224945 r ' ���a1�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK �' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY MILTON ROSEN COMMISSIONE p�� AIIGIIST 1��96 5 Fl.�v�� - . Wl�REA,S, in the matter of Comptroller � s Contract L-6709 for the Resurfacing and �ITidening of LEXTNGTON PARKW.AY from St. Clair Avenue to W. Seventh Street, .�shbach Construction Company, con- tractor, the specified dat� of completion is November 15, 1961�, and . , � WHEREAS, the Contractor has prosecutod the work diligently and substantially completed the work by said completion date, but on account of the lateness of the, construction season, the placing of the Seal-coat was postponed until the current construction season when warmer temperatures persist, as specified in Section 11, Paragraph 11.03 of the Seal Coat Specifications, and as a reault, it was not possible to complete the contract by said date of completion, therefore, be it ,.-RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby � � authorized and directed to execute an amandment to said contra� t __ extending the time of completion to AUGUST 15, 1965, provided, however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the suret ies on the contractor� s bond consent there to in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all " claim for liquidated damages, and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. . 1' • f . � /^� AUG 19 1965 ��'� COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 19 196a Holland / Approved 19— oss 6 Tn Faaor � .Meredith " Peterson � Mayor ._R�osea-- Aga�t PUBlISHED AU(� 2 � �� . ... ....._.. 2.�..:��.��,�„un��;�;�.;�,.,,�'.,��:}�� ' Mr. Vice President (Rosea) , 1on� e-as DUrLICAT6 TO rRINT[R , ')• .�/y��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa ��`T H h,-� y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�« NO� ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�ONEe MIL�O�1 F:fl3EN pA� A.II(��(T,�'T ���UhT_ �fH�R�;�.�, in the matter of Co�ptroller� s Contraat L�6'�09 f or the R�sur.fac ing and YYidaning o�' T,�XIIdGT4N PARKWAY From St. C1air �ven�.�e to �J. Seven�h Street� Aehbach Construc�ion Compan�, con- trac�or, the specif'ie3 date of completion �.s November 15, �.g6l�, and WH?�,REA,S, the Contraator hae pro�ecuted the work diligently a�d subst�nt�ally aonpl.eted the work by aaid complet3�n date, bu� on accovnt of the 1Qtenes� af the conatruat3.on �e�.son� th� plao�ng of tho 5ea1-coat wa� pbstpone�. un�3.I i�he aurrent congtruotion seaaon when warmer tempera�Guree peraiet, �a specified 3n Section 11i �aragraph 11.03 ot' the Seal Coat Spea�.f'!ca.-��.ons, and as a r�sult* it rvas not pos$ible to complete the contract by said date of completion, therefore� be it R�SOLVED, tha� the proper cit� officers be and �hes are hereby sath�ri�ed and. direeted �o exeQU�e an awendnent to Uaid contrac; � ea�tend3.ng the time of com�le�cion �o AII(�UST l�y 1965, providedl, howevery that thie resolution eha3.l have na force or effeat unleaa the �uret 3.e� on the contraator�� bpncl consent there to in writing and file euah conaent with the City Comptrollert snd be �.t FIIRTHER RESOLVED, tha.t the C3.tg of 8a�n� Paul hereby waiveg all claim. for liquidated dame,ge�j and that no engineering a.nd ir��pect�.on costa on this pro3eet will be charged to the Contractor for �ueh aa�ended per�.od. �►Ut� � y i� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 19 1965 Holland AppTO�� 19— �� � Favor Meredith Peterson � M8y0Y Agsinst .Rcosen •::;�•��:::::••�.`•�`=��'�i�3�1 �.�;�;. .... . Mr. Vice�President (Rosen) loM �6S