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- , � 2�4..:95� f . FINAL ORDER ' COUNG`IL FILE N0. � $y _ File No. ��� _ � � - In the Matter of �onstru.ct3� ��ax�y sewer 3n W�f3DCR� DRIVE� f'r�. �a���e Creek Plac� to �br�u� 30a Pee�t ea�t o�' EattYe ,Cx�ek P]ace# a�.sa in $ATTT� CR�EK COU�S Prr�m. � � � Battle C�e�lt �'�ce to the cul=deysa�; e�.so in BATTLE ���K �IACE fraQn ataout 30 �ee-� � 1 _ noxth oF &�,t��,e Creek Court to abnut �.62 f�et south,o� ;Eatt].�a Cireek Cour�y also ,- '�n WHITE E�R A� fr�a Rowe. �'�ice to. U�per Aft,on Raad,� �1t n�' wl�ich i4� ta be - � - known a� the �ACCAUS SI'. PAU� � SE`Ft�;R �Y�l�: under Preliminary Order �� , approved Febx�uarv' 25.�1965 � Intermediary Order approved ` A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � } having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaidered � the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ` provement ta be made by the sa.id City is �t,o conati�,tct �anitary aewer in i�G3QDG'� 1�IVr ��om �att1� Creek F],a,ce to about 304 : f�e� eas� oP .Bet��s �rnek Pla,ce; a�o �,ri SAZTL'� � Cq�! Prom.Ba�tle Creel� Place to �e cu��de-se,c;, a].�o �n BATTIT CREE� P�A�E �ram about 30 �eet north of Battls . Cree� Court t,o about l62 feet south c�f �3attl:e Greek Court,; aleo 3,n WHITE BEA�t AYEbI'� fr�m. Rrn�re ;d'l�c� to Up,per Afton �ca�,di. � oi' wh3Gh is to 1�e ,iciioWn aa the BACCHUS Sfi. PAUL IiILLS SEWER SYSTEM; . ' ' and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ma,de. RESOLVED FURTHE'�R, T'hat the Commission er of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for . approval; that upon said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - ' � co�rcu.,�rr - �� �� 1965 • ��- . Adopted by the Council g Yeas 'Nays ' ' , A�G � � ��9� � �a���' Approve Hralla�xl � _ --�-as�— -IVleredith ''- Tn Favor �' Peterson ; r U Mayor Rosen Vavoulis � : � � - ' Against PUBLISHED AUG 2 8 1�65 �, 6-68 2M 8� N-1 �! - � . ." 4 's ' �i ' .. ' ��y�� � . ��� . , OFFI E F ��� C 0 THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC lU ORKS • REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 224��s July 27 19 65 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- limi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 222080 a p p r o v e d_ February 25 19 65 r e 1 a t i ve t o Cons truct Sanitary Sewer in WOODCREST DRIVE from Battle C'reek Place to about 300 feet east of Battle Creek Place; also in BATTLE CREER COURT from Battle Cr-.eek Place to the cul-de-sac; also ir�BATTLE CREEK PLACE . � � from about 30 feet north of Battle Creek Court to about 162 feet south of Battle Creek Court; a].so in wHITE BEAR AVENUE from Rowe Place to Upper Afton Road, all of which is to be known �� the BACCHUS ST. PAUL AILLS SEWER SYSTFI�I. (�j'Xo and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein. hereby reports: ' 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� 10,494.00 ��627 ��9����� � � . 2. A plan� profile �`o�' sk��J�d'B`•�of � d improvement is hereto attach and made a part �;e���;���yD � • � DEPT. GF � � 3, Initiated by the ��mg��k�.�rb f Public Works 4, Improvement i s aske�s� o���ii� �'�n peti ti on X. M R . . B Deputy Coinmissioner Commissioner of Public Works �� c:r`�� .� ' :,`�i',� �? , , '_ -', � ;('� ��,.•� 1 • ' . �.�� ��`"+! � '� ' �"'.r`• ' - � � ��, ��a Pw+''•' _�'"�` , .�'ja. ��' *��,.I., - � �_ . . • :�`� '. `� ���� +w���� a��'�[�jh - �; :,'r••''_J! ��a� , � .,_ :. _ �� -.° S, ,r �, ,°!� _ �r,a 4 �'J '� .> ,",a� �� GEORGE M.8�EPARD f*3!��t- 4 - - - ETR�.T AND�HIOHWAY` �' ��d� O-�• 'S A�I '�PA U�!L.r� ¢'� ff 1''�' �� ..� > �, , ti ;F. � .�,� �+, c.�� � : �i � }.���� w Jlr�� ��� k ��,�y,� z , ' ,, EN61NEiRINO COORDINATOR '�� � � /I�{���.��j�`+,,,r'"-_.!� 1 •4 �'y 6 � F, C �.tl �,w` l Y�"'}�,. �'"' -- ` ' _•(r �.. 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