S. 1'ine�of Port�land Avenue-intersectS the �Wt�.y �� � .t'. . , . " � u 1� . ' � Vri~� {.�',:. � � . • " _ �' L • , � : +-• ! �" e. . ✓! �c �. � . •` _ . ' � `'{ ) •- r ; ,� t.�., . „� .. line of:I,ot _3'�and `4 iri Block_�5�of Bryant�s Ad,d+:��jto St.:Paul';�th'ence "S. a'long .said W=ly � �S"'r, _ .r�.�y ' . � "r' --- - " - --- - - �� . - _ , . . , ._. '. � . �r. _" .- _ , '„�- � . ��.- «_ . � - ,` . - -� . .r . . . ' , . � �' � �' .r_'-line�off.;said lots and`of -�aid. lots ' �:. � = .. • . . � � - - . • _ .- � - - t� . - _ . pr,oduced in a S.�ly d,irection to-the" line running - Y _ a�,��.�E. and'W:Y`through_`the •center,line of-�said�section;�:thence ��9_. �along.•said'center line ` - -�•. -� _�Y- �' _ . ^ _. - .r . _- _ � � �` •. - � ' . - , ; . • ' _ _ ° - . . :: , ''•p = � ., S,�,to ��the - oint of. be� znnin exce �t the.NT1 � 105. �feet �thereof_ u�su1� ect` howeve�r to `� , , n �� g, P Y.; � J , , f � � _ _�{;the 'rights�of therPublic'in,�� icto�i;a, ;Ik�� . . � , \ ` ` c and in' Summ�it � , � - � , � V r St on the W� of said tra t �� ; . ���;,.,Avenue �on the ,S, side `thereof,RlRamsey}Co;�Minnt..I,ot 3�ex. .the �N.. �105T'thereof;� � ,y � � . . •,�, �, __ , " �-' - ..�. , . � ' -_' ; '=4 , _, ,. : - -. : . '�;f :. ; „ �, 1.►� . = . - _.. •..• . - _ '. _ , • - - - - - .a�, . � p .. ��;��and��all.°of Lot 4 in,Block 5, in Bryant't�s Add��to St.Paul� Lots 5 & 6 and all. of , --� - r -•r- - , . --���-�-='-;-;_,� �_._._._�_�',__�'.�._;.:. - .. ,; �_-� _;: .T _ ._ _=-�-. ---�� . _.�, :' -_ _ ._ ; _ �_", a . . �,. � . _._ � � - Lots�1, and 2,, ex�-the-No; '105TTthereo�`'in.�Bryant�s Adci3�R�ey� �o. a 1 � � �� � �� �� � �. ---_ --- _._ - -r�,- . �-. -- -;#•. i,._.. _--. -- - �� . •� r—� ;C r r+ 'f'- -- - � �-• :� �-- l� � -{ ,�� n� _ 4 , .. . .j _f � ' f �. � �! } �. � -��i - � , ' � '-.' ' .y , _. ^ _ �r.-` `; '} -�� �,� -w�•;c- - �i w�.i. ?..--� .� -�:,�, ^ ._ �F°- �w.�:1.�._._� � _:'�:-I�-- �..� •. R. ��.:,...:...- y_-.'�Y� �' ± ., - i..� rl�-� `'. '�' �l- i. ." ', .�_' ,�. ,- ,...�.,�-a,.�.� . .i -� a �y� � • •'► - . }' 1. - ' !�''." ' i:]t`�i..•;�.�c.'?,G" 1'k��.,. {k.y--i =>'7.:,�,"'i�r 'J i� .C�%-�,�'.� •�Y >Yli.. C.}^ 3: .:.ti;.r..c;. �V , �} x��. C��;f'f..� ;i :r � � • • _..td .,; ;t�',Y •� . ___. T�Y .- - .�"i-` �.i � i -�a-'. - ::: '�a .."t . .�;,�; _ ... .. - .�.� .. .t .a. � _ ` tµ'`- �t '-i .:� _ f0.' r'� �,..�'",� + a `''�.�'�i�'�Y .I. P'+�e'�i.;.,;��.i '�`��A.�17 i�j;: ����� . '��tw ,;� '�'�' c _ s-; `.,t , •` ��! '�Y t i�� .-�. ' •. .. , ,-,;'r ? .. - , � -., - - � .:� .n. _:rc t�_.. v.-,.w:-ti 4.. _ _..1:. , '�� - . .- ._ - _ ' � . +.,.=: � � : � . . ' '`�,�, � "�� ' '. ,. . f �e -t : °'�.': � � � . � • ; 7 �, ; _�'• „ �_.� .-. . ' '1 i i._ ,'Y � ` ' . "�,y..' *_ ��'- '`,��^ y : - . ., ., r_ ^�� ,- � , • Y±sy � , � ` ,r..:-_1'�... :..t•"'µ°`' - �- -_ ,..-�...-,.-� �Z; �C _ ��„�a_�. �ti ,..°; .�.. ,`i ._.� .-. �:.I_.:�.� _ _�._ . . - e-. -.. . ... _ _.:� � . .. f � ;,y 4 . ` . _ ' ` �'a, -I��..... , ., . ;'"` . t� i�, � _ . :' __ �o - . _ f +C- 3 •, _'j . . , _' �_y" 'I' • t• '�, ' i` . � . -3`' . . �- � .-�'�. - 9 '. , '�. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��- MINNESOTA K DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . 113 Court House 55102 °�� � � June 18, 1�65 City Clerk - �. . File 16867y Page You �e hereby notified tliat a public hearing wi11 be held in the Council Chambers of the G'ity Ha11 anc� Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on July 1, 1965, on the application of Summit Avenue Assemb�y of God Church for permi.t to install and • operate a 20-car off-street parking ldt on the follo�ring property: all that part beginning at the southwest corne� of the northeast 1/l.�. of Se�tion 2� in Townsh�p 28 of Range 2� running thence north along , .said 1:�L� �ection ].i.ne to the point where said 1/4 section line would intersect the south line of Portland Avenue if produced in a westerly direction, thence east along the south line of Portland Avenue so produced to the point where said south line of Portland Avenue inter- _ sects the westerly line of Lot 3 and !