05-927Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY O� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Z� WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has entered into a lease agreement (#PD41) with Noir Productions Inc.; and 4 WHEREAS, Noir Produc6ons Inc. will pay monthly rent to the City of St. Paul to lease office space at 5 the Public Safety Annex Building at 100 East Tenth Street; and 6 7 WHEREAS, a 2005 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this lease agreement with 8 Noir Productions, Tnc.; and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does 11 certify that there are available for appropriarion funds of $5,900 in excess of those esrimated in 12 the 2005 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the foRowing addirion be made to the 2005 budget: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CURRENT BUDGET 001 - General Fund FINANCING PLAN: 04340 - Building Maintenance 4399 - Services Total Changes to Financing SPENDING PLAN: 04340 - Building Maintenance 0377 - District Heating 37,273 193,207 CHANGES 5,900 5,900 5,900 t�5- a21 3027994 AMENDED BUDGET 43,173 199,107 27 Total Changes to Spending 5,900 28 29 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2005 budget. Bostrom Yeas � ✓ � � ✓ ✓ Absent Requested by Department of: By: Thune �/ / � p A p val R� by Fi ncial Services: Adopted by Council:Date: (�'�ZJ�-2r � 0�00� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by y r:Da By: �� Noir Productions lease D� Form Ap�rfyed by City Attorney: I'.�' � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � t�E�-Q7't DepartmenUoffice/council: Dateinitiated: � � pD �Potice�arm,�t 73-SEP-0S Green Sheet NO: 3027994 Contad Person & Phone• Deoartrnent Sent To Pewon InitiaVDffie SteveHitchcpCAc � 0 oliceDe artn P Gce nt 26G5667 p�jyn 1 olice D artment De artrnent Director Must Be on Council /�qenda by (Date): Number Z �nancial 'c Office Fnan iai ervi For � ROUting 3 i Attorne i Attome Ofdef 4 a or' ffice M odAssistant 5 onncil Q' Coancil � 6 i 1 rk i lerk 7 olice De artmen[ Police De artment ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ali Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Signahues requested on the attached council resolution establishing a 2005 financing and spending plan for the Noir Productions, Ina lease #PD/41. Recommendations: Approve (A) w Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the FoUowing Ruestions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2.' Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfvm possess a skilf not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Need a 2005 finance and spending plan for ]ease PD/Al. (See attached.) Ad"vantageslfApproved: Ability to provide service for lease #PD/41. . � � DisadvanWges If Approved: None. cEP c9 0 '�QQ5 �a r., o Disadvantages If Not Approved: Inabiliry to provide services for lease #PD/41. iV Total Amount of 5900 CosURevenue Budgeted: � ''� '� ZUQ� Transaction: Fundinqsource: NoirProductions,InC. ActivitvNumber:04340 p�pdgOY�-p--r�pA��� VO A� A 8 I�SV Fi nancial I nformation: (Explain) •r � The lease agreement is available for review in the Council Reseazch Offices. •� _��� Authoriry (C.F. or A.Q.) � r �3N��"���� � 17 � 99Y ��� c�-a� �ASE NO. PD 4J �p��, Mav 15. 2605 LESS4R: L.fii`Y OF SA1NT PAUL SAINT PAE7L POLICE �EPARTN3�I�'T � L�� �e` r� ?rt>oo cris.»'srr. Saad oducirions 545 West 45th Strcet 9th �400r New York. NY 10036 \ J snt�r Pd.0 L � tlAi��1 CI'i`Y 4F SATI3T PAUL STANDARD LBASE AGREEMEI�IT (1] Leased premises. The LESSOR, in conside2ation of the gayment of the Basic Rent and Additional Rent hereinafter specified to be paid by tfie LPSSEE, and the covenanzs and agreamenis herein contained, daes hereby Iease, demise an�et unto I.ESSEE the premises hereinafter referred to as die °`L°,ased Pzemises;' whose address is: Floors 2 3 and 4 of the Public SaferY Amiex Buildin¢ --- —__ _ consisting of 21.000 +!