224859 ORI#INAL TO jJTY CL6WK � � �� � � ��4$5g ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY ` COMMISSIONE pArF H�l�US'�' bj 1965 _ R�SOLYED, That �he �Purchaslt'�7. Aqgnt bg Q�d he f$ her.eby qut�orized, Wath the: :consg�� ''of` th.e' C�om�i�roller, to purchqse from RO.CKWEI.L 1VIFG:� CO. certpin p��ts for Pdrktr�q Me�e►s q� a tota� �Qsfi of $568.56, vYit�out compe�itiv� bids pu�pr�# to Section 290 of #he� Cha�#�r of th.e 'C�Ity Qf �St: Pi�u I as the met:�- s 'ar� pdte.nfgd. `C ObEr 0203-� - P:W: �►PPROVED: , AS O �ORM�' APPI�OVED": •�oa��h J. IlJiitchell . C'�`y Co�ragefs�olier ..�- � �;r_ ASSIS� T P. TION COU EL. �COMPTRQLLFR ��-�'�'� �Y�a�,�ro �er . �r • ����� RCH SI G GE T. , AUG 121965 COiJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays I !I Dalglish quG 12 ��' ' Holland /, p oved 19— ( �' v Tn Favor . Meredith �___�,_, ' O � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �o� �� �v�n�H�o �a ��� ��� DUrLfCATE TO r111NT[R � ��N 4�� �' T CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCU ���r" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED�T �#►"=—� ig6J COMMISSIONE� DATF �SQL��E �IC�' '1'�'1#. �I'+C��I`� 1��f1i' bA q�'Md �1¢ �� h4:'�/ �u�1l�z� W�}�i t'�'i� COi'�tl�' � �� C�rmi1�E � pc,�s�wrrs � R��KWELL IV�C. �4. �ar�d�n �c►r� �r �cMlcirg 1�'1�#s�t a# a b#ial � e�f $�SE�3l56a wtt�oui� corr�+ttitir� bf+ck pc�r�cr�r� t� S�tan 2�0 0�" �h� ��t� o� �t�h� ���y � ,�a�t', P�u� aq� th�. mas�r s �s �#�nted. C���r 0?A�?Q� � �'.WV. I�I�G . �d�� l�+'(�C�/�bt �c�� -i* J. l:iitch�ll - �-! �:�:n�;t.-c:ler �- �;i��t�� . , ., , . ��V�J�� E4, ...c _',� 1,..CS :7Z5'Ct:Cr N \a..x�%'�/� AUG 121� COUNCILII�N - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��G � '� �� Holland APPra�� 19— �°'�� � Tn Favor Meredith �erersoQ�. � Mayor against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ior,� e-e