224942 `<r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEHK , �249�2 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM .v �RESENTED DY COMMISSIONE - DA� WHEREAS, the City Council, as provided by law, has authorized the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings to enter upon th� premises known and described as No, 153-5 West Kellogg Boulevard on Easterly 37 feet of Part South of the Alley, ' Lot $, Block 16, Rice And Irvinets Addition to Saint Pa.ul, and to tear down and remove the two story commercial structure thereon as being unsafe and dangerous to life, limb, and ad�oining property, and VYHEREAS, Pursuant to such �ouncil action, bids for the tear- ing down and removal of said building were duly advertised for in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter, and the lowest bid was in the sum of $1,600.00 and the expenses of the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings in con nection with condemnation proceedings and writing specifica- tions amounted to $81.17, making a total of $1,681.17, and WHEREAS, There are no funds now appropriated in the Building Wrecking Emergency Fund for the wrecking and removal of said buildi:ng, be it RESOLVED, "That said sum be paid out of the Wrecking Buildings- Demolition Account 0976-256 and that in the event said sum proves to be collectible fromthe owner of the premises, same is to be credited to 0976-256. � rY�r � COIJNCILI�N Adopted by the CounciLAUG 19 19fi5 19— Yeas Nays - Dalglish AUG 191� Holland /�' A proved 19— "���s 5 Tn FaVOP � Meredith Pete rs on � �8'yOr A gainst �s�n� �o;ie�'���e�;'"Z+av������s'"`� PUBLISHED AUG 21 1966 Mr.Vice Pxesident��osen) lont e-as � • .. `•r DUrLIWT[TO MINT[R "1 ,' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO ������ OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� WHEREAS, the City Council, a� provided b�► law, h�s �uthoriied the Department of Park� And Recre�tion And Public BuS.ldings to enter upon the premi�es known �nd described as No. 15�-5 We�t Kellogg Boulev�rd on Easterly 37 fe�t of Part 5outh of the Alley, Lot 8, Block 16, R�.ce And Irvine'� Addition to �aint P�u1, �nd to te�r down and remove the two story commercisl structure thereon as being unsafe and dangerou� to life, limb, and �d3oining pro�erty, �nd WHEREA�, Pu�su�nt tp such Council �ction, bids for the tear- ing down and r�moval of $aid building wer� duly �dvert�.sed for 3n �ccordance with the provision� of the City Ch�rter, and the lowest b3.d was �n the sum o� �1,600.00 and the expenses of the D�par�men� of F�rks And Aecreation And Public Building� 3n con nection w3.th condemn�tion proceedinga �nd writi.ng specifica�- tion�, �mounted to �81.Z7, m�king � �tota�l of �1,b81.17, and WHEREAS, There are no funds now appropri��ed in the Bu3:lding Wrecking Emerger�cy Fund for the wr�ck3.ng and r�moval of said building, be i.t RESOLVED, Tha-� said sum be paid out of �he Wrecking Buildings- Demolition Account 0976-256 and th�t in the �v�nt said sum - prove� to be collectible fromth� owner o� the prem3.ses, s�me is to b� cred3ted to 0976-256. AUG191� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays y� Dalglish I�YC1 1 � }� Holland � � Approv� 19— .�ese—.� - Tn Favor Meredith Peterson , � �yOr A$'81TlSt R n,$E@ :RAl:I:�E��v'�741���i'��,���e�.:77� Mr. Vice Presidcut (Rosen) loD[ �A!