- square feet of office and storage space; and which is legaily described as: L2I SE corner of loth Street and Minnesota Str�t. too ther with any buiFdin;s, fixtures in such buildings, impzoveznents and strucTUres, if any, located thereon; See Exhibit "A", plan or map of leased azea which is incorporated hetein by this reference. Term of I,ease. Tfus lease shali be in effect for a term commencing and endina on the dates indicated he3ow, unless temunated earlier by the LESSOR as provided herein. Term {NIonthsll'ears) Commencin Daze Endin� Date �- M?"'�`L 79�$� �v �� 7,oa �I months , ZOQS NavemoeY�uu� �� j3] tJse of Pretnises. T'he LESSEE shall use and occupy ttteLeased Premises forthe folIowing gurposes: OfBce and stora�e space _ and for no other pzupose without the prior written cansent of LFSSOR. �[4j 7.2ent. Rent shall consist of Basic Rent and such Additionai Rent as may appiy. LESSEE sha�t pay ail rent in advance, on the #�irst day of the tarm of the lease and on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the Payment Schedule below: -�- � (n> Basi� ttent �� � � Totai B2sic Rsnt Dmin� Iaase Teim �� r �.o�_ ��,t�'� �+suuQ.4� plus 3anttorial services. Schedule o5-9a? (PaymentPeziod — Mon`�sly Commencing➢ate — $ per Perioc� 7 , 005 $1,D00 plus r�ay23,z�>"� Ianitoriai cost ..... . - -- , ..- . - •. . ., - ... ,. ... .... . „ _ . . . -, , . - . , . . � ., . . . ...., ."":"��� �V � • I.I �� �\ • \� •� • ��\ �� f • • � �� 1�� - • � In the eventthatLESSEE does notmake scichpayments (aranypayments required to be paid , as Ac�ditional Rent), LESSOR may maka the payments az its option, and the payments so paid become .4dditionai Rent, and are c3ue and payable by the LESSEE with the gayment of Basic Rent next reguired after written notice of same to the LESSEE by LESSOR_ LFSSEE shall make all payments of Basic Itent and Additional Rent to LESSOR at the following address: SPPD Accountina. 367 Crrove Street. 5aint Paut MN. 55101 The appIicable account number for City F'mance Accounting Cocie is: General Fund of the Pu51ic SafetvBuiidingooerations 001-4346 AfI Basic and Additional Rent shalI be payable on the date certain provided hez:in, or — if no date ceztain is provided —within 30 days of rhe biiling date. The I.essor shatl charge interest of 1_5% per month on any Basic or Add'ztionai Rent remaining unpaid beyond the due date as here provided ... . .. . ., .. �. . n - • : r� �s vr. � w s^ • • �� • m.. w• n�• r - w� w� • ��� • + q� + • • w s :� a� n � nn - • � • .�� • � ..� a � n • � • : � � � � • r:s :w n �m • � • � i O .I � s • . � �� �2 � ��..�...� b5-q�7 �[6] iti t af Eatrv. At ai3 t�mes during the temi of this lease, the LESSOR shall have rheri�t, ay irse�£, its agenrs aad emgloyees, to enter into and upon the I.eased Prenises duziag reasonable business hocss ar, in the eveat oi an emer�ency, at any time for any le�dma�e purpose_ [7] arance. (A) � � LESSOR'S Iasurance. Z1te LFSSflR shatl acquire and kee,p in eRect during the term of this a�eement the foIlowing coverages: (i) F^'IIiE?,NDALLRISKIISSLIRr�1NCE,ontfieLeasedPremiseswithlimitsofnatless than the revair and revlaceznent�vatue shail be purchased by ihe i�'SSQR; the L,ESSEE shall pay, as Additional Rent, the premium for said insurance and, in the event of a ciaim, any deductibie. Said insurance shati name the City of Saint Paai as the insurad. With respecc to any loss of the LBSSOR'S property nat covered by insurance, it shall be the responsibility of the LESSEE, within a reasonable time, to pay all costs torepairorreplace the damagedpropertywithlike kind, suchreasonable time to be determiaed by ths LES50Tt. LESSEE shail be respoasibie for insurance of its own property. �ESSE�'S Insnrance. The LESSEE shall acquire during 1he Yerm of this ]ease the foIlowing coverage: (i) TI�e LESS� shall be responsible for the self insurance of, or the acquisition of Coaunezcial Prapercy Insurance on, irs personai property. (2) COMMER.CIAL GEN�RAL OR F'UBLIC LIAB7LITY INSURANCE including b2anket Contractual liahility coverage, personal injury liability coverage with a combined sin�le $mit of not less than $1,Q�0,000, per oceuirence, $2,004,000 aggregate, and broad form. property damage fiability endorsament with a combined sinale limit of not less ihan $I,D00,000, per