224855 ' � 2�4�5� ORIOIHAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO 1 " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY t � COMMISSIONE DA� — WHEREAt�, pursuant to Council File No. 215958, approved December 24� 1963, the City of �aint Paul entered into an agreement with Harold J. DeGree, doin.g business as Minnesota Inve�tigators� for the investigation of, tort actions, whieh, by its terms� was to extend for� one year af�er January 1, 1964; and WSEREfl�, by subsequent resolutions of this Con.n.cil said �= agreement was extended and continued in foree up to -and including May� 1965, the last such egtension by Council File �Vo. 223543, approved May 19� 1965; and WfiER�A�S� the same -need exists as prompted the origin.al agreement� and it�has not been determined to renew the agre.ement for a f`ull term� now� therefore� be it � RE�OLVED, That the agreement heretofore made be contin�ed in f'ull foree a.nd effeet for the months of Jun.e, July and August, 1965, under the same terms a.nd eonditions, �which agreement provides for the payment by the City to Minnesota Investigators for their services. � _� , ' FOR P ROVE .� �- Q .�� . A st. Corpor ' n unsel AUG 12 � COiTNCILI�N , Adopted by the Councit �� 19— Yeas Nays ` AUG 12+ "�� Dalglish l Holland � pprov d ' 19— Tn FaVOx' c I Meredith ' J ! ' Mayor P��* taea ' A$�81I13t Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis POBLISHFD A�(� 14 �9C�� _ . loM 667 DUrLICAT[TO`rRIHT[R ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�H��� NO ������ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS, pursuant ta Council File No. 2�5958, approved December 24, 1963, the City of Saint Paul entered into an agreement with Harold J. DeGree� do�ng business as Minneso�a Inva'stigators� for the investigation of tort actions� which� by its terms, was to extend for one year after January 1, 1964; and WHEREA3, by subsequent resolutions of this Council said agreement was extended and continued in force up to and including May� 1965� the last such extension by Council File No. 223�+3, , approved May 19� 1965; and [aHEREAS� the same need egists as promp��d the original agreement� and it has not been determined to renew the agree�men� for a full term� now� therefore� be it RESOLVED� That the agreement heretofore made be continued in f`�ill force and effect for the months of June� July and August� 1965� under the same terms and conditionsa which agreement pr�vi:��s for the payment by the City to Minnesota Tnvestigators for their services. AUG 121� COUNCILIu1EN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AUG 12 �6� Dalglish Holland ApprovP� 19— � Tn Favor Meredith e r�_ MAyOr _.�AE'81I18t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-as