224869 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ���� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTtON—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY COMMISSIONE � DATF � RESOLVED� Pursuant to the recommendation of the Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee of the Ci�y of Saint Paul transmitted to this Couneil by letter of the Chairman , � of said Committee� Commissioner Milton Rosen� which letter� together with attachments thereto are incorporated herein by reference� the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul is hereby requested to include in the City' s B�.dget for 1g66 an amount of �.• �7�000,00 for purchase -of -a blanket bond� which amount wi11 � also inelude a two-year premium for certain elected City ti� � - . offi�ials required under Paragraph 1"� Section 51� of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul. " , � ,,��. ,� J'\ ' ' � y, . . ' ' 1 �� • t � � ' , ` � - .. -- '' ' .�� . ._ , 1 � �� . . � � APP'R VED � : i ` i . Corporation Counsel �� - ,, :� . - : , AUG 12 1� . . -. , COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays • n�� 1� ,�C� Dalglish ��� �� Holland � p oved 19— '-�°ss-`_---� � v Tn Favor � Meredith u , ,Eese�son--_ '' Mayor a gainst , . Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �BL'1SHED AUG 14 19�� _ �o� �� DUrLICAT[TO HIINT[R , CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO ������ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVED� Pursuant to the recommendation of the He�al�h and Welfare and Insurance Committee of the City o� 3aint Paul trnn.smitted to thi� Counc�.l by letter of the Chairman of said Committee� Co�miaaioner Milton Rosen� which letter� together with attachments thereto sre ineorporated herein by �eferenae� the Comptroller of the City of 3aint Paul is hereby reque$tecl to 3nalude in the City� s Budget for 1�66 a�n. �mount of ���000.00 for purehase of a blanket bond, which amount will alao inelude a two-ye�r premi.um for certain aleQted City offiaials required under P�ragr�ph 1, Section 51� of the Charter of' the City of Saint Paul. UG1� �5 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays A�� � 2 ��� Dalglish Holland � Approv� 19— oss Tn FSVOr Meredith . Mayor �� ���t Rosen Mc. President, Vavoulis 10� a� , v y �..ir� F'�rA�I' /r� � � _��,�,_� � . . ' � � �-�. fP�r ��� rGpj7 r% � � � �t �����!� p ~ � �1 %GEORGE M.SHEPARD � � �'�� e0�E NE V.AVERY �� STREET.AND HIGHWAY C I T Y O ���. S A,�I N T �A U LC?r !�F' � pr �ry6�NEER � EN6INEERING COORDINATOR �. 'li���'��'� �� '���r �� G C �y�'� '� � . �- ;���'�,},I oftMinnesota „ °si F „ c A ESTER =a �* � �,,� �„�,.�.,''�'- �-.� n 'll';�^�;' �� t ��a 9 S =.. ■ � � r . �r�� DEPART�I`,,�T"`'�OF� �UBLI�WOR,�KS p����•n�_ RINTENDEN�OF SANITATION � � � ' `' _23_4�it '��'�lC�;��;��::� ' I�o.t�s/ -i•3�1=0��==F���-�'�',; ` �..._ "�"" III � �► i�� ��" w��u •� r- �' ;'arc:'S` -d '�^ CI :�+ G3 � C[7 � � � �� A"' fl �' � A �:' ���� ° � _ �.ILTON ROS'Fl1V� �i� �g n � �� � ':;� a cy o -L-�,�A, mmiss' � f�._ � t� � i!A! •T ,�_� � �� � � _,��;=� - '* r..%, r — — � '�� ,•�� , _ yLii�.'�A�112 P.BEHRE}�S-rrr'rrar) ' i i � �` ` � � I I I I � I �� '�:� . .s p' __ Deputy�Commiuion�a--.— � I r-— - - ' _� 4 �22 ' _�f F- R:=� — . August 11, 1965 .