occurrence, $2,000,006 ag�egate, shail be purchased by the LE35EE. Such insurance sha1l: (a) aame t6e City of Saint PauI as additionai insured; (b) be prunary wish respect to LESSOR'S insuzance or self-in- surance; �) include an "aiI services, pmducts or compieted operations" endorsement, {d) not exclude explosion, coliapse and underground property damage; (e) be written on an "Occuixence" Form poiiey basis; and (f} not contazn an"ag�egate" poliey ticttit uniess specificaily approved irc wridng by LESSOR. - '� i A� o��1 �I ' A �H� qIM w � • ���\� �� • � � � • • � • • V f � � ��R� • • � •� •^ � � �• r • •• ' '�i � r�n t� � ' ' �i �i V N ftI O • • � � IM� y� � . - I� • � • • � �l f f ��I •t � �� 11 ��� 1 �A t � • (5) The �SEE shall supply to LFSSOR cuirent insura, certificates for poI3cies required in Paza�aph (7). The said certificates sha31 certi "ry wfiether or not the agent -3- � � 05-��7 (6} C73 has errors and ax�tssians insurance coverage. - The Iimits cited uader each insurance reqirirement above estabfish minimuss; and it is Fhe saIa responsiaility of the bFSSEE to purct�ase and maintain additionaI insurance tha� may be necessary in relatioa to this Iease. ?�iothing in this conttact si�all coastiurte a waive: by the LESSOR of any sratutory limits or excepaons oa liabiiity. (S) LESSEE sfiaII place the insurance wi�i responsibie instsance compRnies autharized andlicensedto do basiness in the State oflbfinnesora andagprovedbyLESSOR, and shall cieliver copies of the policies to LESSOR on the date of LESSEE'S execution of shis agreement Thepoliciesrequiredin paragraph ('n shatibe endorsed io ind"zcate that the insurer cannot cancel or ehange the insurance wzthaut fixst giving the T FSSQR 30 days' wriu,.°n noa�^. (9) 3nsurance Iimits shall be subje�t to the tort clairas Iiabiiity liavrs as set forth in chapter 466 of M'innesota Statutes. � (G7 Waiver of Subrogation. LESSOR waives its riaht of subrogarion for dama;e to the Building, contents tkterein, loss of use ihereof, andiar loss of zncome, up to the amount of insurance proceeds collected. LESSEE waives its right of subrogation for damage to property in the Leased Premises, loss of use thereof, loss of income and/or accounts zeceivable, ap to the amount of their respective insurance proceeds collected. T[ie pazties shall notify their respective insurance comganies, in writing, of the provisions of this parab aAh; and, if either cannot waive its subrogatian rights, such party shalI immediatety nodfy the other parcy, in w�ting. � CanceIIafiott or Termination. This Iease shall be subject to cancellarion and tezmination by � LESSOR az any time during the term hereof by giving ihe J_ESSEE no�ce in wxiting at ninety (94) days, e i a erm cies priorio the date when such termination shall become efFective.In The event of such termination, and on the effective date of such tennination, LES50R shall retum any unearned rentai paid by the T..ESSEE without inteaes� . [9] 1�otice. All notices herein provided to be �ven, or that may be �ven by eitlzer party to the othet, shalI be deemecl to have been fnlly given when served personally an LESSOR ar LESSEE, or wheri made in writing and depositedin thaUnited States Mai1, certified andpostage prepaid, andaddressed to the LESSEE aT the address sta2ed on page (1) and to the LESSOR at E'ne Real Estate Division, 140 City HaII Saint Paul, Minnesota SS1Q2. T'he address to which the norice shalI be mailed may be changed by written notice �ven by eithergarty to khe other. Notiung herein shatl preclude the giving of such addcess change notice by personaI service. � • n � ' i �� ° � ..:' . ♦ • - w • • . � a • i � • - • s • . � • _ �wf�alw^n�l�iw�si'.?�+�1�l�1 � � [121 Pavments in Case of Defaalk LESSEE shaIl pay T ESSOR alI costs and expetises, including reasonable attorney's fees in any action brou;ht by LESSOR to recover any rent due and unpaid hereunder, or for Lhe breach or defauit of any of the covenaztts or agreements cantainect in this Lease, or zo recover possessiox� of said property, whether such action progresses to judgment or not. [211 Maiateaance aad Regairs. E�SSdR shall, at irs awn cost and expense, be resnonsible for a11 . zpaiis, maintenance and u�ske°g of the Leased Premises, including but aot Iimited io eme nency repairs of any Idnd; routine main�aance andrepairto kecro the L�ased Premises in gooc� repair, safe and ia compIiance with applicable fire, health, buildin� and oiher liie-saiety codes; and aL repais; and maincenance nesde3 to k�p t�ie bui'sdin�s or suuctutes on the i.