� in Block 5, of Bryantis Addition _ to St. Paul; thence south a1o�g said westerly ].ine of said lots and of said lots produced in a southerly d.irection to the line running east and t�rest through the center line of said section; thence west along said center line to the point of beginning, except the northerly 105 feet thereof, subject, however, to the rights of the Public in Victoria Street on� the west of said Tract and in Stiiirmlit Averiue on the - south side thereof� Ramsey County, Minnesota, Lot 3 except the north 105 feet thereof� and a11 �f Lot I� in Block 5 in Bryant1s Addition to St. Paul, Lots 5 and 6 and all of Lots 1 and 2� except the north 105 feet thereof in Bryant�a Addition� Ramsey County. The property is located on the northeast corner of S�immit and Victoria Streets. -�---�--.,,, For further information call at Room 1315� Court House or phone 223-Zt7.51. J1�MES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance � : � This permit shall be conditioned .upon the immediate planting and .continued maintenance by the applicant of shrubbE�ry � as indicated on the drawing submitted by the applicant and � . , . ... . , ' � ► - r �� .. on file in�the office of, the Gity Planning Board, such shrubbery -� - � - ° to�bef-closely planted,���rep-lanted- as�may-be necessary and �- - - ._ kept neatly 'trimmed to a height �of not less. than feet, . s _ ., , ' � The parking lot hereby permitted shall be used only fo r the parking of vehicl.es and by persons attending activities at Summit Avenue 'Assemblies�_of God,Church, and not ,for public . parking or any commercial use or for organized recreational activities; provided however,, that thisjcondition shall not _ . , , � bar the occasional use of said parking lot area for play_ or recreational activities by young people of said church during _ - daylight hours �and incidental- to--its -regular church- school -- -. -_ activities, such as Sunday school, vacation bible school dur- ' � I . + - . . - � . � ' , � � - , . _ , , . � i ,�J , .. , . . _ �, � - . . � , _ • _;.� _ _ . u � � - - - . , 'i' � � . . �/ ♦ City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �1 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �7 � (Please print or type) ' , �� TO THE I�DNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � tbe City Clerk � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � � remodel or reconstruct an existing � Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION � No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PAI;KING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) � � c e' type) Capacity of parking lot �� - To be used in conaection with: C;h„rch GP,- n(�pG � MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car . Lot, Dry Clean3ng Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) �,Capacity of parking area: *Location � Nor�th side of Summit between Victoria Street and Avon 5treet. Legal Description : LotSee atta.ched sheet Block 5 Addition B ryant Applicant's Name _ : Summit Avenue Assembly of God Church Home or Office Address: 845 Summit Avenue Phone Number � 226-8402 . FU Y L ,CANT, ,� , 5-19-65 (Signature (date �" '�^ �Addreas : 1212 Allen Ave . , St. Paul, Minn. 55118 h-Phone No.: 227-1733 *L,-, � '-' ��� i� �;� x�^,y When completed: file=�- copies of this application form, and �irt�a print5�' ��Y '' tbe preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 ��a�4 ;:,i. , '�, ' �+ 7�� Y� . i �a. �Jnlii'i � .���:.. i���t�• *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. �f � , � , � r' LEGAL, DESCRIPTION All that part beginning at the S. W. corner of the N. E. 1/4 of Section 2, in Twp. 28 of R. 23 running thence North along said 1/4 section line to the point where said 1/4 section line would intersect the South line of Portland Avenue if produced in a w�ly direction, thence East along the South line of Portland Avenue so produced to the point where said South line of Portland Avenue intersects the Westerly line of Lot3', and 4 in Block 5 of Bryant�s Additi.on to St. Paul; t,hence South along said W'ly line of �aid lots and of said lots produced in a S�ly direction to the line running East and West through the center line of said section; thence West along said center line to the point of beginning, except the Northerly 105 feet thereof, subject, however, to the rights of the Public in Victoria Street on the West of said Tract and in Summit Avenue on the South side thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, Lot 3 except the North 105 feet thereof, and all of Lot 4 in Block 5 in Bryantts Addition to St. Paul, Lots 5 and 6 and all of Lots 1 and 2, except the North 105 feet thereof in Bryantts Addition, Ramsey Co.