224939 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE tiCITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— NERAL FORM COEMMISSIONEQ DAa� Mc�redith DA� �11�L1,.+.�—�--�QF� tr�iEREAS, Orti.inance No. 325a authorizes and provides for , payment for overtime �rk, and T�iEREAS, the Commissioner of Pu.blic Safety has authorized overtime w�sis in his department (Po�ice� during the period fram August 11� to August 27, 1965: �`' therefore be it J RESOLVF�D� that the proper City off`icers are hereby author- ' � ized to pay the employees V�o perfoxmed such overtime work in accordance with the �ovisions of Ordinances No. 6l�.G6 and No. 3250. , pUG 191965 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �p eG � 9 ��s5 a� Dalglish Holland � Approved 19—._ �a°—�' � J Tn FSVOL' • Meredith Pete rs on � MSyOr A gainst Rers�a� �;�d����s�en��:l�a.S!�!1#��E;;' ��BLISHED AU� � �. �� '� :. :3Ei:c:EeE::;::i:..:..e::::::::.:.. 1�,�e President (T�osen�j