� ased Premises in aood con- dition, incladino (aj the exterior (including windows and doors) and 'mterior sffucture of the buildings or stiuctures, (b) the mof orroofs, �) the hea�ng, ventilatiug andair conditiordaa systems therein, (d) aIt eIectdcal, piumbing, iighh�n ;, mecI�anica2 systems, frre suppression eqnipment, i.e. nre sgrinkier system fz31 � LESSF_Eshallbear a11 costs andexpanses arising from compliance with saidordinances,Iaws, rules, or re�ulations and shalI indemni'ry, defend, save and hoid hazinless I,ESSOit from alI iiabiiity, in- ciuc3ing without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties azising from the failure by LESSEE to comply with such ordinances, Iaws, rules or regulations. LESSOR has the right to perform cleanup and char;e �.he LESSEE as Additianat �2ent far such costs should tIie I.ESSEE fai2 to comply. . :. .- . . . . ..... . . . . . • - . .. . Surreader of Premises. Th$ I,FSS�, at the axgiration of said teim, or any sooner tersninarion of this lease, stsaIl quit peacefully and surrender possession of said property and its agpurtenances to LFSSOR in as good order and condition as the groperty was deFiverecl to the LESSEE_ , ��� � of Saint Paal [14] Indemaitv. The LESSEE a�ees to indemnify, defend, o5-9a 7 and any agents, officers and empioyees thereof from alI claims ds, actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or ckaracter, azising out of or on of the Lease of the herein described I.eased Premises by the LESSOR to the , or thause or condition of t4ie I.eased Premises or as a result of the apezaLions or activities taking place on the Lzased Premises, It is fufty understood and a�eed th SEE is aware of fhe conditions of the I,eased Premises and leases the same "as is:' d� �� 1QNO�t�1 �.0 Y�{�M - W� �•W o� t1 �ASiNL$$� �{t�c7�� ����' [25j Hoidover. Any holdover after the expirdtion of the term of this I.ease shait be aiiowed only after receiving the written coriseni of the LES50R. Said tenancy shall be deemed to be a tenancy only from month-tamonth. AlI ot[ier tezms and conditions of this Lsase shaI1 be applicai�ie. [16J Poltution and Contaminants. LESSBE a�ees to compIy with ati ordinances, laws, ruIes and rega3ations enacted by any governmentai body or agency relating to the controi, abatement or emission of air and water contamiaants and the disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes. -5- � NEW PARAGRRPH TO BE APPENDED TO STANDARb LEASE AGREEMENT �N1TH NOIR PRdDUCTiONS, ]NC. DATEa MAY t5, 2005 14. iNDEMN . The lESSEE agre harrnless the C' Saint Paul and � from all claims, dem s, actions or character, arising out of by herein described L.eased P or as a resuft of the operation. the Lease Premises. [t is fully the canditions of the Leased f breach of the od and agreed and leases the � o »a�- ar�- w� � indemnify, defend �ents, off�cers and :'s�f acfion of wh� reason o# Lesse� nises, or the use �f business act of the os-qa7 and ho(d ryees thereof >r nature or � of the a Premises see taking p ce on LESSEE is a e of �"as is." �y �Gh�kk�e- Q� �� � �`�� � a5-9a� • � � .v • :w [18] Destruction. In the event of damaQe to or destrnction oi the Leased Premises or in the event ttze �remi.ses becomes unteaantable or unfrt for occugancy due m such damaQe during t6e term of zlus Lease, LESSOR �nay at its option: (A} teiminate the Iease ugon fiiteen (15) days' written noace to ?�SSEE; or ..... . . - .. . .- .. .... .�,�... -� .,. . , .... ,. � a�� mvr• • a r " +• - on � • ... • .w - • r.. .� •�+ .