224891 '� � ' - ��`�'��� �� •ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK :� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ , � DATF WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution of the Saint Paul City Council, C.F. 223987, June 15, 1965, as amended, the City Council did authorize the purehase of certain land for the purpose of a public library and did, in part, describe �he land as �he Easterly 60 feet of the. Nz of L. 15, Hyde Park, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, an accurate survey reveals that �he building being purchased occ.upies the Easicerly 60,75 feet of the N� of L. 15, Hyde Park, Saint Paul, Mirinesota; now, therefore, be it r RESOLVED, That C.F. 223987, as amended, is fur�her amended to authorize the purchase of the land deseribed as : Easterly sixty and seventy-five one-hundredths (E�ly 60.75) feet of the North one-half (N. 1/2) of Lot fifteen (15), Hyde Park, except that part taken by the City of Saint Paul for Lexington Avenue and Aurora Avenne; and , . Lots seven (7) and eight (8), Block or�e (1), , "Lindemann's Subdivision" of Lots 9 and 10 of Hyde Park Addition to �he City of St . Paul; save and except for a temporary easement across the Easterly sixty and aeven�y-five one-hundredths (60.75) � feet of that part South of University Avenue of the � North one-half (N.1/2) of Lot fifteen (15), Hyde Park, � except the North one hundred and seventy-one (171 .0) � � feet thereof, (said exce tion being the area occupied � by the existing building� for the purpose of automobile � � e$rees and ingress to the balance of the North one- � ° � � � half (N. 1/2) of Zot fifteen (15), such easement to � be extiriguished when and if the City builds on said � property; oy �� � according to the plat thereof on file and of record '. u"" in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for COLJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved I 19— Loss � Tn Favor i � Meredith � Pete rs on i �&y0I' A►gaiIlst ' Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis _ - ions a�a � . � � 22���1 , _± OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ^ �t ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONEQ pA� 2. Ramsey County, Minnesota. RESOL�TED FURmHER, tha.� except as so amended in accordance herewi�h, said prior Council Resolution , C.F. 223987, approved June 15, 1965, as amended by Gouncil Resolution, C.F. 22�+283, approved July 2, 1g65, shall remain and be operative as adopted. �'f � � AUG 17 1�� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 17 � Holland Approved 19— �0���'�� Favor �YJ ✓ Mayor ��� gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis _ - ion� e-ea �DBLISHED AUG � � ���� • � ' '�DUFLICAT[TO rRS�HT[R ������ r CITY OF ST. PAUL F�H��� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DA� WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolu�ion of �he Sain� Paul City CounQil, �.F. 223987, June 15, �.g65, as amended, the City Counail did authorize the purcha�e of aer�ain land for �he purpoee of a publio library and did, in part, desaribe the land ae the Ea�terly 60 fee� of �he N� of L. 15, Hyde Park, Sa3.r�� Paul, Minnesota; and 1+d�REAS, an accurate eurvey r�veala tha� �he building being purohased Qacupies th� Ea$terly 60,75 Feet of the N� of T,. 15, I�yde Park, Sa�.nt Pau1, Minnesota; now, therefore, be i� ' RF�OLOED, That C.F. 223987, as amended, ia ft�rther amended to au�horize the purahaae of th,e land deecribed ass �aaterly six�p and seventy-five one-hundredtY�e (E�ly 60.75) feet of th� North one-ha.1P (AT. 1/2� of T�ot fif�een (15), Hyde �ark, exaept that part taken by the City o�' Sgint Pau7. for Lexington Avenue and Aurora Avenue; and Lots aeven �7) and eight (8), B1oek one (1�, "Lindemann�e S�bdivis ior�" of Lot� 9 and 10 of I�,yde Park Addition �o trie Gi�y of �� . Fgul; save and except for a �emporary eseemen� acrosa the Eaateriy sixty and seventy-five one-hundredtha (60.75) feet of that part South of Un3veraity Avenue of the North one-half (N.1/2) oF Lo� fifteen (15), Hyde Park, except �he North one hundred and seven�y-one (171.0) feet �hereof, (�aid exae �ion being the area oacupied by �he exis�ing build�.ng� for the purpoee of a,utomobile egreea and ingres� to the bal.anoe of the North one- half (N. 1/2} of Lot fifteen (15), sueh eaaement to be extingu�.shed when and if �he Ci�y bu3lda on said property; according to the plat �hereof on file arid of record in the Offiee of the Register of Deede in and for COIJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Appx'oj►� 19— Loss Tn FsvOr Meredith Pete rs on M�yOr a►g81nBt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-as �UrUC T[TO r�NTLR ���Q�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED{Y COMMISSIONE� DATF 2• Ramsey Coun�y, Minneso�a. RFSOLVED FURTfiER, �ha� exaep� as ao amended �.n aecordance herewith, eaid prior Council Reeolution , C.F. 223987, a prov�d June 15� �965� ae amen�ed by �ounc3l Re�olution, �.F. 22�283, appx�oved July 2, 1965, shall remain and be operative as adopted. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� AUG 1 � 19� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 17 1965 Holland � Approvpcl 19— ���s� Tn FSVOr ��SoY� '1 Mayor D___ V '�SAlIISt �sea�oxr� Mr. President, Vavoulis ioa� e-