224958 \ 1 (� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK -J����y�,% CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `�' �' -r FILE NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED OY � � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the Northern States Power Company hereby i� given permission to ins�all one 3 pole wood crossing structrxre about 350 feet downatream from the High Bridge on the east bank , of the Mississippi River and one conventional electric pole on Harriet Island, the west bank of the Mississippi River, with the necessary guys, anchors and wires, said poles to remain in service and in place for one year, and said permission being granted herein sub�ee� to the Northern States Power Companyts obtaining approval and permiasion hereof from the Port A�.�hority of the City of Saint Paul and The I�. S. Corps of Engineers; such poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council, and the cost of said removal to be borne by �he Northern States Power Company. � • FQ APP ��E � st. t' n- ns�l � ' � � � AUG 2 0 1965 COLTNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays . Dalglish %.,�,'-,�`�'•.���`3 �UC7 2 � � Holland '�/�`'' pproved_ ' 19_ �as-�� � Tn FavOr , Meredith Pete rs on ✓ - MSyOr A gainst Rosen 0 Mr. President, Vavoulis ' �UBLISHED AUG 2 8 1965 1oM 6�s _ DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R �•-�- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ������� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTfON--GENERAL FORMt 1RESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLVED, That the Nvrthexn 3tates Power Company hereby is given permiasion to insta7.]. one 3 pole woad croesing atructure about 350 Pee� downetream from the High Bridge on the east bank of the Mis�iaeippi River and one Qonv�ntional elea�ric pole on Harriet Tsland, �he west bank of the Misaiasippi R3.ver, with �he neces�ary guys, anchors and wires, eaid poles to remain in service �nd in p�.ace for one year, and said permiasion being gran�ed herein �ub�ec� to the Northern States Power Company's obtaining approval and permiagion hereof from the Port Au�hority of �he City of Saint Paul and The U. S. Corps o�' Engineers, auoh polee and w�.res to be removed when requested to do so by the �ommon Couneil, and the cost o�' said removal to be borne by the Northern S�ates Power Company. Ado ted G 2 O 1�� COUNCILA�N p by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 20 1� Holland AppTOV� 19— �� Tn FaVOr Meredith Peterson M�yor A►gaiIlSt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions aas