��� • n • • • • � w� � •� •s� o� .:v • �� u� m w�+ � • o � .v o • �� � � !" " • _ ' � • ' s • � - p � ' _ • • t' � �� �� ♦ • l� . • • • • � �• �� Y I� • �� � • �A�1��f • � � •n��• • '�� - � � �' • • • / �/i � • • � N • • � • • �� � h • � • wi- �i �w w • - m (E} thefailu�bqLESSEEtotimelypayBasicRentorAdditionalRentasLeqniredbyt(iisLzase; {� the failure by LESSEE to observe and perform any covenant, condi£ion or a�eemant on its pazt to be observed or perFormed as reqaired by this Lease; or (G) the failure by LESSEE or its surery to dischaza , satisfy or reiease any lien or lien stateirient fi3ed or recorded against the Leased Premises within sixty days after the date of such filin3 or recording, whichever date is eazlier. It is an express covenant and agreement ofI.ESSOR andLESSEE thatl�SSORmay, atits election, � tercninate this Lease in the event of the occurrence of any of the events described in this paragraph oz in para�aph (22) relating to liens by givin? not less than ten days' wriuen notice to LESSEE; and � 05-9�7 when so ter�na2ed,LESSORmayreentertheZ:zsedPremises. ThisL°ase andiuLeased Premises � si�ll not be treatedas aa asset ofLESSEE'S esrate. It is �ther e�ssly underscood and a� eed that LFSSOR shall he entztfed ugon such reentry, aotwiths�tandma any other pmvision of ttus I,ease, to exercise such ri�rs and zzmecties as are provided in Para�apa (?A of this I,ease. (2Q7 Comntiaace .with Laws. The property described hereia may be used for oniy the purooses srated herein. It is the sole and exclusivemsponsibi3ity of the I ESSEE in the use of the gmpery to coaply with aIl laws, rules, reguIatioas or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction afiecdna the use to which t�e propercy is groposed to Be put. Inability or failure by the LESSEE to comply with any of said laws, ruies, ree Iations or or�nances vriII not refieve the LESSEE of the obIigation to pay t.ne rental provided herein. [22j Non-Discrimination. The LESSEE for himself, his personal regresentauves, successors in interest and assigns, as a part of the considerarion hereof, does hereby covenant and a�ee, as a covenant running with the land, that . (A,} no person, on the �ound of race, sex, color creed, reIigion, saxual or atfeciional orientation, age, disabiflty, marital or familial stazus, staius wifh respect to public assistance or national ori�n or ancestry shall be excluded from participating in, be denied the benents of or be otherwise subjected to discriminarion in the use of said facilities; (B) that in connection with the construction of any improvements on said tands and the . furnishing of services thereoa, na discrimination shaIl be gracticsd in tke setection af em- ployeas and contraciors, bycontzacxors in the selecrion andretention of firsttier subcontract- ars, and by first-ties svbcontracLOrs in the selecrion and retention of second-fier sabcon- tractors; (C) that such diserimination shail not be pracriced against the pubfic in its access in and use af the faeitities and servicas providedforpublic accoma�odations (such as eating, sIeeping, rest and recreation) consrructed or aperated on the LAased Premises; and (D} that the LESSEE shall use the piemises in compliance with all other requirements imposad pursuant to the Saint Paul7,egislative Code Chapter 183. [22j Liens. The LESSEE shall not permit mechanic's liens or oiher liens to be filed or established or to remain a�ainstthe Leased Premises forlaboz, materiais or services furnishedin connection wiTh any additians, modifications, improvaments, repairs, renew+als or replacements made to the Leased Pretnises, ar for any other reasori; provided that if the LESSEE shall fust notify the LESSOR of its intention ta do so and shall deposit in escrow with the LESSOR a sum of money or a bond or iaevocabie letter of credit acceptab]e to the LESSOR equal to the amount of the claim of lien, LESSEE may in good faith contest any such claims or mechanic's or other liens fiied or established and in such event rnay permit the items contested to remain undischarged and unsatisfied during the period of such contest� If, in the opinion of the LESSQR, the nonpayment of any such items subjects theLeased Premises to any loss or forFeiture,.the LESSOR may require the LESSEE to use tne as- • crow account to prampfly pa� ail such unpaid items and if LESSEE fails to pay from the escrow account, the LESS012 may pay and chazge the LESSEE as Additional Ren� -7- U5-9 d'1 s E�1 Emineni Doruain. In the event the entire Leased premises are Takea by eminent damain, or such ponion thereof is so taken that in LESSEE'S reasonabFe ju�emeni it is �meconomic therea{ter to restoretheLeasedPremises aadproce°dundertheterms andprovisions of this L°ase,I.ESSEE may �.