224883 ��� F ' ` ����`.J� OR161NAL TO CITY CLPHK - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED DY �lton Rosen p�� August 13, 1965 COMMISSIONE In the matter of the construction and/or recnnstructinn of sidewalks in the following areas: On the east side of Market St. from 4th. St. to 5th. St. under C. F. 204472 preliminary order approved Oct. 24th, 1961; �Fina1 Order No. 211273 approved Feb. 19, 1963 On both sides of Edmund Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Asbury St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under C. F. 222636 preliminarq order approved March 24, 1965 On both sides of Ma.nomin Ave. from Ring St. to George St. under C. F. 222322 preliminary order approved March 9, 1965 On both sides of Page St. fro m Harvard St. to Woodbury Ave. under C. F. 222383 � preliminarq order approved March 10, 1965 � On both sides of Cherokee Ave. from Sidney St. to Morton St. under C. F. 222312 preliminary order approved March 9, 1965 . ' , On the south side of Cherokee Ave. from Smith Ave. to Ottawa Ave. under ,C. F. 222313 preliminary order approved Ma.rch 9, 1965 On the east side of Andrew St. from Curtice St. to Belvidere St. under C. F. 222319 preliminary order approved Ma.rch 9, 1965 On both sides of Stevens St. from Orleans St. to Ohio St. under C. F. 222382 preliminary order approved Ma.rch 10, 1965 On both sides of King St. from Robert St. to State St. under C. F. 222379 pre- liminary order approved March 10, 1965 On both sides of Belvidere St. from Oakdale Ave. to Woodbury Ave. under C. F. 222375 preliminary order approved March 10, 1965 t On both sides of Palace Ave. from Kenneth St. to Cleveland Ave. under C. F. 222310 preliminary order approved March 9, 1965 ti i�p 'f-• ^ ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK �'/�j�j�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '��`-'9`•'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY Milton Rosen COMMISSIONEt DA� Au�ilst 13. 1965 Tn++t n� 'P„'F�l�.. T.7��Le. On the north side of Burgess Ave. from Rent St. to Dale St. under C. F. 222640 preliminary order approved Ma.rch 24, 1965 On both sides of Charles Ave. from Rice St. to Park St. under C. F. 223097 pre- liminary order approved April 22, 1965 RESOLVED, That all_ orders in the above ma.tters be and the same are hereby can- celled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. i . I AUG 13 1966 COi1NCILI�N - �- ~�- �.. Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays AUG 13 �965 Dalglish - Holland � pproved 19— � � Tn FavOx' „ Meredith � Mayor .� Rosen Agau�st puB�isHEO� AUG 21 19�� Mr. President, Vavoulis ' , � i iont e-aa ,