224933 , + ' ~� ' 2�49�3 ORIF�NAL TO CITY CLlWK ' "; �. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL �NO � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ►RESENTED RY ' • COMMISSIONE� DA� � t , RESOI,UTION APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR ' �CUTIOIV OF PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR CONIMUNITY ' � RENEWAI, PROGRAM GRANT N0. R-34 (CR) BETWEEN " � THE CITY OF SAINT P.A.UL AND THE UNITED STAT�S i � OF AMERICA� PERT,AINING TO TH� PREPARATION OF � � THE COMMUNITY RENEWAL PROGRflA�I. f ; � WHEREAS, pursuant to Council File No. 221149, approved . December 22 , 1964, the City of Saint Paul made application for ` a grant under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended� to ass2st in financing the preparation of a community renewal program for the entire City of Saint Paul� which application was submitted to the Housing and Home Finance Agency on the '28th day of December� 1964; a.�d ' � Wf�REAS� pursuant to such application and undeT Title I i of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the United States of • America (hereinafter called the Federal Governm.ent) tYirough the ' Office of the Regional Administrator of the Housing and Home I Finance Agency� has tendered to 'the City of Saint Paul a pro- , posed contract for Community Renewal Program Grant pursuant to which the Federal Government would extend a grant of funds to the � City to aid in financing the cost of preparation of a community renewal program designated Community Renewal Program No. Minn. J �+,� R-34(cR) ; and , � . . � W�lEREAS, the ��.�yr��.our�a,�l of the City of Saint Paul � n. as given due consideration to the proposed contract and��, has � � - ound it to be in the interest of the City to execute such � contract; and , � I ' p WHEREAS, this City is duly authorized under and pursuant � � to the constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to under- N t take and carry out the preparation of such a community renewal s� � progra.m; now� therefore� be it � � • ; RESOLVED That the contract tendered by the Federal Government thrbizgh the Housing and Home Finance Agency designated COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . Dalglish � � Holland Approved 19— Loss I f Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson A �yOr g81I1St ; Rosen pUBLISHED �(��' � �, 19� Mr. President, Vavoulis , _ ions e-ea � � ; , i ' �� ' � ���:9�3 ORIGINAL`TO CITY CLBRK � I 8 '� ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. - , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � . � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED AY COMMISSIONEQ DATF f �� . . Page 2. � „_ as Contraet No. Minn. R-34 (CR) (CG) consisting of Parts I and II� � pursuant to which the Federal government would make a grant of ; Federal f�a.nds under Title I of the Housing Act of 19�+9, as amended, to this City to aid in financing the cost of preparation of this Program for the City of Saint Paul� is hereby approved in� all respects; and be it ' __ � ; FURTfiER RE�OLVED, That the Mayor� Citp Clerk� arid City � Comptroller, on behalf of the City of �aint �aul, are hereby ' authorized and directed to execute said proposed Contraet ,in ; tWO cour�[terparts� a�.d the City Clerk is hereby authorized 'and � directed to impress and attest the official s�al of the City of � Saint Patzl on each such co�tuZterpart� and the Director of �ity . �,-. Planning is hereby direeted �o forWard su�h caunterparts to ' the Housing ax�d. Home Finance Agency, together wi� h two certified � copies of thi�s Resolution� and such other and further documents j relative to the approval and egecution of the Contraet as may � be required by the Governmer�t; and be it ; FINAI,LY RE�OL�TED� That the Director of City Planning of � the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to file reqtzisitions� 4 together with necessary supporting documents� with the Federal � Government� from time to time _as grant funds are required, � requesting payments to be9�ade to the City on accoun.t of the - Grant provided for in the � Contract� and to do and perform all � other things an.d acts required to be done or performed in order ? to obtain such payments. _ ' ' z ' i � { � s . • t ' A U G 18 1965 �COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays 1 Dalglish AUG 18 1965 Holland � Approved ' ' 19— .