-�tinate this Lase by giving to LESSOR Thir�y ctays` writtea no�ce oi terminauon, effecave as of ihe date on which the condemning authority acquizes Iegal ritle orphysica? possession of the Is2sed Premises. LESSEE herebywaives and reIeases any ciaun rp or share iu the Award or Compensation for the talang, notwithstanding aay other grovision of law, tttis Le.ase or any other aere�ment LESSEE may to the extent otherwise pemutt�,d in the eminent domain pmce�ding, remove its own �ade nxtutes at its owu expense. [24] Default Remedies. In the event an Event of Defauit occurs under para�aph (29) oi this Lease, LES30R may exercise any one or more of the following remedies:' (A) reenterandtakepossessionofthePremiseswithoutterarinationofthisLease,andnseitsbest efforts Eo ease Ehe Premises to oreztterinto an agreement with anather person for the a�ount of LESSEE; . (B) ternunate this lease, exclude LESSEE frnm possession of the Premises> and use its best efforts to Iease the Premises to or enter into an agre;ment with another in accordance with applicable law; (C) exclude LESSEE from possession of the Premises, with or without terminating this Lease and operate the Premises iue�f; . (D} teraninatethaLease,excludeLESSEEfrompossessionoftheLeasedPremises,sellallorany pazt of the Premises at Lhe best price obtainable (provided such sale is pemutted by appiic- able taw,) such sale to be on such tern�s andconditions as thaLESSOR, in its sole discretion, shaII datermine and apply the proceeds oi such sale Iess any expenses thereof for the account of the LE35EE. (E� exercise any remedies available to it under the Nfinnesota Uniform Commercial Code; (� take whatever action at Iaw or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to callect ihe Basic Rent and Additional Rent then due and thereafter to become due, or to enforce performance and observance of any ohiigation, a�eement orcovenant of theLESSEEund•,r rhis I.ease. (G) in exercising any of its remedies set forth in this Section, theLESSOR may, whether or not tt�e Lease is then in effect, hold the LESSEE liable for the difFerence between the payments and other costs for which ihe LESSEE is responsible under this I�.ase. No remedy herein confened upon or reserved to LESSOR is intended to be exclusive of any other avai2abie remedy or remedies, but each such remedy shalI be cumulazive and shaIl be in addition to every otherremecLy given underthis Lease ornow orthereafter existing atiaw orin eguityby statute. No deIay or omission to exercise any such right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or pawer or shall be consmced to be a waiver thereof, bat any such ri�t and potuer may be exercised from time to time and as ofren as rnay be deemed expedient. In arder to entitie the . LESSOR to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Provision, it shall not be necessary to gi ve any notice, atEier than such notice as may ba herein expressiy required. �� � `9d7 � ➢efavlt of PavmenL LESSEE a,�e�s that, shonld it deiauit on any payment owing and due to he paid to LESSOR as pmvided in this a�eement, incl"�� but not limited to Basic Rent and AdditianalRent,thenthe*P*F+a+*ringunpaidbalanceshail, attheoptionoftfieLFSSOR,immediately become dne. Said i.FSSEE furrher ag�s tt�iat the LESSOR may, at iw op�on and without norice to i ESSEE, enter jud�ent agaiast L�SSEE ia R�sey County Dis¢ict Caurt for the �nount of the �mvaid balance. And LESSEE does hereby confess judgment in the amount o� the unpaid baIance due upon defauit, and does authorize the LESSDR to enter jud�nent as provided above. ZFSS�E does hereby a��ee. that theLFS30R, atits option, mayenter a judoment, az anytime