�,���j tl�� To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: Pursuant to the action of the Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee taken at a meetir�g of said Committee held on August ll, 1965, wherein said Committee considered the report of its Secretary, Charles H. Stevenson, which report was dated August 9, 1965, and is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, the Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee hereby recommends to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it authorize and approve procurement of a blanket bond (fidelity and honesty, including faithful performance and collusion coverage) which will not include employees of the Board of Water Commissioners or employees of Independent School District No. 625. It is antici- pated that the approximate eost of such a blanket bond for City employees will be •in an amount of �17,000.00 for a three year period, the annual installment therefor being in the approximate amount of �6, 160.00 per installment. ` It is further recommended by the Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee that the Council request the Comptroller to include in the Cityts Budge� for 1966 the sum of $7,000.00 to cover the anticipated cost of the first installment of the premium for such blanket bond, which amount will ��lso include a two year premium for certain elected City officials required under Paragraph I, Section 51 of the Charter of the'�City of Saint Paul. _, Respectfull ubmitted, ilton Rosen � Commissioner of Public Works and Chairman of the Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee attach. � " August 9, 1965 ��, Health �.nd PTelfare and Insurance Committee Re: City of St. Paul ,�-� Public Emplo.yee Blanket Bond � The City Council, at its meeting on May 20, 19b4, referred to the - Health and Z�elfare and Insurance Committe� for investigation, recom= mendation of the amount and estimate of �he approximate cost, the matter of procuring a blanket bond to cover all City employees, as permitted by paragraph "2" of Section 51 of the new City Charter. The pro�ect got underway promptly , each Qity Department bein� asked to furnish essential data; however, becauae of many misunderstandings as to the actual information desired, it was agreed at a meeting of the Health and j^Telfare and Insurance Com�nittee tha.t the Secretary ' make the investigation and render a report to the committee so that • recomm�ndation could be made to the City Council in time to allow for the inclusion of adequate funda in the i966 Budget to pay for such bond, if purchase thereof were felt advisable. . The number of employees per �department and the number of employee classifications per department as well as the number of employees per classification were determined and the approximate costs for both a one-year term and a three-year term were computed and are . as follows : Approximate No. , No. 1-year 3-year Dep�.rtmen� Emplo,yees Classifications Premium Premium `�, t�7ayor` s Oz"fice 4 � 4 '� 14.00 � 38.00 ��' City Planning 13 11 42.00 125.00 Civil Defense • 14 12 ' • 46.00 123.00 F.E.P.C. Research ' 4 4 13.00 35.00 Purchasing � 18 7 59.00 158.00 Cor�oration Counsel � 22 10 68.00 184.00 ��?unicipal Court 35 16 70.00 18g.00 City Clerk Records 13 � 9 39.00 •105.00 City Clerk Registration 7 4 23.00 61.00 Fir_ance 37 21 120.00 325.00 Comptroller ' 18 14 ' S9.00 158.00 Civil Service 19 . 14 62.00 163.00 Pub. Safety. Bldg. Maint. � 16 5 52.00 140.00 Pub. Safety Pol.& Fire Alarn 25 7 91.00 22g .00 Pub. �afety Health 106 26 345.00 930.00 Pub. Safety Fire • 459 �17 1492.00 3925.00 Pub. Saf ety Police 476 � 35 1547.00 4174.00 Pub. Saf ety Administration 6 6 20.00 53.00 Pub. Safety Repair Shop 17 ' �. 11 55.00 150.00 Public T��Torks Office 203 76 � 128.00 320.00 Public Z+lorks La,bor ' . 558 , �� 36 ) ` Par�s Office 74 _ 38 _ 241.00 649.00 Parks Labor 249 � • 43 - . 1409.00 2783.00 Public Utilities 53 26 . �- 172.00 4�5.00 Audii,orium O�fice � 11 io� � � 36.00 96.00 Lib. & Aud. Administration 6 6- - 20.00 53.00' � Auditorium Labor 32 8 � . � 104.00 281.00 Libra.riea � 82 32 " . 624.00 168�.00 . .. . .. , � �6g51.0o �17�96�.00.. , . - � ; r ' ,. . , _. ,��_._ _ . - - - . -�- - . ----- - -� . �- - - -�------�--T----r_.�._.__.......r..___..,... _._ . _ '1 ���3 �� . ' Page 2 August 9, 1965 There are '82 employees in 32 classiFications on the �Tater Departr�ent � office nayroll and 262 employeea in 47 classifications on the Water Department labor payroll. They are presently covered for ��5,000 per employee undei° a Public Employee Blanket Bond for three years, expiring April 11, 1967, which would be continued since the Water Department is self-sustaining. . The cost set forth opposite each named department in the column en- titled "1-year premium" is �he approximate annual cost for a separa.te public emplo;�ee blanket bond (iidelity and honeaty , including faithful neriormance and collusion coverage ) for the specified department in the amount of �2,500 per employee. A single bond providin� identical coverage but covering all City employees can be procured for the , approximate total premium shown at the foot of the same column. The column entitled "3-year premium" shows the �,pproximate cost for a separate bond to cover the employees in each specified department for� ��2,500 per employee, and the amount shown at the foot of the ' colunn renresents the approximate total cost for a three-year single bond covering all City e:nployees . The 3-ye�.r premium may be paid in 3 in��allments of approximately �616o each. There are certain emplo�ees presently covered for an amount in excess of �2 ,500. A paragraph of Section 51 of the City Charter reada: "Amounts of the Position Bond and minimum.s in the Blanket Bond and positions to be included in the Position Bond shall � be determiiled so� as to be adequate to protect the City of Saint Paul in accordance with the exposure to loss in each instance. Consideration should be 6iven to the avoidance of exorbitant preniums. " It t:*ould seem that the minimum of �2,500 per employee should be ade- quate at tne beginning of this pro�ram, however, for certain instances t�:here lar6er amounts may be deemed advisable, extra coverage can be speci�ically providsd by rider. Some individual bonds and a �et�r de�artmental blanket bonds are pre- sently in effec� cri�h varying expiration dates. They would be can- called �,s of the effective date of the blanket bond or bonds and t�ere should be a recov�r;� of unearned premium, bu� the amount is undeterminable a.t this point. � A Public Employee Blanket Bond was effective l�pril 1, 1965 for a period of 3 years on the em�loyees in th� offic�. of the Clerk of ��Iunicipal Court; al�o,. a similar bond will be effective September 1, 1965 on the enployees in the offices of the City Cleri�. Such bonds U;ould oe terminated and coverage included "under a single City bond should it be determined that all City employees are to be covered. The follo,�ing information was determined with respec't to the employees . =� of the Board of Education: : - �° , _ � ' . " - - � , . , � � k� ,� � � . ; * Page 3 Au�ust 9, 19&5 Approximate � �To. No. 1-yea.r 3-;�ear � Depa.rtment E�?�lo,yees Classifications Premium Prertium Board oF Education ' Custodians 28g 8 ) . oi z'ice 199 39 ) � N:echanic� & La,borers 84 16 ) Hygiene ' 62 6 ) Cafeteria, Office 5 . 5 ) Cwfeteria L�,bor 158 � 7 Tea.crers 1836 "�433.00 �1,082.00 PrincipaZs and Aasis- ) �ant Principals 91 • ) Administrators 23 ) 5chool bursars • � ) • � Senior High g ) . Junior Hi6h 9 ) ' ?�ech. 1�rts evening 1 ) Ce�ltral summer 1 ) Drive_� training , 2 ) Swimmin.� nool direct'ors 4 ) Vocational Evening and Adult ) Educ�tion personnel 24 ) The estim�,�ed 1-year premium foi^ �.11 the above employees in the amount of �2,500 per employee i� �'�433, and the 3-year premium �1,082.00. ,��-� Bursars are presently cov�red for �10,000 each and, if deemed neces- �Ji , sary, ma�r be specifically covered for the additional �7,500 each by rider. Any other instances where an amount over �2,500 is desired ma.y be covered specifically by rider. They will, of course, require addi�iona,l premium, but it is estimated that the total 3-year premium; includin� the instanceQ �•rhere �7,500 additional coverage is applied, i•rill approximat� �2,000. . August 14, 1965 is th� last date that Department budget reauests may � be �ade to the Comptroller. It is urgent that the recommendation of �he Y�ealuh and ?�Telfare and Insurance Committee regarding the bonding of City er�ployees be made to the Council, promptly , �o as �o allow t�me for request to the Comptroller. R ectfully sub itted, . ��� ` ' Charles H. St nson , . - ' '. . Secretary _ � ' � . . � • Health and ��elfare �and Insurance Commit�ee bs ' � " ' --_-� . ii � ' __u�,-a�i; � , 190� , � .t • . c:c��l��h. !ncZ T�lcli�r•e aru. Izz�ur�.ncL Cof»r2i��ee �� � . , r � - ���9 �G� ; �i�.V� O1 �Le Pc1.U.1. � Pub�.ic r���.o,yec B�_r>.�Z?:c:� Ea_�.0 '?'.1�? l�_��; vOL1.1C'.:.1. � c�.�.�; 1'�S '11C'et�11� Oi1 i�:'cl.� `�� � 1.9�iLr; f'c^.>'�c^.I'1':.'(�. i.0 u'_�£ :�C'.1�:.:^_ :.�37C� S'Jc�,ll'uI'c^, i.?,'P.C�L Yfl�tit'c^..Y!Ci: VO:?Zi."•17.'Gi.�G� f0'r '1.'•_1�Ic^.9v].r�u.i�J..O(ly ..''�GO".�- ?iil•'Ix���'.i0:2 0Y� 1i!'?c�. �iii0UT1� �.f1Cl G�SV117:�^�...V@ O: �i:'_�: ap�rox�i"�1c�.uc GO�ir � li.'_r1G :::,�u�Li' Oi j7i^OCUY'i?'1�� a b1.�.n1iL� 'OOTfC� �O CO�IE?° all �`iI�J E;L'r!l7�Of�E�� G.S �,e����'u;:ed by para�ra��z "�" of S�cuio�� �_ of t'_^_e net�r City "' � i •.,�.�;r�e r•. `_'i2� ��i'��c;C� ,t"-�Oi, U?2C�E,'I';ti*�.�� T):L'0:71,otly � @�.G'}1 G`��;J �Ci��,Z�?!!fjl1� rf?1.�i�•-, �:3%�(:� i C i,'Ll:C'_'1.`1;�t1 C�nQ11i:L;1,].. f_�[l,�'i,�:1�� 'f10?•r«VC::C'� �JCC:4,U.^r3 O� T:13`ly il1�.GLl'L1CJ.C::C'�.^-�1�J.P.C:.:i.i1E;-,S �.s �,:.o t_-!e actu�.1 i���or•Y.���.�i on de��.r�u, i-� �f�w::: �.�r•ecc�. at �z ��!c:�,1:�i� o� ' "^ ::E:�.1.�,�2 321.`�.c �:iG'12c�'v c'3'_^.C� Zi1S�li wY1.C� COTR"1'1'l','���? i,:na.�; �i1E.' ,.���Cf'::�?,.f;J U__V .:!:?,:=i: 't�l^ ?�'il%eS�i:;;�.'��.012 2..Ilf�. �2?"1C1e2"' �. i'C.'�O?'� v0 i,1'].@ COI!i"IL'�i��E� �O i,^2.� �� 3'�-^.CO,'s1:�?C?�k��,i�j.0:1 cauld bc ;?��C)E'. t4 �I1G G'��J v�U^G•:L�.. 7.:n i,�I^(.' �O•? Toti, �'s�e i�c?u�ion oi adenu�,t� funa.s in �'ne 1956 Bud�Et ta ��a� �o�� suc� �or_e, iT �u»ch�.se thereof*�ac?�-e reli; a.Cl'V'�3c�.Ul,ed ' �i:�e ��u�~i���• o_' e;:uloy�es �e_r �.epar�r�eni, �.nci i�h� �.ur�iuc;.� o= e�:r]_o�ce cl�ss-���ca�:�ans ver deY�=a�•t_m�r� a� rTCl�l ac t'�� number o= e,��nlc;���s =��"t' CZ.�:,JJ�_�C°.��OT? :•;�Y'(: QCi,C�T�i�(le�? ^Y).�. unG a_o�-r•oY�ma.�E C09"i,'� i O� b0'��! c'�. O:�-�C;�.1'' �E'.�•?� d.Y1C3. 2. 'f�i"1��E-�l�°.�,� �E�'�n ;•:�cr•e CO�'!t,U�E;C� �.'P_CL c.�•G - c�.S �O��O:��° : ' _'-�l�'O I O:=i?:�i,G I`•';O o r:0 0 1-;JE'2� '>--Jea' ��t�?ti,'�!i11i, "T!?l��_OZ'.-^,CS G'1�?.5�'!'�'1G'�.u1.C%!S '�."r'E::!1.U?°! 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