224907 .i _ :� '�- ORIGIqAL TO CITY CLHRK ' /• e/q�,{>j�{ +`t. CITY OF ST. PAUL �ooNCa ��42 �� e � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY -"'��' " AUgUSt ��L, �965 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLV�D, That the Couhc�l her.eEiy concurs jt� the dwar�d of the Contraci� Commii�te� therefor .and hereby dyva�c�s contract for furnish�r�g �all, �abor, �nateriuis and services r�ece�spiry for qnd � reasonably incidenta� �o- the steel repairs' and pdintfng a} CQmo C�o�isetvatory, Como Park,. � S�. Pa�l, Minn,esotq i�o�IVIIDVVEST ERECTORS; `�IyC, in accordance w�th City pl�r�� and specifi.cqtions #herefor hetto. attac{�ed and the.�o�mqM �Btd ��400 of safd Mic(west L�t�ectors, .inc. • for the contrqct price of $6996.00, $uch bid. beir�g the IoWer of t�e two- b�ds rECeived, ar�d said 1Vlidwest Erectors, I�c, bei�g a. reasonqb�e. and reliable bic�der, and the Corporntion- Co�nser be° and here�y is di�ected, to draw u�� the proper� form of contract therefor+ _dtld the proper City officiqls, hereby are duthorjzed to exec��e said cor�tract o� be�alf of the City of Saiht �a�l. , 4 Formal, Bid �140Q. � AUG �.'� 1965 COUNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AU G 1� �� Dalglish Holland l pproved 19— .LJ � I ��"'^ Tn Favor � Meredith � , Mayor Peterson A gainst Rosen trSr. �resident, Vavoulis pUBLISHED AUG �21 1j�9�� loM e-d9 j � � ������ ` � DUrLIC�►TC TO rRINT[R ' `� . . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� rRESENTED�Y DA� �hf� ��� �� `�, COMMISSIONEe r1•' ' R ESOL�E�r .� tha Ga�s�G�! hi�isy a�t�ut�, I� th! �w�� t� #�t�' C.�tlNac� ��#t� �htrif� ,attd 1�+�b�r aw+at� �or��+a�t f�' fum��i� aM� �ai�f, �at+��lir arid �erv�� t++�c�arry 'for �r4d . T, t�r�ctbly ir��d�t�l � fi�te� #!�� �trs +ar�l �airtiti� �at �o� ��i'va�ary, �o� �k, , . 1 S#, Pc�ui,� Mi�Q #� MID�N�ST �R�C7'Qi�Sy i1VC, irr +�ccc�anc� with �ity pkrr� ar�d ', . �cpe�tfic�at�ar� #henfc� �e�#ti a�t�a�fl.d e�r�d fi� �orrna� @id ��0 aF �ai�1 M�dwac� �c�. .��y, � falr �h� r.ar�ir�r�t p�c� of �S9�.t�,� �uc�e �td b�rnp ifi�� law� aF th� #w� bicl� +�t�� ar�l �atd P�Akfwmst �ct�x I�. l�rt� a �ca�abte atac� f+�flpb{� bidds�� �nd th� C�ion �r,�� b� a� h�sby i� �ir�c#�d t±� +e�aw up Th• . .�rr;� �� yyf �,ti�c# th�fo�, and �fi� pr+�p�' �;}y o���a�, h�by ��e awthariz*d �to �cwt�r �ai� ce�tt��# vn b�.[f �f � Git�► Q� Saint Pc��. �a�ai Bic� �'�i1. AUG 1'� »� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AUG 17 �� Dalglish . Holland �: Appro�� 19— '�"'°°-- Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � MAyOr A gAlI19t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iox e-as