witfiin one year of the time the last payment stiall have come due, for tke fuIl amount of tlie unpa�d balance due ptusuant to the confessioa of jvdgment grovided herein. [26] Alteraiions. The LESSEE will not make any altentions to the premises withoutthe written consent of the T.ESSOR, such cotisent not to be unreasonably withheld if the LESSEE desires to make any such alcezations, an accimdte descriptionshallfirst6e submittedto andappmvedbytfte LESSOR and such alterations shall be done by the LESSEE at irs own expense. All such work shall be performed under the LESSOR'S supervision and any impmvements made to the Leased Premises at the LESSEE'S expense shail become the properry of the LESSOR at ihe end of the Lease period_ LESSEE agrees that aIl aixerations wiil be done in a worl�anlike manner and in conformance with applicable building codes, t�at the structurat inte�ity and buildin, systems of the building wilt aot be impaired, and that no liens will attach To the premises by reason thereof. �(27] Amended. An}2hin� herein cantained to the contrary- not withstanding, this Lease may be terminated, and the provisions of this Lease may be, in writing, amencied by mutual consent of tYca parties hereto. j28} LESSEE BuiIdotit Imurovements. I.ESSEE shall pay the entire cost of any modifrcauons andlor enhancements to the leased o�ce space premises and the designated paziang Iot area. The actual work, i.e card readers and walls tn seat the leased premises from other areas of the PubIic Safety Building, will be coordinated and inust be aathorizad by Steve I�itchcock, SPPD Property Manager at651-266-5667 and/orHowaniFIorrman az 651-292-3599. LESSEE shailpayctirectlytothe vendor the cosc to repair the elevator to work order in order to serve the lease premises. The LESSEE shall the pay the cost to install a accass card reader on the skyway between the PubIic Safety Building and the Pubfic Safety Annex. � � OS-9d7 LTT ��TITNESS W$EREOF, the pazries hereto have set their hands and seais the day and year in this Le�.se �firsi above-written. I.ESSOR: I�f� Mayor N/A City G7erk Depar[ment Director � (Form Approval) w�� J LESSEE: � �rt-J1�. I�7`n''�''�'�'. � 2'� "�-`'� C° � (1- V � Its !� ►J�:JL'�c .1Llv�vv,��-�--t, "�wG S � �-�'CF��t,`7 • G_�Shared�RElREAL WPdata�LEASES\Police�PD41 Sandcaztle 5 Productions at the PSAwpd -10- Director— Offica of Financial Services � • R1DER TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL . ��,�j �• STANDARD LEASE ACREEMENT "� W1TH NO(R PROQtJCTidNS, INC. �t� (�� DATED fNAY 15, 2005 �r�r f' (n the evertt of a default hereurtder or+ the part of Lassee Lessar sha!) give written notice to Lessee of such default and Lessee shall have 5 bcssiness days after receipt of such nofice to cure the defauit. Le 's sole and exclusive edy far Lesse°'s br h, termination, r cancella ' of this agreement o y term hereof sha(i an action for damages an ssor inevocably wa s any right to ssek e"tabls or inju 've relief. �j� �. P�Y� � �� 05-9 �,1 � ., • � � t�: • 0 � � $ �� �c '� � '< s o � � � � j< 3 5'$ 89c �.4 �Sc �Ss �i ��� P' u o o z a. a`� <.n w ° � n v�i¢ d^ `c, $� �= m Z�' a 3- an asN M`un 1f1 j �- \ \ W � \ �• Y ^ �� • \ O �.\ ;. nn�4�'.: ��� n � n.:.:.� �r��������� i. �^ ^�n n �� �O� �l�/ N��y, M.'�.. z u�� Q ^^'^^ `� � sv� ^,+ y �,v :.^..o^..^..^...� � . 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Person 8 Phorre: C Hartmgton �\+tr��W on Couneii Agenda by (Date): � � �n� oeauN-os � � Nvmber For Routing Order Total # o Sig nature Pages 1 ( All L ocatiore for Sgnature} ACtion Req�es�d: Signatiues requested on the attached admiaistrative order authorizmg the City of Saint PauF, Potice Depar�ent, to enter into the attached tease agreement PDl41. � Recommenaations: Approve (A) or ft Planning Commission � q6 Committee � Civil Service Commissiort � � e= _ �,� - - ,- � t' � �.i�EtS� � (Y ,. I �� N` � (7µ.Yti 8 A� �, � r� — • Initiadng Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (4Vho, What, YVhen, Where, Why): '^', The Ciry of Saint of Paut, Poiice Daparanent, will lease floors m the Public Safery Annex to i3oir Producrion for a term of three months. The City of Saint PauI wilI receive $I400/montfi p[us janitoriaI costs. i Ativanta9es If APProved: - Revenue will be deposited in the Public Safety BuiIding Ftmds. :�': �;.: �4 � Disadvantaqes If Approved: None. Disadvarttages if Not Approved: Loss of revenue. "'°. ..."