224880 : � �����o �� ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK FILE NO_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY Milto Rosen, Public Works gu st 1965 COMMISSIONE DAT� �' � ��S� By authority of the Laws of Zti.nnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H, F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved Ma.y� 2, 1g59, the City of Saint Paul, ma.y pa.y a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction, ��en such costs ex- ceed the benefits to the property own.er, ti']HEREAS, It ha.s been determined tha.t the following described parcels of property be relieved of the follol•ring amoun.ts: Description Amount Lot 3, Block 1, Merriam Park Third Ad.dition � 51.95 (Except the E. 63 ft.) Lots 6, 7 and �, Block 12, Merriam. Park Third 9dd. 169.2�. Lot 17 and the W.. 1/2 of Lot 1$, Block 5, Ma.calester Villas 1/�6.00 Lot 16� Block S, Ma.calester Villas 187.28 Lot 15 and the 1�1. 5 ft. of Lot 1/�� Bl. 2� Jefferson Park Addition 177.72 Lot 16, Block 2, Jefferson Park Ad.dition 177.72 Lot 28� Block 1, Sylvan Park Addition 171.5� Lot 16, Block g, Schroeder's �d.dition 1g4.11 TO'PAL �1,265.63 WI�REAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is �1,265.63, now therefore be it, RESOLVID� That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Perma.nent Improvement Revolvi.ng F4znd, Code 6000, the amount of �1,265.63, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1963 Sidewalk Con- tract 63-�277, Levy No. 8, District Tlo. 2, L-65�.3, said Permanent Improvement Revolving F�and to be reimbursed. from the City's Share of I�ocal Improvement Aid Fund, 0920-701. (1965) .�� , A�� 131� COiJNCILI�N - Adopted by the Council 19— I Yeas Nays I Dalglish ��J '� ' Holland � PPrpVe�'G 13 i ' _ 19— � os�"�- � Tn Favor • � Meredith J . Peta�r�on- 11ISyor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis '�UBLISHED AUG 21 19Q� �o� �� � DUrLICATl�O rRINT[R �� '"-��O CITY OF ST. PAUL couKCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO �COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . r��reo�r 1�E].�on Ro�en�, Pab�ic t�lorks d COMMISSIONE� - DATE ��! 3'�� W�� �3y autYaori� � the La�s of A4�e�ot�. for �t,he yee,r 1959�; Che.p�er 34Q� H. F. 217 and re.�3:f�ed t�' C.F� �o. �9221b� ap�ovea 2�.ay- ?� 1959�, �he Ci,ts of Se.�.nt �Fa�# �.g �' a port9.o� of -�Y�s aaseesab�.e c4stg of S3,de�,,ra,1,k Canatruc�3.on�, w�aen suvh aasts �x�- oe�d the benafi�� f,o 'Gb,� prroper�y owe�er� W�EA9r Tt h�.s bEe�. �.etera�i.nec�. tha� the fb71ow3xxg descr�,bed paraels o� pmpert� be re3ierred o� tne foli.o��,n� amo�un�s� �escri�.��ion A,�� �� I� 3�• B1t�eL li �rr1.e� PB.rk Th�rd l�ddit� � 51.9$ c�e�� � B: 63 ft.� �� 6, � � ��� B�� ��- �� �k � .�. ��.� Lot �.7 and tha '�T. 1/?_ of I,ot 1�� �locl� �, Al�.cal.e�ter Vi11as • l/.�6.QQ Lot l6� 331oek S, I�acse,7.estor ��.3.1�s Z�?.28 7�ot Z5 �e1 t� t�.': 5 Pt: of Z+o�t 3.l.� 87.. 2� Jefferson Pe�k Addition 177.'72 7�ot 16, Blac3lc 2y Jaffe�nn �c]� l�ic13.�9�z� 177,72 Lot 28�- B:LoaY l� �*1� �SC �dditian 1?1.5� Lot 16! &tock 9� 5oh�c+�d����t Add�tic� , 281,..7„7. . �� �?.,265.63 i�REAS, The tpta.�. e�o�,�.t d�' esseasst�7.e oc���� � C�ty may pay 3� �].,�65.63� na+W thsrefore '�0 3t, RESa3�VIDf Tha.t the Co�is�icmer ot' Pub�.�.� Works be �nd. he is hereby su�horized to pe,y �'rom �he Permanent Impabv�ent Rev�alvi�g l�d#. Code b000* the emc�n� of �.�2b5,.63�, e por��.on o� �the s.�sess�,ble aoats of 83dewall� Coa�strrza�.3on �nd.er th� 3.963 S�,devalk Con.. traat 63��'17� �evy �o, $� D�trict No. 2, �.,►6�1�3,� aeid Pernener�t lmpnrvc�nent, �R�rolv�ng Fund. �,o b� re3�bursed f�t the Cit��s S$exe o� �as�. Tmprov�e�sent �.d �� 492t')—`7��. �3.965) N�1�+ i� � COIJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays . ' Dalglish �u�4 1'e� '� Holland � Approv� , 19— ,.-�oss� Tn FBVOr Meredith ,1 p����„ (� � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-e: