224865 \ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 22���� ,�' � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL _ . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO r-, CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED CY ' "rt COMMISSIONE DATE y T WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws 1965, Chapter 551, approved May 21, 1965, authorized the Governor of the State of Minnesota, in the name of and on behalf of the State of Minnesota, �o trans- �fer and convey to the City of Saint Paul, Uy quit claim deed and for a nominal consideration, all of the State ' s right, title and � interest in the abutment to the Old Fort Snelling Bridge situate in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County; and - - WHEREAS, The Department of Highways, State of Minneaota requests payment of One Dollar ($1 .00), said payment being the above mentioned nominal consider_ation in exchange f'or said convey- ance; therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul • does hereby authorize and direct that payment be made to the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, of the sum of One Dollar ($1 .00), said payment being made in consideration for the State ' s quit claiming to the Ci�y of Saint Paul the following described property, situate in the City of Saint Paul, Ra.msey County, Minne- - sota: ' That portion of Lot 32, F. Steele' s Subdivision of � Lot 2, Section 21, Township 28, Range 23 West, beginning . � at a point on the South line of Mississippi Avenue at an o intersection with a Southerly prolongation of the West line of Lot 20 in said Subdivision; thence in a Southerly n direction along said West line of Lot 20, 410 ft, more or � � . less to the left bank of the Mississippi River; thence in 0 o an Easterly direction along said left bank of the Missiasippi � m River 260 ft, more or less to a point intersected by the o; cv Southerly prolongation of the East line of Lot 23 in said ��'� Subdivision; thence in a Northerly direction along the � Southerly prolongation of the East line of Lot 23, 280 ft. N �" more or less to an intersection with the Soizth line of Mis- issippi Avenue; thence in a Westerly direction 200 ft. ore or less to point of beginning, containing 1 .6 acres "'`� more or less. - � . AUG 1219i65 COLJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish AUG 12 'I965 � Holland � Pra� 19— �— � Tn Favor � Meredith , Pe�tersea�_ a Mayor � A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PlI�tIS�HED ����' 1� I���� ion� e-as � , DUPLICAT[TO rRIHT[R � /'�(,�� .. � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa F� � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESEHTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� W�AS, Y�inn��eota L�rra 1�65, Cha.p�er 551, appsov'ed May 21, 1965, �uthorized the Qov�rrior of �he Sta�e of M�.nneao�a, in the name of and on behalf of the State of Miruzesot�,, to trane- �'er and conve� to the Citiy of �ain� Paul, b�r quit alaim o�e�d and for a nominal aonaidera��.on, all of �he State�a right, titl� and 3ntere�� in �he abu�m�nt to �he Old �'ort Snelling F�►18g� situate • in the C3ty of Sa�.nt Paul, Ramsey County3 and �, �he Department of Highways, State of Minnesota reque�ts payment of One Do11ar ($1.00), $aid payment being ��e above men�ioned nomina.l cor�idera�ion 3n exchange for said aonvey- anae; therefore, be it RESOLVEIJ, That the Counail of the Cit9 of Saint Paul does h�reby authorize and direc� that paymen� be made to the �tate of Minnesota, Depar�men�t of Highway�, of �he sum of One Dollar (�1.00), �aid payment be3ng made in considera�ion Por the State's quit claiming to the City of Saint Pau1. the fol].owing de�arib�d. property, �itua�e in the City o#' Saint Pau1, R&�m�ey Coun�y, Minne- sotas That portion o#' T,ot 32, F. S�eele'a Subdiv�.s3on of Lot 2, Section 21, Townsh3p 28, Range 23 WeB�, be�inning at a po3nt on the South lin� of Misaissippi Avenue at an in�eraeation with a Southerly prolongation of the West line of I,ot 20 3.n $aid Subdivis�.on; thenoe in a 9ou�herly direct3on along said West 11n� oF Lo� 20, �F10 ft, more or le$� to the ].eft bank of the Mi$si$sippi River; th�nce in an Ea.ster].y direetion along �aid left bank of the Misaie�ippi Rivar 260 ft. more or leBS �o a po3n� inter$ec�ed b9 tihe 3ou�herly prolongation of �he EaBt line of T,o� 23 in said Subdivi�ion; thence in a No��he�ly direation along �he �outherly prolongation of the Ea$t line of Lot 23, 280 ft. more or lees to an interseat3on with �he Sou�h 11ne of Mis- sie�ipp� Avenue; t�ence in a Westerly direction 200 ft. more or le$e to pQint of beginning, Qontaining 1.6 aare� more or les�. COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council AuG 12 � 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �UG 12 � Holland Approve� 19— L�°�! �In Favor Meredith Peeersoa--- Mayor � a gau,st Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-es