�ess Tn FAVOr ' Meredith � Peterson � . �SyOr A►galIL9t � Rosen PUBLISHED /��J� 'Z, � ���� � Mr. Piesident, Vavoulis 1oM G-A9 . r i } f1 1 � r ^A LyJyLICAT[TO rRIN7'tiR • �• /���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa '' � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM rRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLIITION APPROVINQr AND PROYIDINQr FOR � E�ECOTION OF PROFOSED CONTRACT FOA COMM�3NITY RENEWAL PROGRAM aRANT N0. R-34 (CR) BETWEEN TH� CTTY OF SAINT PAIIL AND THE UNITED STAT�B OF AMERICA PERTAININ(3 TO THE PREPARATION OF THE COMMUN�TY RENEWAL PROGRAM. WI�EREA�, pursu�.nt to Counail File No. 221149, approved • December 22� 196� the City of Sa3nt Paul a�de appl�:ae�tion t'or a gra�nt und�r Tit�e I of the Houa3.n� Aat of 1949, s� �n�nded to a��i�t in fin�►ncin� the pr�paration of � eo�smunity r�newa� progr�m for th� entire City oP Sa�int P�ul� whi�h applfaation was a�.bmitted to the Hou�ing �n� Home Finan.ee Agena� on the 28th da�r of DmQember� 1�f�4; �nd • WHEftFAS pursuant to �t�ah spplica�tion a�nd under Title T of the 33ouaing Ac� of 194g a�� atmended the IIn.ited 3tatee of A�aerica (here3naft�r calle�d the F�dera�l aovernment) through the Offic• of �he Regional Admini��rator of' the Hou:ing, and Hoas Financte Agenay� ha� tendered to the City ot' Saint P�ul a pFO- posed aontraat t'or Cornmunity Ren�xal Progr� arant purauan� to Khiah the Feder�l (�overnment xould extend a �re�n� of funda to the City to aid in fin�ncing th� eo�t of preparation of a eom�unity renewal progr�m des3gn�ted Community R�nexal Progr�a No. Minn. R-34(CR) ; and WF�REA3� the Gity_.CAU:nc�l of the C�ty ot Saint Ps�ul h�� given due eonsideration to �he proposed aontrsct �n.d has found it to be in the interest Qf �he City to exeQUte �ueh contraet; �nd WHEREAS� this City 3s duly au�hori�ed �nder �nd pur�u�nt �o the aonstitution and lax� of the State of M3nnesota to under- . take nnd aarry out the prep�ra�t3on of �uck� m eomr�unity r�ne�l � progr�m; now� there�ore� be it RESOLVED That the aontraat tendered by the Fed�ral �overnment through th� Hou�ing and Home Finanae Agenay designat�d COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �AyOr A g81IISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e.es r All7�LICAT[TO rRIN7�[R ^^�`_�� ,. �' , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,O��UNCIL N��,� o�s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMt /RESENTED�Y COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. as Contract No. Minn. R-34 (CR) (CG) consisting of Parts I and II� pursuant to which the Federal government would make a grant of Federal funds under Ti�le I of the Housing Act o� 1949, as amended� to this City to aid in finaneing the cost of pr�pa.ration of this Program for the City of Saint Paul� is hereby approved in all respects; and b� it �JRTIiER RESOLVED� That the Mayor� City Clerk� and City Comptroller� on behalf of the City of Saint Paul� are hereby authorized and directed to eaecute said pro�osed Contraet in two counterparts� and the City Clerk is hereby au�hori.zed and directed to impress and attest the official seal of the City of Saint �aul on each such counterpart� and the Director of D�.ty Planning is hereby directed to forward such caunterparts to the Housing and Home Finance Agency� together wit h two certified copies of th�s Resolution� and such other and f�.irther documents relative to �the approval and execution of the Contrac� as may be required by the 4overnment; and be it FINALLY RESOLYED� That the Director of City Planning of the City o.f Saint Paul is hereby �uthorized to file requisitions� , together with necessary supporting documents� with the Fede�al � Government� from' time to tim� as gran.t f�inds are required, requesting payments �o be;made to the City on accoun� of the Grant pTOVided for in the Co�tract� and to do and perform all other things and acts required to be done or performed in order to obtain such payments. qU G 1819�i COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 18 1g� Holland Approved 19— I�oss.....--. Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �AyOr � against Rosen Mr. Presidenc, Vavoulis io� e�s