�... �, see contxact Transaetionc FundinpSource: NOii'P�OdUCGOn uial information: �ExpWin) CasURevenue Budgeted: Green S�eet NO: 3026774 ' �W _ la+�' t +i� � [L� 4__ � 4-(�-- i' lL! � 1 L� - s � �, s ��: �TiiSaT� •.�, . : � ..: •u.�� � �, � i Answerthe Foltowirtg 1. Nas this person/firtn ever vrorked under a coMrad fw this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoMfirm ever been a uty empioyee7 Yes No 3. Does ihis persoNfirm possess a skili not nortnalty possessed by any wrcent city employeel Yes No ExQlain all yes answers on sepzrate sheet and attxh to green sheet ,� � I� 1 � Z�Q� �!� 4 �T �'1�V t�11i�� 3 Activity Number. oa�-aasao-axxx ����;V�p JUN 2 0 2005 C� 1 ` V�CFIl� Y os-9 a� C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR q�roved Copiesio: - C"tty Cterk (Origima� - Finance Dept's Aeeoncning Oiv"sion - P�ce DepL AceouMIng Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 ia 13 14 15 � 18 19 20 Z1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b : 1 uif►! `YY: a i ' / ; !•�s� Cs7een Sheet� AHERE9S, the Saint Paui Pnlice Deoa=tment is seeking the authorization to Ieasa floors tao, three, and four of the Public Safetq Annex, located at 100 E. Tenth Stxeet, for a period oP tfiree months co�encing May 23, 2005, �d texm+�*+�tiag August 23, 20d5. WffitEAS, the leasee has agreed to the terms as set forth in the attached lease, No PD 41, dated May 15, 2005. WpFRFAS� the public purpose of this agieemeat is to reimburse the Public Safety Depart�ent genezal £und for operational expeases ia the abwe regard. BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are hereby authoriziag that the above funds be deposited ia Public Safetp Building Funds in 001-44340-Oa�. � � ►� aostand �� . � ACORD �... .-. r:- ..:,:-- Serial� t00396 AQN/ALBER7 G. ftUBEH 48 WEST 25TH STREEC EW YORK, NEW YORK 70010 : LAURA R. COMERFORD 27&527-74�0 NOIR PRODUCifONS, INC. 545 VlE� 45TN SFRE� 9TH FLOOR NEW YORK NY lW3G IS ISSUED AS R MATTER OF ��. SiS NO R1GIif5 UPOti THE cos+rnr+r A coaePan B con+cnrrc C COMPANY D CHUBB INSUR.4NCE COMPANY tiUV.ttsxtaTa =' '%-".,; r . "_ ' .. 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DFV GARAGE LIABILITY � ANY AUfO A I X I �MBRELLA FORM 79539898 `1,060,000. LtM4T 79533901 05/26l20Q5 � O1/OV2006 95J26/2005 I 01/0t/2006 OS/26/2005 � Qil01/2006 FIRE➢M1 (Am/a�fae) MEDEXP Wry COMBINED SINGLE LIMR �POOI L�Y� �URY O� er 90DILY IN,IURY (Per acadent) PROPERNOAM4GE S �,OOO,OOO S S 1 . 5 O�NER TNPN AUTO ONIY. EACHACCIOENT S A CaGREGATE �S EACHOCCURRENCE IS AGGREGATE S s WOAKER'SCOMPENSATONAND �OmiwTS [rs EbiPLOYERS'IJA81LffY 79539895 05(26(2005 OSI262006 ELFACNACGl�ENT s t,000,06i A T'�o"��T� �ry� EL015'cASE-POIICYLIMtC s 1,000,00�� PPftTNER3lEJ(Edf�NE �F'�s�' IXCL 1DISEASE-c4 EMPlOYEE 5 Z,OOO�OO OTHER $1,500,000. MISC. RENTED A ENTERTAIMENT PACKAGE 79539897 QSl26/20Q5 01/09/2006 EQUIPMENT I $2,506. DEDUCTIBLE ALL RISK / REPLACEMENT COST �ESCRIPItON OF OPERATIONS/LOCAZIONSIYEH�CLESSPECW L ttEkS CERTIRCATE HOLDER IS INCLUDED AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED AS RESPECTS COMMERCIAL GENERAUAUTO UABILITY AND LOSS PAYEE AS THEIR INTEREST MAY APPEAR AS RESPECTS PACKAGE POLICY BUT ONLY AS RESPECTS CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE NAMED INSURED. �� o � S ,�` F , ^^ -,`_ SHOUtD ANYOF TiE ABOVE OESCR�E9 PoLICIES BE CANGELLFD BEFOPE THE A'' fX � �� � �..—,� �� E%PIRATON �ATE iHEAEOF, THE ISSUING fA�1PANY WILL FNDEAVOR TD v°^ S{� ? wyvi, 70 L�L��"r1"'� YN'+�� 3a OAYS WARIEN NOtiCETO114ECERTiFlCIYTEh10WERNAMmTO n1E LEFT, �� tQO `O -t'�t{,,..�;. BUTFAILUNETOMIVl.SUCHNOTCESlIALLPAP0.SENOOBt1GliTtONQRLLi01LRY �l.+ TL�S ..JTEY�n ^ OF ANY IQNO UPON THE COMPAtfT, 1T5 AGENTS OR FIEPFESENTATR"ES- 5.�.-� r V 11c) l� �✓� N��� �� AUTNOP�➢ � . PDF created with FinePrint odfFactorv trial version htto:/lwww.fine�rint.cam