224854 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK 224��4 . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �IIESENTEO EY ���` !�,����,f , COMMISSIONEQ �• �Z"7""�"'' �ATF t WHEREAS, the Council of the City of �ain� Paul, pursnant to Council File No. 22�+589, approved July �2, 1965, ratif3.ed an - Award of the Cor�tract Comtnit�ee upon°Forma,l Bid No. 1351, �he same being an award to Price Brothers Company of Ohio aa the low bidder on Formal Bid No. 1351, calling for the furnishing of eoncrete cylindeP pipe; and ' WFiEREAS, said bidder by communication and letf�er has requested , that it be permitted to withdraw from said contract on the basis • ' of a mistake in� computing its bid; and / � WHEREAS, the Contraet Committee has considered said request � of the low bidder and has examined the work sheets of the lo�r � bidder and has made findings tha,t to compel Price Brothers Company to perform pursuan� to the terms of cor�traet under Formal Bid No. 1351 would be inequi�able and work an und�.e Y�ardship upon said contractor; ar�d � Wl�REAS, it appears, in accordance with the recommendation of the Contract Committee, tha.t it would be in the be�� interests of the City of Saint Paul to allow Price Brothers Gompany to withdraw saicl bid,, therefore be it � r T RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it , herewith rescinds action ta.ken on July 22, 1965 ratifying an award . � � of contract to Price Brothers Clompar�y under Formal Bid No. 1351 � � , � and hereby allotvs Price Brothers Company to withdraw its bid �nder said Formal Bid; be it � '-v -, o � RESOLVED FtJRTHER, by the Counail of the City of Saint Paul, o that it herewith concurs in and ratifies ths recommendation of the � �, Contract Committee, in consequence -o�' the above cited ac�ion, and � " makes • an award of contract to Interna�ional Pipe and Ceramics Corporation, the seeond lowest bidder on �'orma.l Bid No. 1351, and N � herewi'�h directs the Purchasin A ent �o notif In e � and Ceramics Co � � � Y t rnational Pipe rporation of said Award, and to arrange for the execution of a contraat under said Formal Bid No . ],351 . COUNCILMEN �Adopted by the Counci�lUG 12196� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish A U G 12196� Holland i- Approved 19— �ee s --, � Tn Favor Metedith , -�C+Ects'0�— MAJ►OP A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 'PllBCISHED AU� �4 t�6E'/ ioa� a�s �