224960 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLEpK ��"s'���� _t CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED DY � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that the two-family dwelli�g on the.�Test Two�- Thirds of Lo� 6, Merriams Rearrangement of the East 106.55 feet of East third of Lot 9,Smiths & I�otts Out Lots, according to �he plat thereof recorded in the office of �he Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minneso�a, also described as 298-300 Idorth St . Albans Street, in Saint Paul, is, by reason of its struetural eondition, ur�safe and dangerous to life, limb and a��oinin� property; that said atru�ture is incapable of reason- able repair, replacement or remodeling so as to make the same reasonably safe, and should be wrecked and removed from said land; and i� is ordered that said s�ructure be forthwith wrecked and removed from said land by and at the separate coat and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control -• thereof. � � o � w > - O � o. � a � O AUG 2 0 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish AUG 2 01965 Holland � roved 19— �� Tn Favor ` Meredith � Pete rs on d �SyOr Rosen A Sa�t PUBLISHED AUG 2 8 1965 Mr. President, Vavoulis - - loas e-as DUrLICAT[TO r111NTSR 2�"'fi��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F°�H��� NO� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVEDi that �he two-family dwelling on the Weet Two- Thirda of Lot 6, Merriame Rearrangement of the East 1�6.55 fee� of East third of �,ot 9 Smi�h� 8c Lotta Out Lots, acaording to the p1a� �hex�eof reaorded in the office of the Register df � Deede of Ramaey County, Minnesota, also deearibed a� 298-300 Nor�h St, Albans S�ree�, in Saint Paul, is, by reaeon of its struetural aond�tion, urisafe and dangerous to life, limb and a�l�oining proper�y; �hat eaid etruature ie ineapable of reason- ab].e repair, replaeement or remodeling eo se to make the eame reasonab�y safe, and ahou].d be wreeked and removed f'rom said , land; and it i� ordered that eaid structure be forthwl.th wreaked and removed from said land by and at the separate cost and expenee of the owner, ovoupan�, or other pe�son in control thereof. q,� 2 U 1965 COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AUG 2 0 a9Sa Dalglish Holland � Approv� 19— '�� Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � MByor A►$'81IlSt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis io� e�s