224931 � -� -r ORIGI AL TO CITY CLERK ���'y9p�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY � COMMISSIONE DAT� � I RF�SOLVED� That the Coun.cil of the City of Saint Paul I, hereby concurs in and approves the action of the Hospital Facility Building Commission� taken at its regular meeting ' held July 1�� 1965, approving the following specifications ' for equipment at 2'he �Saint Paul-Ramsey Hospital: '� _ Bid �t-08 - Furniture i Bid #902 - General Services Equipment � � . , � � f � � i f * � c � �• t f � P � � � .. .... � � � � ' � • � � FORM PROV D Assf. Corporation Cou el � ,�s .� � I � � � AUG 18 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— t Yeas Dalglish NayS � AUG 18 19�5�. � Holland pproved � 19— `���^ � Favor � � � Meredith ' Pet�rson `� Mayor A gainst - Rosen �UBLISHED {q�(� '� � '��� Mr. President, Vavoulis i . - � I IOM 6-64 ! f - � � � �6. � I • �- � �`- Hos ital Fac' 't Buildin Com�issinn �����.� � p y Q �. of the ' MEMBERS Francis M. Tompkins � City of S� Paul and County nf Ramsey ��°�°° se°re`� Edward K. Del�ey cnairm� Frank D. Marzitelli Public Health Center vice cheirman 55b Cedar Street Robert F. Peterson Saint Paul, Minnesota bb101 Secretarv � 223-4472 John E. Daubney ' Msgr.Francis J: Gilligan Rev. Theodore Goehle ,4UgU,b•t 9� 1965 ' Frank L. Loss � � Stanley T. Olson Clifton Paxks � � Anthony Podgoralu I Donald M. Steimer � i � Mn, Rabeh,t B. Gehb¢�c, C.i,ty C.ee�cfz Tlze C.i,ty o� Sa.i,wt PcLU.0 C.i,ty H�,P.2 arul Cot�.#hoube i Sctin.t Pau,Cy Mi.nnea o�a. 5 510 2 � Uectic IWt. 6e�cbeJr.r The Hoep.i,ta�2. Fac,.i,ei,ty Bu,i,ed,ireg Camnc:ab�.an a,t .i,tb negu,�a�c 6ua�.►-ee.ab me2,ti,ng he,�d on Ju,�y 14, 1965, appnove.d .the �o.�CouLi.rcg epec,i,�.i.c.a,ti.anb s, B.id �405 - Fun►tii.tcrhe B�.d M902 - G¢,n,¢�ca,e S¢�cv�ice,b �qu.i,pmewt The Co►rmi.ab.ian heapect�ciL�y nequea#a fi�ca,t xhe C.i,ty Counc,i.e a� �he Gi.ty ab Sa.�rct Pacce a.ppnove �he a6ave bpec,i,�.i.ca.t,i,ans cuzde�c �lee prca- u.i,a.i,o�nd a� Lawa 19 5 7, Chap.tvc 9 3 8. younb ve�cy �cu,ey, i , .,l I ,�� � .�� ,��_.______ Fnarcc,i,a M. fii.rce �zecu.ti,ve Secn¢,t.any � "'- � f � . ,. �� ,V � O• 0, I 1 � • w '1-�.. �_' ' � �i �O THE SAINT PAUL-RAMSEY HOISPITAL I -